Aquaponic Gardening

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April 2013 Blog Posts (12)


As my Montonegra winter renter always says "different question".  He is 92.  Here is my different question, What does sustainability mean to you and what are you doing to bring it to fruition ?  This morning while collecting soursop fruit under the tree I had an epiphany ( a moment of sudden revelation or insight).  "Sustainability is happening at my farm."

I am raising chickens both for the meat and for eggs.  This sustains me but I must somehow sustain the chickens.  I am raising…


Added by Raychel A Watkins on April 30, 2013 at 4:05pm — 2 Comments

Chelated Iron Incident of '13

I had yellow limp "greens" in my system.  I didn't know what was going on.

I could hear the sound of my aeration bar, the deafening silence of the lack of growth, and the decaying remains of what I knew to be my kale told me to listen closely.

I didn't sign up for this, man.  I just wanted to do a small experiment with my son.  It was supposed to be easy. Small. Cheap. Passive.

That's not what this is.  It is consuming.  It is active.  It is...…


Added by Timothy Bolton on April 28, 2013 at 12:30am — 6 Comments

New blue talipia fry fish, iowa

I have 40 new blue tilapia fry fish. One of my fish had eggs in it mouth and I woke up and the angel fish were going nuts. Luckily not to many got eating up. I have 2 other fish full of eggs. This is just my first batch. I hope at least 20 or so survive. I need more fish to fill up my larger tanks.…


Added by WaterFish22 on April 27, 2013 at 3:44pm — No Comments

What is that smell?

After almost 3 months of awesome aquaponic success, no dead fish, great plant growth etc it all hit at once, almost overnight! One morning I had a pool of water in growbed #4 at the water inlet. I decided to "stir it up". I was rewarded with a disgustingly foul odor similar to old gym socks. I began pulling out old black roots and slime. Water chemicals maintained in the acceptable range and everything continued to grow. Having thought I had resolved the issue I flooded the bed with fresh… Continue

Added by Verna Gross on April 26, 2013 at 9:17am — 3 Comments

'His Way Produce' in the FL panhandle

Hi, I've been up in the Fl panhandle for the last few weeks. My buddy and his wife live in Cottondale, FL. I went up there to help them add an aquaponics system to a green house they were buliding.

While there, we took a few days to build a small aquaponics system for thier churches' produce stand.

The produce stand....His Way Produce, is a ministry to the local area. They are helping to feed lots of folks in the area, that are in need. 

The property,  that the…


Added by David Hart on April 24, 2013 at 6:41am — No Comments


I started my aquaponic garden and could use all the help I can get with a million Questions .lol I am really interested in this .


Added by Ron Schreiber on April 23, 2013 at 3:08pm — 1 Comment

City Bounty Reborn

Well this time last year I was working on a new business called City Bounty and honestly not getting very far.  I got busy with other life and shelved the whole thing due to discouragement and busyness.  Now spring is back and my green thumb is itching again and I started dreaming again about what was supposed to be about.  

Then I saw a bunch of youtube videos about "vertical farms" and I am very excited about the possibilities.

So citybounty is going to be…


Added by Pam Allen on April 12, 2013 at 6:13pm — No Comments

Of Mites And Men

     Spider mites. That's what the horticulturist told us. Tiny, almost microscopic, bugs that love to live on and devour my plants. And we've got 'em bad. Oh…

Added by Alex Veidel on April 10, 2013 at 8:20am — 5 Comments

Weekend Trip

Just wanted to thank Nate & Chris at Bright Agrotech for allowing my wife and I to stop by and see the tower system in action and giving us a few more good ideas for our fledgling aquaponics system.

Thank you Nate & Chris.


I also want to thank Sylvia and Alan at The Aquaponic Source for the tours that they put on once a month of their system.  It is always interesting to see other systems and what can be grown in them. Who would have thought that you could grow…


Added by Lee Ferguson on April 8, 2013 at 6:56pm — 1 Comment

First Day

Hello and Welcome to my Aquaponics disaster/Adventure?

Today was my first day of posting. I start this adventure 3 day ago on Friday the 5th of April when I stumbled onto Aquaponics while looking for information on Tilapia. I told a friend about what I found and spent the next few hours reading about it. The next day I woke up and researched some more. Unknown to me my friend had found a person selling the IBC totes. By 11am he called me and let me know what had found and by 2pm we…


Added by Richard on April 7, 2013 at 8:12pm — No Comments

Solutions Farms tour

I just checked out this great farm in Vista on Thursday. Solutions Farms combines the efficiency of AP with the awesomeness of rehabilitating homeless families!

very cool organization.

and the tour included all three AP models.

check out this video.

and check out solutions farms at this link from Chris Megison.…


Added by William J Silverthorn on April 7, 2013 at 7:01am — 3 Comments

Happy Hippies build a farm!

Just closed on our little 5 acres in Hoquiam, WA! We are VERY exited! Our plan is to start construction in July on a fully sustainable aquaponic system(trout+channel cats supporting a 30x70 hoop setup)+lions mane and oyster mushrooms(for farmers markets and restaurants)+couple a Dexter cows and some chickens and rabbits for our own consumption. Wish us luck!   

Added by Darryl Martin on April 1, 2013 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

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