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Learning aquaponics from 'Mr Vertical'...aka... Sahib, The Urban Guru.

Learning from 'Mr Vertical'...aka... Sahib, The Urban Guru.

I've been having the pleasure of working with Sahib, 'The Urban Guru' for a few weeks now. I believe Mr. Cosmo 1st called him that, in one of his great blogs.

Sahib is busy adding a 'new section' to his 'urban experiment.'  He calls Phase 2...'Vertical Mania' I love it.

If anyone has taken a tour, or seen his videos.....this new section is in the opposite corner of the shopping center. Lot's of things going on....already have lots of strawberries planted in some verti-grows...and just started planting some pocket towers yesterday. Of course the water is being collected and returned to the system, un-like most towers do in hydroponics.

I've got to laugh....we are already working on 'phase 3'. I'll just give a tease on this involves catfish and trees...


If your interested in not only learning about the basics of aquaponics, but also want to learn about using several different techniques together....making the most use out of a small space.......Consider taking Sahib's training comming up next month. For more details, check out the 'events' section ....

Views: 227


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Comment by Sahib Punjabi on November 17, 2011 at 5:57am

Ha are so funny David,


OK! Just for you, on the next Florida Aquaponics Farm Tour that our friend Cosmo Sir arranges, if he selects our farm, we will do just that and have both virgin and ... Mojitos "water"...yes with a "little umbrella"  :-)


God bless,

Comment by David Hart on November 17, 2011 at 3:34am


Here's a picture of one of the ibc totes that we've been working on....




I did wrap it with some insulation before adding the bamboo. The box on top, is a seed starting area.




Comment by David Hart on November 17, 2011 at 3:31am





I did wrap it with some insulation before adding the bamboo. The box on top, is a seed starting area.

Whenever I look at it, I want to add a little umbrella to my glass of water...  :) 


Comment by Sahib Punjabi on November 11, 2011 at 6:23pm

I am developing my website, and will share the progress and developments of Sahib's Aquaponics Research Farm with Community members. Please visit the site and give me your feedback.


Thank you & God bless 

Comment by Sahib Punjabi on November 11, 2011 at 6:20pm

Thank you David ;-)


It is also a pleasure working with you. With your extensive knowledge in plumbing, I am able to further push the limits that we can try to get out our small pond pumps. Yes, Phase II will be an amazing "Vertical Mania". We are almost complete and will share our work soon. As always, the goal is to maximize the growing space, and that in otherwise wasted urban space, so as to show just what is possible using Hybrid Aquaponics systems.


Phase III...well, now that will be different :-)


Looking forward to a great friendship where we will both learn from each other and be able to share this wonderful knowledge and way of life with others.


God bless 

Comment by David Hart on November 11, 2011 at 12:36pm

Opps....I used verticle instaed of vertical. Well, The towers are vertical, but either one could be used for Sahib...


Ver"ti*cle\, n. [L. verticula a joint.] An axis; hinge; a turning point. --E. Waterhouse.


His way of setting up a system could be a 'turning point' for some....

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