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Tilapia Breeding


Tilapia Breeding

A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia.  How to set up tilapia breeding colonies.  How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.

Members: 286
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Tilapia Source

Started by Jennifer Pankey. Last reply by Zalinda Farms Inc Oct 10, 2015. 1 Reply

Hello I am wondering if anyone knows of someone who sells large amounts of tilapia fingerlings in southern California. They must be Mossambica due to state regulations. I would appreciate any help.…Continue


Started by Phil Slaton Jun 3, 2015. 0 Replies

The barrels in the back of the 6-IBC grow out tanks are 2-media filters, 1 lava rock filter and on the extreme left, the sump.  Aeration is provided to each individual IBC.  Since my heart surgery…Continue

tilapia for sale

Started by john mark. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 3 Replies

hi , i live in farmington michigan and am looking to buy some blue tilapia does any one have any 2-3 inch ones for sale.thanksjohn markContinue

tilapia eating eggs

Started by Kevin R.. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 4 Replies

can someone give advice on a tilapia breeding/hatching tilapia breed about once every couple months but fail to get thru the entire process.they lay the eggs, they are fertilized, they…Continue

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Comment by Michael Welber on April 1, 2012 at 3:16pm

I got them as fry and some now are as big as 4 inches while others are only about 2 inches or even a little less. Only the small ones have died. I started with 50 and probably am down to fewer than 40. 

Comment by Lonnie Kirkman on April 1, 2012 at 3:13pm

yea mine liked it but I did have mine to hard what is the size range on the fish I have some tanks that have from 1/2 in to 2 in they do chase but not constantly but I do have 100 or more in tanks so the bullys have more to chose from

Comment by Michael Welber on April 1, 2012 at 2:56pm

I thought of that too Lonnie. It's possible. The water didn't come into the tank hard (no sprayer) and, in fact, the fish seemed to like it, hanging around where the water was coming in. 

Comment by Lonnie Kirkman on April 1, 2012 at 2:48pm

I see  you added water Michael did you let the water run directly in to the tank water hard or slow I did it once letting my water hit the sides of the tank and directly in the water hard and ended up with so dead fish and could not find any reason for it so I think this was my problem

Comment by Lonnie Kirkman on April 1, 2012 at 2:41pm

I have 100 in a tote and 3 grow beds that are 1/2 of a 55 gal drum but they are all the same size I try to seperate as close to size as I can. I have my breeders in a separate tank .

Comment by Michael Welber on April 1, 2012 at 12:53pm

I started with 50 or so the seller told me though, frankly, it never seemed like there were that many. About 10 have died so, theoretically, I'm down to 40 but they are in a 300 gallon tank so the ratio is about right. The initial problem was that when I received the fish a few of them were noticeably larger than the rest and they might be the troublemakers. I had no problems at all during the first month but now I'm approaching month 2 and that's when I've had the die off. I checked everything again this a.m. Ammonia zero. Nitrite zero. pH 7. Mysterious eh? I put in some pieces of PVC pipe so they can hide. Maybe I need one of those fake rocks with holes and stuff so the small ones can get in there. 

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on April 1, 2012 at 12:35pm

Michael, one way is to overcrowd them, oddly enough. I may have missed this in your posts, but how many fish do you have, how many gallons of water? 

Just speaking from experience, we've had our fish/water ratio at about 1/5 gallons, and have never had problems. As they've matured and grown, they've become more crowded.

Comment by Christian De La Nuez on April 1, 2012 at 7:58am

John T and Jon P thank you guys for the info.

Comment by Michael Welber on April 1, 2012 at 6:35am

Thanks Sheri. Is there anyway to protect the little ones? I found another dead one today and it looked pretty beat up. Or do I just let nature take its course and fill in with fry as they come along? 

Comment by Jon Parr on April 1, 2012 at 6:15am
Christian, I use the little 6-8' diameter wading pools. They have flimsy thin bottoms, semi ridgid sides, no frames, and only 18" deep. Many prefer deeper tanks, I've not had any trouble with shallow tanks, and I like the high surface area per unit volume. Better surface area means less need for aeration (or no need for light density). They are cheap, easy to set-up, easy to store in the off season (they roll into a cylinder 8" diameter by 18 " long)

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