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All Blog Posts (837)

A Look at 2011

The final week of 2011 is here and it is almost time to start singing Auld Lang Syne.  What started out as a Scottish poem in 1788 has become the anthem of New Years Eve.   Ever wondered what the heck we sing about every year at midnight of December 31st?  Well, apparently the song begins by asking whether or not old times should be forgotten and is also a reminder to remember long-standing and important friendships.  At Green Acre, we certainly do not want to forget old times and definitely…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on December 28, 2011 at 6:33am — No Comments

Bill of Materials

Flood and Drain Aquaponics System

I set out to design a small basement aquaponics system following the

recommendations in Sylvia's book, as well as some of my own ideas and

advice from friends.

First I jotted down a bill of materials for the larger parts and things

I think are needed. I've included links to the sources from which I

purchased each item. Once I have these in hand and begin assembly I

will post additional items, alterations, and… Continue

Added by John Fruncek on December 27, 2011 at 3:39pm — 1 Comment

One more step – Part two ~ Sorry, lots of words and no pics (at this time)

Good news! Merry X-mass all! On Christmas Eve, I received a call that lasted about four hours and in conclusion I got a wonderful X-Mass present in the form of a committed Angel Investor. Phase one will begin as soon as I finish negotiating and sign an agreement with the landlord, (hopefully within the next month).

Phase One will be concentrating on the forest pasture to increase my egg and chicken production from my current two hundred hens to a possible five…


Added by Carey Ma on December 26, 2011 at 8:28am — 1 Comment

Merry Christmas and a Prospers New Year to All The Aquapons

I guess it is about time for some Hallelujahs and Thank You Jesus for this year that has almost passed.  There is so much to be thankful for.  First, I have a crew of 4 wonderful hard working WWOOFers living here.  They will stay at least 3 months which makes it really good.  You don't have to constantly retrain.  Tales is from Brazil and he is a biologist and loves the aquaponics.  I can trust him to take care of the fish ,  His friend Sandro is from Brazil also.  He has cleared all the…


Added by Raychel A Watkins on December 21, 2011 at 10:38pm — 5 Comments

Willie Nelson's Editorial About the Food System

I originally posted this article on my personal food blog, but wanted to share it here for anyone that is interested.


I have enjoyed listening to country music since the days of eight track tapes, a.m. radio's, and first generation Sony Walkman.  Tammy Wynette, George Jones, and Tom T. Hall were regulars on Kansas City's 61 Country station that we listened to all day long whether in…


Added by Brian on December 18, 2011 at 3:40pm — 6 Comments

Testing pH of Buildex Expanded Shale Pebbles

One possible grow medium that might be considered somewhat comparable to Hydroton (expanded clay pebbles imported into the USA from Germany) is Buildex, an expanded shale product produced at a quarry located between St. Joseph, Mo. and Kansas City, which is only about 150 miles south of my location near Omaha, Ne.  The company sent me a 10 pound sample of the material to test. Today, after several weeks of letting a handful of the material sit in pH neutral snow melt (see attached photos), I…


Added by Bill Moore on December 18, 2011 at 2:27pm — 1 Comment

How Designing Smarter Farmers' Markets Will Help Our Cities Survive

I thought that this might be of interest to commercial aquaponics growers in particular... but anyone with an interest in urban sustainability really:

© Dan Carmody

Daniel Carmody, President of the Eastern Market in Detroit, is a passionate speaker, and entranced many of us attending the…


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on December 15, 2011 at 4:10am — 3 Comments

Net Pot Filling HG HID Heating/Sprouts

Here is an idea that I originally saw in on one Chris Smiths posts (Chris seems to be full of practical and useful ideas, thanks Chris)...Originally I wasn't going to sprout my seeds in a hydroton only media, but after trying  this, this past summer with 50 or 60 different plants (from various leafy green types, to tomatoes and peppers), I saw that it works great. Every seed I planted sprouted as good or even better than in all the different cocco coir, vermiculite, perlite, worm casting,…


Added by Vlad Jovanovic on December 14, 2011 at 7:12am — 2 Comments

Winter 2011

       As the seasons change so do our plants. Lets be honest everything in the universe has its time to run its course for change. Everything i have learned about this new idea of agriculture that is Aquaponics up to this point has surely been riveting. Yet, really no direct source of information could be found throughout the internet, one should only hope to see whether this website pulls all the strings together. Seemingly so for the time being. Though, all the effort certainly was worth…


Added by Miles Muniz on December 12, 2011 at 4:24pm — No Comments

Is Integrating Media Beds with DWC Worth It?

