Aquaponic Gardening

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OASIS - Open Aquaponics Synergy Integrated Systems or Non-RAS systems for dummies

Words can be fun but sometimes are a poor tool for understanding a vision or concept. As you many know I have an interest in opening up the boxes we build around our mental comfort zones. Many of us are always thinking out of the box or in our case out of the tank. Bar the limitations of our environment - Scare water etc. Many of us can afford to consume not waste some water for our gardens. With that in mind I thought it might be a good idea to look at what has and could be done with an Open Aquaponics system. Sooo to continue in my now tradition of rambling and my stream of consciousness here is a little fun with words for an Acronym for an Open polyculture Aquaponics system. I only cited what I felt was relevant.

see the end of this post.
So what is the point of the verbose post you may ask. I am. We all do some sort of water change when things need to be maintained, fixed or treated. Maybe there is a lesson or idea to be learned from our kindred spirits of early adopters. I have created another posting about the ARK and its evolution to the home it has grown today. So check out the post about New Alchemy Aquaculture. I have posed a question to Earle & Hilde of The Great Work. They now live in the ARK-Home Bioshelter.; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; background-position: 100% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
OASIS - Open Aquaponics Synergy Integrated Systems or Non-RAS systems for dummies

oasis a fertile spot in a desert where water is found. figurative a pleasant or peaceful area or period in the midst of a difficult, troubled, or hectic place or situation : an oasis of calm in the center of the city.Openin a position allowing access to the inside part or the contentssynergy the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects : the synergy between artist and record companyORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Greek sunergos ‘working together,’ from sun-‘together’ + ergon ‘work.’integrated adjectivehaving been integrated, in particular with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated : integrate |ˈintiˌgrāt|verb [ trans. ]
combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole combine (two things) so that they become a whole : [ intrans. ] (of a thing) combine with another to form a whole :
ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Latin integrat- ‘made whole,’ from the verbintegrare, from integer ‘whole’
Systema set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network interconnecting network ‘together’ + ergon ‘work.’

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