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The headless 6 foot Cabbage that ate my Greenhouse.

So here is some scale. That Aliflor bed that it is in is about 14" square. The cabbage plant on the left is over 3 feet wide.  I harvested it today for the leaves in my green drinks. 

Now the monster on the right is about 6 feet or so. I am really tempted to let it keep growing. I has no HEAD. What the heck is going on. I think it know that if it heads I will harvest it. HA! I have harvested the other 5 that grew and now it must do its best to grow to an awesome size.  Well I will post more pics of it here as it grows more. I may even post one leaf if I can find a tree branch lopper to cut it off.  

I will post a buch of pics of things growing in my greenhouse these days for your voyeuristic pleasure. 

Views: 314


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Comment by halemart on April 30, 2011 at 3:45pm
exactly what mine did.  no head on them till later but 6 feet is alot of floor space to give to one plant :-)
Comment by Susanne Friend on April 16, 2011 at 8:22pm

I have been there....


Comment by TCLynx on April 16, 2011 at 6:00am

Yea, I got some that I can't figure out if it's cabbage or collards cause they aren't heading up

Went and got too warm or something I guess

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