Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Judy Talley
  • Female
  • Fallbrook, CA
  • United States
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Judy Talley's Discussions

New Aquaponics Gardeners

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judy Talley Dec 11, 2012. 2 Replies

Hi folks - we're new to Aquaponics - are just starting to produce our first vegetables from our system built about 3 months ago.  We used our 3-year old 400 gallon ornamental fish pond (gold fish and…Continue


Judy Talley's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Goldfish, Tilapia, Other
How big is your fish tank?
600 gallons
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Found Sylvia's site through library search. Attended a workshop in our area through a local non-profit. Bought her book about 3 years ago.ought it and got started with DIY 400 gallon ornamental fish pond. Today we have a home-based business and are training others, selling fingerlings and design consulting as well. FUN. Our page is and Facebook too. Thanks Sylvia!

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At 12:50pm on December 10, 2014, Pam DeLong said…


In case you are still looking...I saw your request for Poret filter foam availability in the US. I was curious about it, so I looked around a bit and found Swiss Tropicals located in Rochester, Minnesota. Here's their website:

The owner has over 60 tanks in his Fish Room, so my interest is further peaked!

As I have a lot of young Tilapia in a 55 gal tank inside, I really need something to provide more intense filtration, so I may look into this product myself. I'm constantly kept busy cleaning filters and pumps and would rather spend the time assembling some productive grow beds, etc. Very frustrating...

Hope the link is helpful!


At 10:04am on December 9, 2012, Ben Talley said…

Thanks, Sylvia - we're very excited about our first system and have already given about a dozen people a tour of what we are doing.

At 8:03am on December 9, 2012, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Hi Judy.  Thanks for buying my book!  Glad it brought you here.


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