Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

April 2012 Blog Posts (12)

Aquaponics for Schools in Japan - Yokohama International School

Last Friday, Japan Aquaponics installed their first school system in Yokohama International School - much to the delight of the Year 4 kids who helped us to put it all together and set everything up!  YIS already has a small system running in their cafeteria courtesy of another one of our first client... their chef... and because of that, about a month ago we visited the school and gave a series of classes to about 100 of the children and staff.   …


Added by Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 on April 29, 2012 at 5:33am — No Comments

2012/04/28 - Wow, things grow fast!

First the BEST news: we caught the critter!  It's a rat.  Cute little bugger, but doesn't need to be in my garden.  I asked fiance to drive him to somewhere with a field and drop him off.  I don't feel any urge to punish him for being a rat, I just don't want him eating my veggies any more.…


Added by Andrea on April 29, 2012 at 3:13am — 6 Comments

Patience is a virtue ... even in aquaponics

I am pleased to announce progress on our system. This week I managed to buy, rinse and re-rinse lava rock for  2/3rds of our grow bed and tomorrow will be buying 10 bags of Stalite for the top grow bed layer.

The water has been cycling for a week now and has cleared nicely and I think I may net some local canal fish on Sunday to put in the tank to see if they can survive before purchasing my mating tilapia.

I am still not clear on when ammonia should be added to my system?…


Added by Bob Vento on April 27, 2012 at 9:01pm — No Comments

On a Time Schedule.

Trying to get our new system up and running. Had to make a decision yesterday. We could not afford pond lined for our grow beds just yet. I used a new tarp I had laying around and put visqueen over that. I know this will not hold. If I can get one year out of it I will be happy. Yes this means I will have to dig it all out. I just did not want to miss our growing season for this year.

Added by Dave Mannina on April 25, 2012 at 5:58pm — No Comments

Spring Time!

     Ok, so its spring time and I've started building my system!  I've been building this thing for a month now, and it's still not ready.  What the hell was I thinking!!! Back breaking labor and $1k in parts and supplies!  This must be an addiction.  I'm just glad my wife doesn't realize how much I've spent on this little project.  If she ever figures it out, I'll be sleeping in my grow bed!

     Ok, ok.  Enough whining.  So here's the update,  I've laid the gravel bed where I'll set…


Added by Jake Schneider on April 18, 2012 at 2:09am — 6 Comments

2012/04/15 - Finally got some seeds started

First, check out the fish!  This was feeding time today:

They're all big, healthy, and hungry!

The leeks are beyond overgrown.  I'd left them… Continue

Added by Andrea on April 15, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

Wow this could be huge or a huge disaster! lol

There is a large vacant lot near my home and I have messaged the owner (over snail mail because she lives in Hawaii) to see if she will let tend it for her this season.  If she says yes we will be able to grow food on it to sell CSA style to get capital to start all of our projects and get our non profit status.  It is a very exciting possibility.

So I am trying to think of the best way to grow food in that space.  We could do traditional gardening but I don't have time…


Added by Pam Allen on April 14, 2012 at 7:24pm — 3 Comments

Up and Running

Finally got everything running in our aquaponics setup. Here are some pictures and details.

Fish tank: 110 gallons (has about 90 gallons of water)

Grow Bed: 2'x8'x10"

Pump: Mag 7 (700 gph)

Got a greenhouse from Lowes because I have too many pests here (mainly the chicken)…


Added by moonyguy on April 14, 2012 at 9:46am — 1 Comment

let branson feed the world one garden at a time

we need to keep people talking about this. please go to the facebook page and like it and pass it on. FB/branson aquaponic garden and educational center.…


Added by Mona Miller on April 10, 2012 at 11:56am — No Comments

Hello !

Hi everyone! This week I started my project of the first aquaponic. I was grow beans before in the soil. I've included in the system. Lettuce seeds are growing too. There are 8 cichlid fish tank. Need to increase this number. Everything is ok now. I hope you'll be successful and be able to move on larger systems.

Added by Muratcan Berber on April 8, 2012 at 7:51am — 1 Comment

Building a greenhouse for Aquaponics

What an exciting event this has been.  Thanks to the work of Rick Stillwagon . . . things are happening.

Once he had spent some time on site and some measurements were taken, he went back to Roy, Washington and sent us e-mails with plans on what we needed to get done, while he started building the greenhouse.

We leveled the area, closed it in with 8"x6" treated wood and insulated with 2" styrofoam, then sand. …


Added by Oma Richmond on April 7, 2012 at 9:45am — 1 Comment

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