Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Wow this could be huge or a huge disaster! lol

There is a large vacant lot near my home and I have messaged the owner (over snail mail because she lives in Hawaii) to see if she will let tend it for her this season.  If she says yes we will be able to grow food on it to sell CSA style to get capital to start all of our projects and get our non profit status.  It is a very exciting possibility.

So I am trying to think of the best way to grow food in that space.  We could do traditional gardening but I don't have time or energy for that much hoeing and weeding the lot is about 220' X 100' 

We could do raised bed gardening then would only have to weed the paths between the beds but getting water to everything might be a real problem.  

So I am considering a Aquaponics system and even though I am excited about the possibility I am not sure I want to jump in with that many feet.

We would bury the fish tanks and then have the beds sitting on the ground.  We would need to weedwack between them but not under them so that is good.

I am a bit concerned about sabotage from Racoons and Kiddos.  Security will be an issue because the land is not right outside my door but is about 2 blocks away.

Anyway, not much point in going on and on until I know if we are allowed to work there.  If we are I will be asking a whole lot of questions in the forum.  lol

Fingers are Crossed!

Pam Allen

Views: 147


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Comment by Pam Allen on May 12, 2012 at 9:54am

After a bit of negotiating this landowner has opted to charge us 13K a year to use this land.  So we are putting this one on the shelf for now.  Got another spot started and it is the perfect first place I think.  Lots of visibility and an owner who doesn't care what we do there.  Already planted some watermelons and will be putting in a lot more soon.  Blog about it can be found here:

It won't be an aquaponic garden but I hope we can get a rooftop to start an aquaponic garden soon.  I will keep you all posted.


Comment by David on April 23, 2012 at 12:28pm

I second George on his comment but would like to add that square foot gardening rules in efficiency for regular gardening and it's dirt cheap. :0)

Good luck and let us know how it goes for you!

Comment by George on April 16, 2012 at 6:17pm

The initial investment will be much lower to garden in the ground.  You'll need water, regardless, as well as security and protection from varmints.  Once you invest in aquaponics, you should strongly consider raising the beds to a comfortable working height.  Good luck.

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