Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

For the last couple of weeks, mounting pressure from family commitments, work and research projects have been taking its toll on my “aquaponics time”.  Recently, these little distractions culminated in the news that a job that I have applied for months ago had finally come through, and that I will be heading off to Cape Town, 800 km from where I live now.  I do not have much time to get all my things in order, and part of what I would like to sort out are the pages that I have started over here on the forum.  


I’m sure Sylvia may have some suggestions as well, but as I have always kept the page rules relatively lax, I’m sure it will be possible for other individuals to add discussions without any problems.  The advanced aquaponics, mixed aquaponics design and South African pages are all open for members to steer from this point forward.  Who decides to do this is up to the community to decide as I will likely not be around too often and really do not want to try and hand pick anyone myself.


While I will be stepping away from tinkering to take up a post in a rather unfamiliar government context, I wish everyone here the best with their endeavours.  I’m sure to come in and take a peek at what you guys are up to from time to time and will, in future, probably get a system up again as soon as I find a property to buy on the other side (job allowing).


I have resigned from the Aquaponics Association board with immediate effect today as well.  While it feels a bit as if I am stepping away from aquaponics abruptly, I’m sure my path will continue to cross with aquaponics and urban agriculture in my new role at the Select Committee for Land and the Environment.  For members from my part of the world, there may be some system components up for grabs soon.  I’ll keep you guys posted.


Regards and respect





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Comment by Vlad Jovanovic on November 13, 2011 at 4:11pm

Good luck with all your endeavors in Cape Town  Kobus. Your presence here will surely be missed. 

Comment by Kobus Jooste on November 13, 2011 at 11:16am

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.  By the looks of things, I will have to rent on the other side for a bit.  We have decided to see if we can survive holding on to this house and buying another over in Cape Town as soon as my wife can find work.  I will therefore experience a half-year or so of no space for aquaponics, but will have a try at getting my new employers interested in a rooftop system


Not sure what red tape is involved with setting a system up on top of a govt building, and if I will be travelling too much to maintain it.  Will take it easy until I understand my new position better.

Comment by Earl ward on November 13, 2011 at 10:59am

Good Luck - come back soon

Comment by Chris Smith on November 11, 2011 at 8:36am

Good luck on your new job, Kobus. Unless your new employment includes a 12 step plan to treat sever aquaponics addiction, I suspect you will be back in you have in the past. You will be missed.

Comment by RupertofOZ on November 11, 2011 at 5:34am

Good luck in your new position Kobus, and thanks for sharing all you have to date

Hope to see you back from time to time

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on November 10, 2011 at 12:38pm

You will be deeply missed but I wish you all the best in your exciting new life, Kobus!  Do come back to us an say 'hi' once and a while.  

Comment by Harold Sukhbir on November 10, 2011 at 7:55am

Hi Kobus,

Please let us know what's happening with you as you go along. Hope you make an impact with the new post!

Comment by Teresa N Florida on November 9, 2011 at 7:11pm

I wish you well in your new job Kobus.  Your counsel and expertise will be sorely missed by the entire group.

Comment by Francois Lemmer on November 9, 2011 at 9:00am

Congratulations. All the very best

Comment by Chi Ma on November 8, 2011 at 7:23pm

You'll be back...they always come back...


Good luck...hope the hunting is good in those parts.



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