Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

M Cosmo's Blog (34)

My love affair with the perfect tool

Yes we all have that perfect tool. The one we are proud of and treat like jewelry. Alas we are bigamist and have several of them. Even the old ones. I have a collection of my grandfathers tools he used to build his bungalow colony in upstate NY. The ones he taught me to use as a small child. The wood handle screwdrivers and Chisels. I use them with tears of nostalgia. I also have several of his wood planes. Those I keep on display. But alas they are not the ones I am writing about.

Added by M Cosmo on October 5, 2010 at 8:39am — 8 Comments

Relationship (concealing) counseling through Aquaponics

We all know who they are. Our Significant others, wives, husbands, lovers, family or even just friends.… Continue

Added by M Cosmo on September 30, 2010 at 12:47pm — 4 Comments

The $600 head of Lettuce - The green drug dealers guide to sanity.

Caution ... Don't let your significant other read this post.
Refer to my next post - Relationship therapy through Aquaponics.

Ok we all know that there are hidden costs when getting involved in Aquaponics. I have written in the past about how my reuse - recycle greenhouse cost me in the thousands already. I know many of us like to scavenge - salvage - recycle etc. many of our materials. So here is my quest to lettuce nirvana.
I bought into…

Added by M Cosmo on September 28, 2010 at 6:46pm — 12 Comments

What do Children and Gurus have in common? Lessons learned in the Man Cave.

Thoughts that came to me in my greenhouse - the outside man cave
What do Children and Gurus have in common?…


Added by M Cosmo on September 19, 2010 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

We are all Dexter - reminiscing a sacred moment

It occurred to me late last night that we are all Dexter. No we don't want to kill humans, but we do want to right the wrongs of the system. In one sense we are direct serial killers of Tilapia, but at the same time we don't often recognize the same act as us bringing death to the Plant kingdoms. AI knew once a vegetarian 3 year old named Orion, who said in response to us trying to get him to eat fish. Does it have eyes? So profound. We identify the sentient life-form as one that… Continue

Added by M Cosmo on September 14, 2010 at 12:08pm — 3 Comments

A trip to Bartertown.

I took a trip to BarterTown. A nearby meca for us devotes of RRR (Reduce Reuse Recycle). It always Exciting to visit BarterTown otherwise known to the uninvited as Builders Surplus. The piles of treasurers are always changing. In these times of economic apocalypse. I don't subscribe to the gloom and doom vision of our world. I practice the Universal laws - Especially the Law of attraction.

The usual cast of characters run this place. Some…

Added by M Cosmo on September 11, 2010 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Volunteers needed for Fellow Aquapons Intervention! Please help

While carefully reading the recent posts by Sylvia and David I quickly realized that they have been converted by those Alien Tilapia. Please volunteer to help us plan an intervention for those Alien follower Aquapons that say "just can't get myself to eat my Tilapia". Even my good friend Ron has informed me that his family is naming his fish. How is he going to be able to get them.
I told him he can eat my fish and I can eat his. Or secret plan

Fellow Aquapons we…

Added by M Cosmo on September 4, 2010 at 9:05pm — 4 Comments

ET swim home. Teleportation by Suicide.

My first suicide victim or so I thought. Caution following blog is tongue in cheek or so you my think.
If you followed any of my blogs you would know that I discovered in my interspecies epicurean quest that Tilapia can control us humans telepathically to care and feed them. Now this leads to several amazing revelations. First that these are Aliens who are on our planet with us. The collective conscience of these…

Added by M Cosmo on September 3, 2010 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

Its Alive!!! Testing some organic Raft Pots and Floating sheets

It all always comes back to Mother Earth. Gaia as I know her. Being a triple Capricorn it is no surprise I am the Science guy. First the synchronicity of how I got here to this moment in time with this Aquaponics test. I was an Environmental Studies (76) major in College after I left Pre-med and this led me to related career paths including building commercial and residential domes - bioshelters and Appropriate Technology. Which landed me at New Alchemy Institute where I met the creative… Continue

Added by M Cosmo on September 3, 2010 at 9:54am — 3 Comments

It happen late one night! How my higher self teaches me. The 2x4 message.

It happen late one night! How my higher self teaches me lessons of life.

Yes all I had to do was to start talking about power backup systems and the what I call the third stage 2x4 message came quickly.
Early on in my life I realized that being an Italian New Yorker I was a little different than my midwestern college mates. When my Higher Self (yes I am expounding esoteric here) wanted me to be aware of a life lesson I would get three chances to GET…

Added by M Cosmo on August 27, 2010 at 11:49am — 9 Comments

The Aquapons Lexicon.

Aquapon: A human pawn manipulated by the Creatures of Aquaponics

DWC: Deep Water Culture: A cult of unspeakable icky creepy crawlers with some pretty things growing on top to hide them.

Raft Tank: A magic illusion of veggie plants floating in space.…


Added by M Cosmo on June 29, 2010 at 6:50pm — 4 Comments

OASIS - Open Aquaponics Synergy Integrated Systems or Non-RAS systems for dummies

Words can be fun but sometimes are a poor tool for understanding a vision or concept. As you many know I have an interest in opening up the boxes we build around our mental comfort zones. Many of us are always thinking out of the box or in our case out of the tank. Bar the limitations of our environment - Scare water etc. Many of us can afford to consume not waste some water for… Continue

Added by M Cosmo on June 28, 2010 at 10:59am — No Comments

My Zen Interspecies Epicurean Quest -

Ah the Grail! "you and the earth are one" One of the many grail secrets. There are so many great teachings and profound revelations to be experienced in this quest. KISS - keep it simple stupid.
So what is the Secret that I am endeavoring and dreaming of in this quest you may wonder.
To be a steward of Nature among many other things one has to be a great observer. A willing participant is also a plus. I would like a "thing" system - farm - garden - pond - what ever…

Added by M Cosmo on June 26, 2010 at 9:50am — 2 Comments

How to torture fish and kill plants through Aquaponics.

Rule one - If you can't have fun don't do it.

Rule two - If you can't laugh at your mistakes and yourself don't do it.

First the current status. My system has cycled. I now have readings Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates on the test scale. My 100 4" Blue Tilapia fingerlings are doing their job. Here at Blue Thumb Gardens in…

Added by M Cosmo on June 17, 2010 at 7:42pm — 2 Comments

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