Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

All Blog Posts (837)

Just starting out.

i don't remember the first time i saw aquaponics explained online. perhaps it was a video, or an article. one thing i do know, is that it has inspired me. i am currently a student at my local community college, with big dreams of having a PhD in chemistry or agriculture perhaps. even in high school i wanted to be a chemist because i wanted to pioneer the many uses of industrial hemp. now that i've been out of school and worked for a few years my dreams of saving the world have evolved into a…


Added by Odd Tree on January 7, 2013 at 7:37am — No Comments

Custom vs. kits - the joys a building an aquaponic system from scratch

A happy new Year to you all. Happy fishmas, too :) It is summer here in  South Africa and I was hoping to show off my crop by now but all I've got is a leaking growbed and a bunch of lessons learned. In particular I am wondering what your experiences are with respect to custom vs. kit Aquaponics. How much did you spend or save in terms of cash and effort.

I've put together a little post to show my own progress. I think it is going to be a beautiful setup but judge for yourself:…


Added by Hans Christian von Stockhausen on January 1, 2013 at 9:07am — 6 Comments

Trout Project II

I have re-started my system with 16 8-10" trout in a 150 gallon stock tank and pea plants in two 50 gallon grow beds. Fish-less cycling in preparation for the trout was very quick compared to the new system startup last spring. I was concerned that the temperature differential between the outdoor pond at the hatchery (45 F) and the water in my basement tank (62 F) would be a problem, but all the fish seem to have survived it despite some initial sluggishness.

This time we also had a…


Added by Tom OBrien on December 25, 2012 at 10:23pm — No Comments

setting up a grow site in the ground with no watering needed

i came across this youtube video that showed by burying all plant debris , brush, logs etc it created a under ground water holding place . i don't know how to link but copied the name/ title. i am using it on plants in the ground. worth watching

try to google    "hugelkultur - the ultimate raised garden beds"   on youtube. maybe someone can post the link for me.

Added by mary scholz on December 25, 2012 at 9:14am — No Comments

Data during 55 gallon Fish tank cycling

Compilation of data during start up and ongoing.

System water volume running approximately 80 gallon / 300 liters.

Fishtank 55 gallon, three 10 gallon growbeds and one 40 gallon sump tank.

This data is from my small indoor system, looking to expand further in the spring.…


Added by Joe Fisher on December 21, 2012 at 10:30pm — 5 Comments

TOFF has taken over lease.

Our Starting System will consist of
18 count 1400 gallon fish tanks.
2 count 700g sumps tanks
20000 gallons of grow beds
1000 gallon raft tank
400 sq-ft of Fodder growing.

We have both water rights to the well on sight and the pond. the pond is feed by a spring and run off. both water sores have been tested and are clean.

Added by Michael Silberstein on December 13, 2012 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Hawaii Library Patrons interested in Aquaponic Gardening

Picking up books at the library for my soon to be visiting grandkids. While there, I thought I would look up books on aquaponics. I discovered aquaponics didn't search well and came up with no listings. When I did find it after searching hydroponics, I found out it was Sylvia Bernstein's Aquaponic Gardening that was listed in 26 Hawaii libraries.

As of today 12-12-12, 18 were checked out or in transit to another library, 7 were in and 1 missing at a big isle library.

I was just…


Added by Jim Hall on December 12, 2012 at 11:50pm — 1 Comment

newest of newbies

I finally out of this to my brand new aquaponics system. It is so tiny I'm not sure I could even qualifies as aqua ponics. I have a 10 gallon tank , I added celery plant and a strawberry plant on top. In the inside by the fish I added a peace lily. I added 12 tiny goldfish to the tank. Since this is my maiden voyage in aqua ponics, my son thinks that I went into over kill with too many fish. I decided to use feeder goldfish since they were hardier. Needless to say I've already had my first… Continue

Added by Dawn Rodriguez on November 29, 2012 at 5:49am — 2 Comments

Indoor Hybrid Aquaponics System we recently built

I was hoping to show a new system that we made for a community learning centre in Northern Japan. This had been set up in Minamisanriku, a town that had been practically wiped off the map by last year's earthquake and tsunami.  

