Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Merry Christmas and a Prospers New Year to All The Aquapons

I guess it is about time for some Hallelujahs and Thank You Jesus for this year that has almost passed.  There is so much to be thankful for.  First, I have a crew of 4 wonderful hard working WWOOFers living here.  They will stay at least 3 months which makes it really good.  You don't have to constantly retrain.  Tales is from Brazil and he is a biologist and loves the aquaponics.  I can trust him to take care of the fish ,  His friend Sandro is from Brazil also.  He has cleared all the trees off the borders of my property so the sun can shine in.  These 2 guys are awesome.  Kyle is from Ohio and the latest to join.  He is a terrific worker also.  Huroko is a woman from Japan.  She came speaking little English.  But she is a terrific worker.  I have the best team ever.  We all take some time to teach Huroko  English.  

I met a new friend Kirsten of this site.  She came to my house with a friend fell in love with aquaponics and has her own little system on her lanai and the space is almost nothing.  She was doing worm composting her kitchen garbage when she discovered that she had BSF larvae everywhere  in the buckets,  We took some home and started feeding them and we had an explosion.  I am able to feed my 20 tanks of fish BSF everyday,  That much closer to no bought food.  Thank you Kirsten for the BSF but thank you mostly for your friendship.  It means a lot.

It seems like I have a constant stream of visitors now.  It is so wonderful to be able to talk and encourage other to try this.  Most people get excited about it.  Several have begun or are contemplating systems.  I know I will never be a Sylvia or a Gina but permaculture talks about filling niches.  I think I have found my niche and am going to do my best to make it a very fruitful niche.   I have had groups of children come by and I delight in those that ask questions and really have a desire to know how it works.  I have even gained a couple fish customers who come by once a week to catch their fish and clean them and have fun doing it.  

Forth.  I hosted my son in law this summer (he had a brain tumor removed.  I was able to see that aquaponics is helpful to people with brain injury.  He was able to relax let go of stress and feel useful again.

Fifth but certainly at the top of the list I got to go to the conference in Florida and meet a lot of the wonderful people  on this site,  This was a joy that can not be explained in words.  I won't forget it and I plan to go to the next one.  Thanks for all the fun and all the expanding of my education in aquaponics.

Winter has set in in Hawaii, I know that will make you all laugh as you look at all the snow outside.  It drops about 8 to 9 degrees in the day time with nights in the upper 50 or low 60's.  It is very pleasant most of the day.  The plants are all bursting forth as they don't have to stand the heat of the day.  The day time temp is around 81.  I know you all say that the tilapia need 80 degree water mine never gets over 75 but the fish don't read the thermometer so they go on about their business having babies and eating well.   I am getting better about saving babies.  

Tonight I was feeding BSF larvae to the fish.  Tales was playing his guitar and sing in the gazebo The wind was blowing through the many trees.  I could look out and see the mountains between the royal palms They were beautiful even though they have had no rain in 6 months or more.  There is a verse in the bible that says  " You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace and the MOUNTAINS SHALL BREAK FORTH BEFORE YOU  INTO SINGING AND ALL THE TREES OF THE FIELD SHALL CLAP THEIR HANDS"  Every time I look up at those mountains I see them dancing and singing and all my trees are clapping their hands.  This brings a joy to my heart and a peace to my spirit. I am so thankful to be alive at this time and involved in this movement.  

I want to thank all of you on this site for making it the most wonderful site on the internet.  Thank you Sylvia for starting it and keeping it good.  You are a wonderful bunch of people and I love to get up in the morning just to see what you are saying today.  I love you all and please keep up the fight for good wholesome food.  

God bless you all and may your next year bring you blrssings beyond what you could ever expect.

Mahalo Nui Loa and Aloha Ke Akua

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Comment by Gina Cavaliero on December 28, 2011 at 6:23am

Wonderful blog Raychel!  Thanks so much for sharing your triumphs of the last year and how aquaponics has enriched your life.  Was a wonderful highlight of my year to finally meet you in person.  Looking forward to the next.  

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on December 22, 2011 at 9:49pm

Raychel, you are such a beautiful soul.  Thank you for taking the time to write this and to share your thoughts of gratitude.  One of my biggest blessings this year was finally meeting you in person.  I hope the peace, love and joy of this season envelopes you all year round.

Comment by Zalinda Farms Inc on December 22, 2011 at 9:45pm

Merry Christmas Raychel and to All the members here !!!!

Comment by David Hart on December 22, 2011 at 5:12pm

  Merry Christmas Raychel :-)

Comment by Sahib Punjabi on December 22, 2011 at 2:38pm

Happy Holidays Rachel :-)

God bless,

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