Aquaponic Gardening

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TCLynx's Blog – October 2010 Archive (6)

Duck-A-Ponic Update

Sorry no pictures today but I just want to share a little update about my duck system.

First a refresher.

The duck system is based on a 7 foot dia, 2 foot deep galvanized stock tank that a neighbor got for free and dropped off to us. Had a bunch of holes but patched those easily with silicone. Figured the galvanized stock tank would not be appropriate for fish but the ducks need a pool and what better way to keep the water filtered and fresh than a ponics system.

So the duck… Continue

Added by TCLynx on October 22, 2010 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Mixing Methods

I have lately had people ask me for advice on if a particular set up will work and in a few cases it is obvious that they have done some research but have mixed their methods and are using the stocking/feeding rates for one method but trying to apply them to a totally different situation.

For example,

A combo media/raft system which retains it's solids in the media beds should be using the recommended stocking/feeding rates for media systems and low density raft culture with no… Continue

Added by TCLynx on October 22, 2010 at 3:40pm — No Comments

Ya don't need so many fish.

Another TCLynx Public Service Announcement. Or perhaps that should be Fish Service Announcement?

There is a common Aquaponic condition that causes many people to feel the urge to add more fish. This urge should be fought and quashed ruthlessly unless you actually don't have any fish at all.

Just because your system could possibly support a certain MAX amount of fish mass, does not mean that it needs that much. Especially any system that retains it's solids.

During… Continue

Added by TCLynx on October 12, 2010 at 4:30pm — 5 Comments

Ducks on a roof top, bloop bloop bloop, what shale I do with all this poop.

So, the young muscovy ducklings have learned to fly, well at least the females have.

I came out of the house last night and found the three females of the latest clutch up on the roof snacking on the banana leaves.

They are not nearly so cute now as they were two months ago.

As you can see, female muscovy ducks are very able to fly. The chickens were a little… Continue

Added by TCLynx on October 10, 2010 at 2:28pm — 3 Comments

What to do with all the seedlings!

Has anyone else experienced this? You go planting all the seed trays you have and then when the seedlings are outgrowing the seed trays or pellets and need to be placed in a more permanent position, you are at a loss as to where to put them all?

I'm guilty of this on a regular basis.

However, I'm happy to report that the capillary matting seems to be a good way to keep peat pellets moist for seed starting.…


Added by TCLynx on October 9, 2010 at 3:27pm — 4 Comments

Dead Fish

Figuring out what to do when something is going wrong.

There is little nastier than fish that have been dead for a while floating in your fish tank.


How to even tell if the problems with surviving fish are due to the same thing that killed the first fish or if the first dead fish just tainted the water causing poor water quality to weaken the later fish letting them sicken from opportunistic infections.


Here is what I pulled from my fish tank when I got home… Continue

Added by TCLynx on October 9, 2010 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

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