Integrating a media bed with a DWC or raft type system has a multitude of benefits.  One mustn’t only consider the increased growing diversity, but the additional nutrient availability, the addition of a tremendous biofilter, the reduction of labor from not removing solids and the benefit of utilizing those solids.  Of course if this is to be considered for a commercial application, the additional cost of…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on December 12, 2011 at 4:18pm — 30 Comments

Greenhouse Heating using Lights

I'm just kinda throwing this out the hope that it might be of some use to someone, somewhere...

What we're looking at is a 4'x8'x32" high seedling table that I built in the greenhouse. I've velcro-ed bubble foil wrap around the table so that I can open and close and get in there with relative ease.…


Added by Vlad Jovanovic on December 12, 2011 at 6:00am — 4 Comments

DIY Black Soldier Fly Composter

Hi there,

I am sure that most people already know about this method of composting and fish-food produciton, but I came across this decent video of how to make a DIY Black Soldier Fly composter.  The larvae from these systems consume a huge amount (really huge!) of waste food (including meat) and turn it into:

1.  Much less waste (and a kind of fertiliser liquid gold)

2.  Big fat soldier fly grubs that are about 60% protein and fantastic free fish…


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on December 11, 2011 at 11:35pm — 7 Comments

One More Step!

Maybe dreams really do come true. I’m only in initial negotiations at this time (as of yesterday), and there will be a thousand and one hurdles to jump before I can actually claim the existence of my concept institute, “Ma’s Greensmart Institute”, but it finally has a glimmer of hope.


It seems that both ladies, Fate and Destiny have kissed my cheeks. My new farm will be located in the same village, no more than a quarter mile from my experimental garden. It is a fifty-acre…


Added by Carey Ma on December 8, 2011 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

Green Acre Gratitude

This is the first in my new Green Acre Organics blog series at  However, as I was posting it here, it occurred to me that I missed a huge thank you.  I am incredibly grateful for the folks and friends I have met and made here.  There are those that keep me thinking and questioning like Kobus, Rupert and Raychel and those that almost always have something kind and supportive to say like Sahib or there…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on December 6, 2011 at 7:06pm — No Comments

Freezing temps and lettuce!!

We knew this winter would be a learning experiment and we're definitely learning a lot! Made it through last nights temps of 5 degrees - got down to 16 in the greenhouse but other than a couple of basil plants that bit the dust everything else came through with flying colors. We cover the the rafts and media beds with row cover material at night which seems to help immensely. Yesterday we hustled and insulated one fish tank with foil bubble insulation and installed 3 - 300 watt heaters ----…


Added by Darlene Skellion on December 6, 2011 at 4:51pm — No Comments

Japan Aquaponics - Micro System 4 - I think we might have cracked it!

Hello everyone,


I have just looked at the front page and I have to apologise for seeming to take up half of it with various photos, videos, updates etc... it seemed they were everywhere so sorry for hogging the white space!


As you may have gathered from previous posts, I am trying very hard to put together a micro system that could be used in schools in Japan, but particularly we want to donate them to schools in the regions that were severely affected by the…


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on November 29, 2011 at 11:30pm — 13 Comments

Portable farms

Hi everyone, brand new to the community, been running an aqua farm since Feb 2010.  Wondering if anyone here has any experience revamping a portable farms system?  did some reading on the site and found a comment about a few others experiencing what I went through.



Added by Alexander Horning on November 26, 2011 at 4:03pm — 11 Comments

Cycling System Water Analysis

A.N.N. test of "plan B" fishless system on Saturday, 26 Nov 2011. Have a few seedlings in the bed. Have been occasionally adding capful of seaweed extract. Shifted to Maxicrop with Iron (2%). Added 50 ML yesterday.  Noted that after over dosing with Muriatic Acid (75 ml) pH dropped to 5 range and water seemed to clear. Prior it was slightly murky in appearance. As pH…


Added by Bill Moore on November 26, 2011 at 8:48am — No Comments

A Very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving

Aloha All

David H said we haven't read our thankful posts we wrote in 2010 so I thought we should post our 2011 thoughts on thankfulness.  I have wanted to write a blog on how I feel for some time but never seem to get the time to do it.  I want to say that I am very thankful this Thanksgiving for many things,

I reached my 71 st year if life this month and discounting a few aches and pains am halthy.  I do wish my body felt as young as my mind.  I have the most wonderful…


Added by Raychel A Watkins on November 24, 2011 at 11:22am — 2 Comments

Lanai Aquaponics

OK, we've been up and running for two weeks now, bated breath, but starting to let it out, everything seems balanced in the system.


If you'd like to see one extremely conservative way to save space, search facebook (FB in future posts) for Lanai Aquaponics.


Added by Kirsten Udd on November 23, 2011 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

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