Aquaponic Gardening

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2012/04/28 - Wow, things grow fast!

First the BEST news: we caught the critter!  It's a rat.  Cute little bugger, but doesn't need to be in my garden.  I asked fiance to drive him to somewhere with a field and drop him off.  I don't feel any urge to punish him for being a rat, I just don't want him eating my veggies any more.

We pulled out the last of the leeks last week.  They had a huge ball of compacted roots and clay pellets.

We also got the tomatoes tamed.  We pruned them back and caged them in.  Between that and removing the leeks we gained a lot of space.

And the seeds in the raft bed have really taken off!


Cilantro, basil, and strawberries are healthy (and we might actually get to EAT our strawberries now that That Critter is gone).

And the oregano is happy to have sunlight again.

It's a green and lush world in there!

We're planning to put a net mesh along each side wall, and use that as a trellis for the peas and cucumbers.  We'll probably move the brussels sprouts to the space vacated by the leeks.  The leafy stuff can stay in the raft bed.

It's so nice to have the garden back!

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Comment by Andrea on May 3, 2012 at 12:51am

Yes, the world gets awfully small in a hurry these days.  I have good friends in other countries and I think of them as neighbors.  I like it this way!

Comment by Deborah Susan Berry on May 2, 2012 at 6:32am

WOW!!! It always catches me off guard when I realize how the Internet covers the vastness of the whole world in a heart beat. Your just down the road on the other side of the hills, a little bit. lol To use my grandfathers phrase...

Comment by Andrea on May 1, 2012 at 4:08pm
I'm in Southern California. :)
Comment by Deborah Susan Berry on May 1, 2012 at 3:52pm

Andrea, where are you located? I'm in Virginia Beach, VA

Comment by Andrea on May 1, 2012 at 3:46pm
It's amazing isn't it?
Comment by Deborah Susan Berry on May 1, 2012 at 2:42pm

I just put my plants in last monday and some of the tomatoes have already tripled in size.

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