Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

April 2011 Blog Posts (26)

First of 40 done

This is to serve as a teaser while I compile the images I have take, two for each item soldered on so its a bit.

Also it should be noted this unit has not been tested beyond a short "pretest" of the LED's before soldering in place. I will try to get a working picture of this tomorrow when I solder on the main leads and the Jumpers for the other leads to jump to then next board.


This stated here is some goodness for you to look at. TLeft is 1, TRight is 2, BLeft is 3,…


Added by Burton on April 8, 2011 at 10:54pm — 4 Comments

a Simple gift

It has been a while since I have had the opportunity to find some time to put the myriad of thoughts that have been milling in my head to some form of logical order.  There was a flurry of activity doing some much needed renovations and additions to the house, and in recent days my brother has been visiting from London.  Chatting to him, some of my other international friends and colleagues have been great for clearing the clutter that has been my attempt to direct my mind around aquaponic…


Added by Kobus Jooste on April 8, 2011 at 5:35pm — 14 Comments

Aquaponics and nature conservation

I am watching a documentary on nature conservation initiatives (Non Gov organizations, national parks, "hotspots"...) and one comment strikes me as particularly relevant to our community: nature conservation as it is currently conceived does not take into account the social impact of having to move populations or asking them to modifiy their ancestral survival techniques.  Take South Africa, where national parks are artificial oases protected by electric fences, out of which all traces of…


Added by Vincent Joris on April 6, 2011 at 1:47pm — 1 Comment

LED project, beginning pt 1

Ok if you read my last blog post, and mainly the comments, you know I am still waiting for items to come in and I ran into a snag with the PCB hole spacing not being ideal for my ultra compact LED layout.


To review that is this layout

The problem is simple, if you place two LED's in with the anodes (positive side as indicated by the purple/pink…


Added by Burton on April 5, 2011 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

Post 3 - 100 tons of sand....

Friday was a productive day, and everyone was sore on Saturday.  BUT, the base for the greenhouse floor is in.  Tanks have arrived, I just need to pick them up and the seed starting hydroponic system arrived as well.  Flooring cover and gravel to be installed in the next 10 days.  16 April, weather permitting, will be the day the greenhouse cover goes on and the ends closed…


Added by Mary Hundley on April 4, 2011 at 11:11am — No Comments

Sharing the vision

Got the chance to talk with my Dad today about my aquaponics project, and what design I'm hoping to try for my first set up.   Though he's retired now, I like picking his brain on the plumbing/piping aspect of how I might try this, and what ideas work well vs. what might not work so well.    He seemed interested enough to hear me out and ask me some good questions, and seemed to follow what I was saying quite easily.   So I'm excited about that.   My parents are the ones who taught me how to… Continue

Added by Karen Matus on April 2, 2011 at 10:11pm — No Comments

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