Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

All Blog Posts (837)

IBCs in the driveway

I've scored six IBCs and they're sitting in the driveway. Still working on the plan for my basement in Google Sketchup. There is a lot of planning still to do - and cleaning out the basement!

Added by Eoin Ross on November 21, 2011 at 10:36pm — No Comments

Green Acre Organics Breaking News - Update!

In my last blog about Green Acre's breaking news, I announced that we had moved on from our former affiliation and explained a couple of the reasons for our change in direction.  Most importantly though, it was time to expand upon our own aquaponic experience and share it with others that were eager to learn.  Since last month, we have even more great news to share and more details about our new and exciting direction and partners and its fall and any Florida farmer knows Fall means…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on November 17, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Plan 'B' Biofilter Inoculation Experiment

Photo below is of pea gravel in small laundry detergent bucket with holes drilled in bottom and around lower edges. Gravel came from AP community member Kip Edmond's system.  Rather than mix the pea gravel with the Hydroton, I thought I'd see if this approach might work to inoculate my grow bed.  

Also noticing wide swings in pH from a 6.5 at 9AM this morning to 8.0 at 5 PM. Will forego muriatic dosing this evening and take new samples tomorrow.  Photos of each test are on…


Added by Bill Moore on November 12, 2011 at 4:29pm — 1 Comment

Learning aquaponics from 'Mr Vertical'...aka... Sahib, The Urban Guru.

Learning from 'Mr Vertical'...aka... Sahib, The Urban Guru.

I've been having the pleasure of working with Sahib, 'The Urban Guru' for a few weeks now. I believe Mr. Cosmo 1st called him that, in one of his great blogs.

Sahib is busy adding a 'new section' to his 'urban experiment.'  He calls Phase 2...'Vertical Mania' I love it.

If anyone…


Added by David Hart on November 11, 2011 at 8:00am — 6 Comments

Beginning to Cycle the Plan 'B' System

Recently uploaded photo of our tap water showing the results of a test my tap water and the API test kit.  Dark blue green test tube is the tap water.  The light yellow green is a 10:1 dilution with lemon juice.  Conclusion: tap water is slightly alkaline and API test kit is working.


On the advice of TCLynx, added 5ml of muriatic acid this morning (Thrs 11 Nov 2011) and when I tested this afternoon, it was in the 7.0-to-7.5 range (photo to follow).  Also added capful of…


Added by Bill Moore on November 10, 2011 at 2:06pm — 2 Comments

Community pages need new management

For the last couple of weeks, mounting pressure from family commitments, work and research projects have been taking its toll on my “aquaponics time”.  Recently, these little distractions culminated in the news that a job that I have applied for months ago had finally come through, and that I will be heading off to Cape Town, 800 km from where I live now.  I do not have much time to get all my things in order, and part of what I would like to sort out are the pages that I have started over…


Added by Kobus Jooste on November 8, 2011 at 1:36pm — 16 Comments

Aquaponics in psychological care

I'm looking into using aquaponics in psychological care, I just made an presentation about aquaponics to an organization that uses gardening/plants in indoor and outdoor designs for psychological and physical health.


They liked the idea of using aquaponics so much that they are using a system as the center of  a new design for the outdoor area in an psychiatric care hospital.



Added by Mörður Gunnarsson Ottesen on November 7, 2011 at 10:57am — 12 Comments

Red Lava Rock & pH Test

Added washed red lava rock to grow bed this afternoon. Also ran first pH test of the water.  Looks to be in the 8 range.  Will monitor this week to see if adding the lava changes the level.  

Added by Bill Moore on November 6, 2011 at 4:16pm — 4 Comments

Going from hydro to aquaponic

I set this system up in our kitchen last year to help hone my skills of growing lettuce and herbs using a 50 gal reservoir with the plans of switching to a 50 gal fish tank this year.  Just getting ready now  make that move, and trying to figure out what kind of filtering system would be best.  I used coco 3" cups in the gutters when doing "hydroponics" and I am wondering if I should switch to the clay in the gutters and add earthworms.  Am I barking up the wrong tree? Any advice out there?…


Added by Oma Richmond on November 6, 2011 at 2:13pm — 4 Comments

Harvest Day

My school operates an aquaponic greenhouse with 2 systems per class. We seeded a month and a half ago and the tilapia are eating and the plants were growing like crazy. At one point the cucumbers grew 3cm (1.2in) in one weekend. All of our seeds sprouted and grew like crazy. We held the plants in egg-cartons (I only suggest this if you have the power to keep bad bacteria at bay) so they would germinate.

