Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

  • Port Orange, FL
  • United States
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  • Future of the Free
  • Keren Olivier
  • James Moss
  • Anselmo Torres
  • Cody LeBoeuf
  • Rattana Phomsouvanh
  • Ralph Anderson
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  • Pam Allen
  • Julie Coates
  • Cara Leasure
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Paul Sheehan joined SW's group

Tilapia Breeding

A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia.  How to set up tilapia breeding colonies.  How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.
Dec 19, 2021
Suzanne Hayes joined SW's group

Free Fingerlings for Aquapons

A group for those of you willing to donate fingerlings (tilapia, koi, catfish, etc) to other Backyard Aquapons and the those needing them. Let's help each other! There is strength in unity. Let's make a better world through aquaponics!See More
Apr 23, 2020
Marion Moses commented on SW's group Free Fingerlings for Aquapons
"  Contact Info:                          347-321-0423                       …"
Feb 22, 2020
Marion Moses commented on SW's group Free Fingerlings for Aquapons
"   looking for some tilapia and catfish. We are a non profit that does programming for children with Autism and is very hard to find someone to buy fish from. I appreciate this group and all that you're doing. I know these fish are…"
Feb 22, 2020
Scott Alan Westhoff joined SW's group

Free Fingerlings for Aquapons

A group for those of you willing to donate fingerlings (tilapia, koi, catfish, etc) to other Backyard Aquapons and the those needing them. Let's help each other! There is strength in unity. Let's make a better world through aquaponics!See More
May 18, 2019
Don Minchella commented on SW's group Free Fingerlings for Aquapons
"Being an old gent of 89years, in Tempe Az., I have become totally engrossed with Aquaponics. I am completing my system which includes a 350gal Fish Tank, a Swirl Tank, a 50gal Sump and 3-100gal Grow Beds with siphon tanks. I will be began next week…"
Apr 15, 2019
Don Minchella joined SW's group

Free Fingerlings for Aquapons

A group for those of you willing to donate fingerlings (tilapia, koi, catfish, etc) to other Backyard Aquapons and the those needing them. Let's help each other! There is strength in unity. Let's make a better world through aquaponics!See More
Apr 15, 2019

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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 7:06am on May 4, 2012, Gabriel said…
Not to sound like a stalker, Sam, but you're the reason I joined the site! When I saw there was someone in my area with experience I knew I had to hop on and learn. I have not yet started my system but plan to soon. I'm an enviromental analyst and have gardened all my life but Aquaponics seems like such a no brainer for this area I can't wait to start! Lookin forward to speaking with you. 
At 3:32pm on April 22, 2012, Dave Lindstedt said…

Hi:  I am located in Hudson, FL, just off Denton Road & Coyote Rd.  I do not live on the site. My e-mail address is or give me a call at 727 697-3536.  I am generally at the farm daily between 11:00AM and 1:00PM daily.

At 1:31pm on March 9, 2012, Larry Reinhardt said…

Hey Sam,

I just came in from my greenhouse and a group of those you gave me are breeding,  2 males and 5 females in a 65 gallon tank. I had forgotten how colorful the males are. I have cleaned a couple 40 gallon tanks to put the females in. I didn't expect them to spawn so soon but whatever, I two more colonies set up but I don't think I'll need them. Take care


At 8:10am on December 3, 2011, David Owens said…

Hi SW, Glad to meet you! I have really been enjoying your Tilapia Breeding discussions and look forward to learning more about my new found passion. I began my 1st AP system in late June of 2011 and began with 125 Blue Nile Tilapia. I just moved them indoors for the winter and counted 140...possibly a few more even (as they were hard to count with all the wiggiling) I was surprised to see fish from 6" to fingerlings. I look forward to sharing more as my adventures continue

At 4:14am on December 3, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Plus his stuff is simply organic not non GMO (genetically modified organisms). Do you know the difference? Do you care? I'm not asking to be snooty. I'm asking because many people do not realize how much of their food is GMO simply because the gov tries to protect those big Ag bandits by refusing to identify what is and what is not made of GMO crops.

At 4:05am on December 3, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Thank you for your comment. My grain is for human consumption. I do not use grain in making feed which is something I have been working on for the past several years. I'm not interested in making money. My only interest is securing safe, clean, wholesome food.

At 6:34pm on November 28, 2011, Richard Shaw said…
Evening Sam! Thanks for the request... Definitely near by... Looking forward to meeting you in the future!
At 11:07am on September 23, 2011, Vickie Stodola said…

Glad to be a member/friend and want to learn as much as possible. I now have a backyard set up and desire to go commercial ASAP. I have Snails, Blue Tilapia and a variety of basic herbs. I am St. certified and ready to sell everything. I also have BT fingerlings if anyone needs some to get started.


At 7:42am on September 1, 2011, Larry Reinhardt said…



I see u r an early bird like me, usually up at 4:00 am. In the 1980's and 90's I owned and operated a Koi farm in central Florida, on my farm I also kept an above ground swimming pool loaded with catfish and tilapia for my dining pleasure :>) I'm retired now and living in a small town just outside Apopka in a small retirement house. I just finished building a aquaponics system, the FT is 2600 gallons and one stream filter/grow-bed 240 gallons. I will add 3 more grow-beds in the coming weeks. I've never been one to think small so I always over achieve


The system has been running 10 days now and is nearing the completion of its cycling since I seeded it with sponge filters from my greenhouse where I keep tropical fish. I raised 200 fingerling catfish and 100 fingerling tilapia in an Intex swimming pool and have moved them into their permanent FT. I got the catfish at the end of April from a nearby lake and the tilapia(3/4") on June 16th. From the looks of the tilapia they don't seem to be Blues more like a hybrid, I was wanting Blues since they are a little more forgiving as to temparature. Maybe you have a few to spare, anyway I've kept fish for 60 years and at my retire I had a 100 acre farm with 500 ponds most were 20' x  40'. What I have now can fit inside one of those ponds. But I'm not as young as I used to be and am trying to keep my self under control(I think I'm failing at that).

At 10:47am on August 23, 2011, John Jay said…
I would like to come see your setup,,, trying to learn as fast as possible to grow as much as I can afford this year.  i do need to travel south as soon as this storm lifts to get some things in the ocean and perhaps some baby tilapia?

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