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Tilapia Breeding


Tilapia Breeding

A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia.  How to set up tilapia breeding colonies.  How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.

Members: 286
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Tilapia Source

Started by Jennifer Pankey. Last reply by Zalinda Farms Inc Oct 10, 2015. 1 Reply

Hello I am wondering if anyone knows of someone who sells large amounts of tilapia fingerlings in southern California. They must be Mossambica due to state regulations. I would appreciate any help.…Continue


Started by Phil Slaton Jun 3, 2015. 0 Replies

The barrels in the back of the 6-IBC grow out tanks are 2-media filters, 1 lava rock filter and on the extreme left, the sump.  Aeration is provided to each individual IBC.  Since my heart surgery…Continue

tilapia for sale

Started by john mark. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 3 Replies

hi , i live in farmington michigan and am looking to buy some blue tilapia does any one have any 2-3 inch ones for sale.thanksjohn markContinue

tilapia eating eggs

Started by Kevin R.. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 4 Replies

can someone give advice on a tilapia breeding/hatching tilapia breed about once every couple months but fail to get thru the entire process.they lay the eggs, they are fertilized, they…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Claudio J Tracchia on December 15, 2011 at 8:21am

Hi TC: Am also changing to large mouth bass and blue gill have a hatchery very close to were I live in Alapaha ,GA. have not got any yet my greenhouse is not ready but what I want to ask you is if you want to start a comment wall on it, the walls that are already here they don't look to be very active and inform. we all can pitch in with info as we move on and make one exited as this one.

Comment by TCLynx on December 15, 2011 at 5:30am

Lonnie, Do you have your aquaculture Certification/permit whatever for the Blue Tilapia yet?  Though I'm really not a big supporter of growing tilapia I still get people who ask me where they can get them and I could send them to you if you are legal.

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on December 14, 2011 at 9:14pm


hate you. I can't find one fry yet

ha ha

Comment by Lonnie Kirkman on December 14, 2011 at 9:08pm

well moved about 200 fish today have 40 at about 1 lb and a lot of fingerlings from 1/2 in to 3 in and have 2 females w mouth full have about1000 or more in all time to put up more totes hope to sell some soon Ill post some pic soon

Comment by Dave Lindstedt on December 5, 2011 at 6:14pm

I read the rest of the thread, after my last post.  John Parr where are you located?  Alaska?  $1,200 electric bill, WOW!  I lived in PA, for 35 years in 2,100 sq.ft. all electric house, on a budget plan bill would run about $250 a month. Be sure to insulate the TOP of your tanks. I would look to enclose the tanks in an insulated shed.  Then give thought  to possibly  constructing another outer shed..

You can plug mutiple heaters into the same timer. Problem maybe circut load. 15 amp circut will max out at about 1,800 watts.   I intend to have a 30 amp sub pannel installed after Christmas as long term I am adding 5  250 gallon tanks and 20 more 4 x 8 grow troughs with 3 sump pumps.

Comment by Dave Lindstedt on December 5, 2011 at 5:51pm

Yes a couple of 1500 watt or 2,000 watt water heating elements running 24/7 can get costly real fast.  Once the water temp gets into the mid 80s. My smaller heaters combined with the R-13 insulation should retain the heat and maintain the temp.  Thanks Norm. I think useing these on a timer may work well.

Comment by Norman on December 5, 2011 at 5:38pm

You need to make sure the heating element is completely submerged in water, otherwise gets too hot and pvc will melt. I just constructed a heater with 2000 w element working great. but I don't want an extremely high electric bill.

Comment by Dave Lindstedt on December 5, 2011 at 1:33pm

Hey everything works fine in theory, but then omest the unplaned. The heat from the hot water element melted the PVC threads it was connected to. I covered the electrical wire contacts with the "rubber like" marine caulking.  The intent, as I do not have a thermostat on it, was to plug it into a timer.  I start my sump pump and open my valves and feed my fish at about 10:00 AM daily.  I usually spend a couple hours on "chores" such as cleaning filters.  Today I drilled one of my 250 gallon tank for a drain valve and installed the bulkhead fitting  & drain valve and interanal "filter" on the drain.

I am in Hudson, FL. 30 miles north of Clearwater and 3 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. We get about 10 days a year, when night time temp. falls below 32 degrees for 4 to 6 hours.  I now have 4 outside tanks in operation.  I have insulated them with R-13 fiber glass building insulation by tieing it with carpenters twine to the outside of the tank .  Tank heaters get a little pricey  at $34 for 200 watt and $37 for the 400 watt. The 400 watt does a good job on my 100 gallon tank, but can't seem to get temp. over 76 degrees on my 250 gallon tanks and more like 72 on my 330 gallon tank. 

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on December 5, 2011 at 1:30pm

I am worried about my electric bill. I am thinking I need to move everything into the greenhouse. I will let you know if it is outrageous. Thank you

Comment by Jon Parr on December 5, 2011 at 1:23pm
PG&E must love you, Dave. I also have about 5kw of heaters, and my elec bill last month was $1200. I am switching over to wood heat, hope I get operational before I go bankrupt.

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