Soon it was looking like a forest with the beans and cucumbers towering; the…


Added by Eric Warwick on November 5, 2011 at 10:51pm — 6 Comments

Plan 'B' Water Test Successful

I am pleased to report that the CHOP2 system using the Rubbermaid Ag tanks is now working as I write.  Glued everything together (boy it's hard to keep the purple solvent from running everywhere!).   Started water test with sump filling grow bed to see if the siphon worked.  Immediately discovered leak around 1" tank flange. let most of water drain and then siliconed the flange.  Discovered same problem as I next filled the 100 gal. fish tank.  It too leaked, so I bailout some of the water,…


Added by Bill Moore on November 5, 2011 at 5:58pm — 1 Comment

Fruits don't develop in my aquaponic system


I am located in the south of India in Cochin. I have a 600 lt concrete tank with about 5o tilapia of different sizes. A pump works every 15 minutes to circulate water into a grow bed and to a 100mm dia pipe which is a NFT bed. Water in maintained at a pH between 6.8 to 7.3 and has a tendency to go alkaline very frequently. I manage pH with orthophosphoric acid. 

Fish thrive very well. I feed them with a home made food which is a mix of azzola, hen's eggs and…


Added by Ravi George on November 4, 2011 at 1:00am — 7 Comments

A new Beginning

Dear Aquaponics enthusiasts, I have  taken it upon myself to do my part in sorting out the financial crisis in Ireland. I strongly believe that it is possible to create employment from an commercial aquaponics setup. I have a background in hydroponics in Holland from my time there in the 1990's. I know how to do the plumbing but I am sure the more experienced members will know that plumbing skills are only a small percentage of getting things right.


After huge effort and…


Added by Dave Keefer on November 3, 2011 at 9:20pm — 4 Comments

Plan 'B' Set Up Assembled

Phase one now almost ready to run. All of the PVC plumbing fittings in place, metal halide light rewired back to 240V for lower current drain, new circuit box installed, power outlets for pump and bubbler GFCI wired. Will begin water tests this weekend.


QUESTION:  What is recommended lighting cycle? Run 24 hrs a day or should there be some X hrs of dark?  

Added by Bill Moore on November 3, 2011 at 10:41am — 7 Comments

An Aquaponic Adventure

Milwaukee - Monday morning at Sweet Water Organics.  Upon my arrival, I was struck by the artistic flair and earthy ambiance that is quintessentially Sweet Water.  From hand painted signs and colorful artwork through out, I was immediately impressed by the fact that Sweet Water was more than just a place where they grow fish and plants.  I wandered about and explored while I sought out my host, Godsil.  Upon finally encountering some monolithic work being undertaken outside, I found…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on November 3, 2011 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Aquaponics in Japan - Micro Aquaponics Model 2

So, after the last micro aquaponics system ended up looking and working very nicely.. but being far too big to easily transport around, we decided to make an even micro'er system!  This one can easily be split apart for transporting to schools around Tokyo and Chiba to show the kids exactly what aquaponics is.


If anyone has any information or notes about aquaponics that they use to give to children, I would love to take a look at those before I start designing them from…


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on November 2, 2011 at 10:37pm — 4 Comments

2011/11/01 - Life got busy, but here's a quick update

My fiance finally moved across the country and is here with me now.  Yay!  This means we're doing more on the garden... a little... kind of.  It also means I'm not spending my evenings blogging.  Yay... kind of.  LOL

So here are the updates!

We've once again moved the barrel beds, and we've been hooking up the plumbing on them and the raft bed.  It's almost done.  (It's been almost done for a couple of weeks now, but I think this weekend we'll probably knock it…


Added by Andrea on November 1, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

More health officals 'Gone Wild'

Here's another 'farm raid'....What would our founding Fathers do with these 'officals' ?



Added by David Hart on October 31, 2011 at 5:27am — 5 Comments

Micro-Aquaponics unit

I just about have the micro-unit complete. It still needs to be tested, add the light support and light, pumps etc. I have already found several things to change aesthitically and functionally.  There will be half-panels on the sides and an opaque or textured glass divider to hide the sump. Fish tank will be removable unit. I will add a base molding to widen the appearance…


Added by Rick Stillwagon on October 24, 2011 at 8:12pm — 7 Comments

Plan B Weekend Update

Whew!  What a weekend. Dismantled old steel storage shed in backyard that was old when we moved here in 1994.  Disposed of it and some other junk at fall clean-up days here in Papillion.  Cut shelf legs and painted first coat of Rustoleum on shelve that will position grow bed above sump tank. The one badly rusted shelf just happen to be where I need to cut out the metal for the siphon outlet to drain into the sump.. convenient!  

Added by Bill Moore on October 23, 2011 at 3:04pm — No Comments

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