Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Jesse Hull
  • Male
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • United States
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Jesse Hull's Friends

  • Kara  Knight
  • R.K. Castillo
  • Maurice Person
  • David Palmer
  • aquaponics.Bulgaria
  • John Cubit
  • Julie kirkwood
  • Austin Hsu
  • Keith Markham
  • Irvin Carrero
  • TonyP
  • Sokota Ireland
  • Mark Alarik
  • Hayden Mills
  • Glen McDonald

Jesse Hull's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
a friend
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, NFT, vertical, combination
How old is your system?
1 - 2 yrs
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Goldfish, Koi, Tilapia, Other
How big is your fish tank?
250 gallon - Controlled Environment
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Raised on a farm, with 20+ years experience in horticulture, I have performed extensive beta-testing for the hydroponic, greenhouse, & horticultural lighting industries.
My partner Molly Stanek and I currently teach alongside Murray Hallam, Michael Cosmo, and TCLynx as part of the Aquaponics Institute, and I currently act as the Director of Regional Affairs for the Aquaponics Association.
Co-founders of Imagine Aquaponics, Molly and I focus on urban farming and aquaponic food production systems, pushing to establish commercial sites in strategic areas of the US with the goal of strengthening and revitalizing communities and doing our part to make urban food deserts a thing of the past.

I currently hold degrees in Ceramic Chemistry, Metalsmithing, and Psychology, and am currently working on my fourth in Water Quality Technology.
While attending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, I traveled extensively across the U.S. as well as to Europe and Africa, building homes, soil & hydroponic gardens, farms, and irrigation systems.
I volunteered for several years with Habitat for Humanity's Global Village Program and have been involved in several natural disaster relief efforts since I witnessed the result of Hurricane Andrew in '92.

My introduction to aquaponics came as a result of experiments with hydro-organics and water filtration methods, during which time I combined the mechanically and biologically filtered waste from fish, rabbits, kelps, and rock powders to create a natural nutrient source for hydroponic('hydro-organic') plant systems that could compete with or surpass the quality and yields found in commercial synthetic fertilizer applications.
From 2009-2011, I held the position of Director of Horticulture, Research and Development at Sweet Water Organics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I was part of the team that improved upon and maintained a 70,000 gallon aquaponics facility, including design, construction, and maintenance of hydroponic, filtration, greenhouse, and horticultural lighting systems.

In what seems like a past life, I worked as a ceramic artist/chemist, creating wheel-thrown & altered porcelain for 14 years. See:
The parallels that can be drawn between ceramic and horticultural chemistry are many, and he loves to push the limits of both.

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Jesse Hull's Blog

NYTimes "My Dream Food Label"

Posted on November 4, 2012 at 11:46am 1 Comment

"WHAT would an ideal food label look like? By “ideal,” I mean from the perspective of consumers, not marketers."



Organic Debate: That Flawed Stanford Study

Posted on October 3, 2012 at 2:30pm 1 Comment

I tried to ignore the month-old “Stanford study.” I really did. It made so little sense that I thought it would have little impact.

That was dumb of me, and I’m sorry.…


Local Farming in Russia: For a country that only has a 110 day growing season, this is truly impressive.

Posted on October 1, 2012 at 3:00pm 0 Comments

"It turns out that Russia’s current agricultural model is one that thrives as a result of the millions of small-scale, family-owned and -operated, organically-cultivated farms that together produce the vast majority of the food consumed throughout the country."…


Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 8:23pm on September 27, 2012, Julie kirkwood said…
Hi Jesse. I see you've been using iGrow induction lights. Have you only tested them on a small scale, or have you installed them on a large scale? Are you using them as a primary or secondary light source? What is your opinion on the capital cost of them? Do you believe the claims that they have the fastest return on investment of any lighting source?
Thanks for any insight you can provide!
At 10:24pm on June 18, 2012, Mona Miller said…

Hi Jesse Thanks for asking to be friends. Please check out our Branson Aquaponic Garden and Educational Center plan for Branson Missouri.

At 2:59pm on December 26, 2011, Chris Schup said…

Jesse, thanks for the invite. Looking forward to following your discussions. 

At 8:41am on October 19, 2011, AJ Grottke said…

Hey man!  Its been awhile.  I sent you a quick message  through your website the other day, not sure if you got it or not.  Ive been really busy running the mushroom farm, and im sure youve been busy too.  Id love to get updated on new things youve done.  We should really meet up soon.  Message or email me,



At 2:48pm on September 28, 2011, Bas de Groot said…

Hi Jesse,


Their is much going on we are working hard to open our first Urban Farm in Rotterdam (target 20 locations in 5 cities in 5 year) Great, but a very bumpy road that took 2,5 years. The Netherlands is a bit more difficult to get things done in the states. The quality  of your produce have to be from a high quality, prices are low, reculations are very strikt etc etc. (and employees get more money)

But as I said we are going to start and that is a great feeling.

Our fist location will be including field crop in selfcreated, soffruit in semi-hydro, doublegoal chicken  and Aquaponics. Selling threw baskets, restaurants and our own retail and restaurant.  The money is fixed and the builders are starting on the location. in november we have our first jobintervieuws .

to see some pictures go to /


How are you and moly doing I see that you have start your own Aquaponics business.


A nice thing to know is that we work with charlie and a dutch aquaculture organisation on a new AP system wher we can work with different tempatures (fish/plan) and different flows. to get a more ideal environment for the llettuce / herb that are our main focus (fish is hard to sell over here)


br Bas

At 6:30pm on September 27, 2011, TCLynx said…
I'm glad you were able to stop by.  Haven't had too much time for rest though.  Got home and started working on the plumbing for adding in the expansion of the tower system.  Finally got that all glued together today.  Was hoping the tower delivery would be today but there is still tomorrow.  Hopefully will have that going full tilt come mid October.  Spent an hour in the tree tonight cutting down more lufa and will be washing them tomorrow as I wait to see if the towers are going to come in.
At 9:26am on September 22, 2011, Mario Spatafora said…

Hey Jesse,

Great times.  Next week works for us, hopefully you got one of our numbers in Florida but if not just email and we'll figure out the details.  See ya soon.

At 9:39pm on July 25, 2011, Murray Hallam said…
Hi Jesse,......likewise.
At 12:12pm on March 31, 2011, Calvin Schmidt said…

Hey Jesse, quick question, what was the size of the building Sweet Water started in? (sqft). Also, how much fishtank would you say you started with(gallons)?




At 11:08am on February 3, 2011, Rick Garcia said…

Hey Jesse,

My name is Rick Garcia i'm from Denver, I was checking out your page and saw a picture of Emanuelle. I met him at Growing Power during the CUA workshops, he took us to Sweetwater. Cool real cool. Im working on small home size systems, of course everyplace has its challenges, but with much collaboration with folks like JD Sawyer and others in our area we are working towards making this a viable means of food production in our area. I am also looking at the larger more established producers such as SweetWater, Growing Power and Friendly Aquaponics as model of what we can become.

Your input and advice can go along way. 

                                                       Thanks Rick

                                                     The Urban Farm


 pass this on to Emanuelle too    Right on


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