We had the support of the Australia and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan and several other groups, but we also have to thank two members of this forum who wish to remain anonymous, but who made a significant donation to the…


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on November 28, 2012 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

A Radical New Type of CSA and How We’re trying to Kickstart it

      I have always struggled to explain my vision for the future.  In my mind it’s crystal clear.  I see people consuming food grown in their kitchen.  I see people living in houses that have walls of orchids and ferns, sleeping and working and playing in rooms that resemble more a jungle than a bedroom or a study.  Whenever I drive through the city, I envision the gray concrete walls and the ugly architecture covered with the straw-colored stalks of grasses, brown branches and green…


Added by Nate Storey on November 26, 2012 at 12:39pm — 7 Comments

How To Get What You Want

What do you want most in all the world? More money, a new car stereo, a vacation? To lose ten pounds, to get home from work in time to see your favorite sitcom? Or is it something more than that, something harder to define?

Maybe you've given up on ever realizing your true dreams, and you settle for smaller things because they, at least, seem possible. Maybe it never occured to you to ask yourself if the goals you've been pursuing really are what you want…


Added by Vlad Jovanovic on November 25, 2012 at 6:47am — 9 Comments


Aloha everyone fronm the  land of paradise.  Everyone may not think it is paradise but to me it has been paradise since 1964 when my feet first toched Hawaiian soil.  I can remember almost 60 years later the very feeling I had when I stepped down from the airplane "My soul said you are home".  I left once for an extended period of time and regreted it for a lot of reasons.  One my health went to pot (deterioated) but most of all I mourned for 14 years for Hawaiil.  When I returned in 1998 my…


Added by Raychel A Watkins on November 24, 2012 at 2:41pm — 1 Comment

Poor dead fishy

Lost a goldfish today.  Pretty sure it was the same one that made a side trip to the floor on purchase day, and the rest of the lot are doing just fine.
No great loss, as it was a 27 cent Comet from Petsmart.

Added by Chuck Phillips on November 22, 2012 at 12:05am — No Comments

Time for a Different Kind of Revolution?

Food and eating for our society has evolved far beyond the need for sustenance, but instead now has a myriad of social conventions associated with it.  We share big announcements over dinner, engagements are made, careers are toasted and yearly rites of passage are commemorated.  Food consumption is not just about eating to survive any longer but instead has become a venue for entertainment and social activity.  Unfortunately though, this shift in our diet and our eating habits has…


Added by Gina Cavaliero on November 21, 2012 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Im trying to go big in Kansas City.

My Kickstarter Page

As of now I have 2 successful and committed chefs and 2 "sandwich shop" owners, that have promised to buy whatever produce I grow. I have had to stop accepting clients, until I have more space. …


Added by Maurice Person on November 19, 2012 at 4:14pm — No Comments

How to build a 4'x4' Ebb & Flow Bioponics / Peeponics System

This document is step by step instructions on building and using a 4’x4’ ebb & flow bioponic system. All steps were taken to be as frugal as…


Added by Meir Lazar on November 19, 2012 at 12:00pm — 11 Comments

System like at Growing Power, sloped beds that are 6 inches deep

Hi all,

Am new here.

I recently started volunteering at a urban gardening center that has an aquaponics system that seems to be copied from Will Allen's Growing Power.

The growing beds seem to be sloped about 1 inch per six feet.  My thought is that beds are usually flat.  In building new beds, should they be level or sloped?

Also the media is about 6 inches deep, as opposed to 12 inches recommended in the book.  How much less effective will 6 inch…


Added by Lance Green on November 15, 2012 at 3:51am — 2 Comments

NYTimes "My Dream Food Label"

"WHAT would an ideal food label look like? By “ideal,” I mean from the perspective of consumers, not marketers."



Added by Jesse Hull on November 4, 2012 at 11:46am — 1 Comment

Fall & Winter Projects

We have recently finished moving things around in the greenhouse.  Jeb a friend and cohort in research in PNW gardening, is working on his degree in permaculture and horticulture with a focus on our climate and region.  He will be conducting several studies using my greenhouse and the one we completed for him this Summer.  Those studies will be in passive and low energy input (his greenhouse) and a heated greenhouse using supplemental lighting (my greenhouse.)  These studies will include…


Added by Rick Stillwagon on October 26, 2012 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Southern Oregon Aquaponics Group Anyone ?

I am looking to start and grow a Southern Oregon Aquaponics Group. If anyone is interested, please contact me. I am in the startup stages for a system that is being built on my property. I already have my tanks, pumps, and Greenhouse frame. I am still gathering additional equipment I require for the Greenhouse and the Aquaponics System but this project is a go.

My goal is to focus mainly on helping the local Veterans in the area. To help them get back into civilian life and learn a…


Added by Bob Rogers aka The White Lion on October 21, 2012 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

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