Aquaponic Gardening

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Beginning to Cycle the Plan 'B' System

Recently uploaded photo of our tap water showing the results of a test my tap water and the API test kit.  Dark blue green test tube is the tap water.  The light yellow green is a 10:1 dilution with lemon juice.  Conclusion: tap water is slightly alkaline and API test kit is working.


On the advice of TCLynx, added 5ml of muriatic acid this morning (Thrs 11 Nov 2011) and when I tested this afternoon, it was in the 7.0-to-7.5 range (photo to follow).  Also added capful of ammonia and will test for nitrate and ammonia tomorrow AM. 

Finally, on the topic of grow bed media, I spoke with Darren Brown at Buildex about their expanded shale aggregate. Says that others have called about using it in aquaponics systems but its high pH turns them away. Based on tests done by the company several years ago, pH is rated at 8.6, which is clearly problematic for aquaponics from what little I know at this point. He is sending me a small 1 gal sample of their 5/8-3/4 inch material to test. Also quoted me a price of around $44 per cubic yard in 50lb bags from their plant between Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo.  Will report on findings next week.

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Comment by TCLynx on November 10, 2011 at 7:09pm

I know most expanded products will have an initial pH that is high but many of them become rather inert after a period of time.  Might be worth giving some of the sample a rinse and maybe a slightly acid rinse before putting it in some distilled water for a week and then checking to see what the pH of the water does over time.


5/8-3/4 inch material sounds great.

Comment by Bill Moore on November 10, 2011 at 4:38pm

Here's promised photo of pH test #3.

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