A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia. How to set up tilapia breeding colonies. How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.
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Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2021
Started by Jennifer Pankey. Last reply by Zalinda Farms Inc Oct 10, 2015. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Hello I am wondering if anyone knows of someone who sells large amounts of tilapia fingerlings in southern California. They must be Mossambica due to state regulations. I would appreciate any help.…Continue
Started by Phil Slaton Jun 3, 2015. 0 Replies 0 Likes
The barrels in the back of the 6-IBC grow out tanks are 2-media filters, 1 lava rock filter and on the extreme left, the sump. Aeration is provided to each individual IBC. Since my heart surgery…Continue
Started by john mark. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 3 Replies 0 Likes
hi , i live in farmington michigan and am looking to buy some blue tilapia does any one have any 2-3 inch ones for sale.thanksjohn markContinue
Started by Kevin R.. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 4 Replies 0 Likes
can someone give advice on a tilapia breeding/hatching question.my tilapia breed about once every couple months but fail to get thru the entire process.they lay the eggs, they are fertilized, they…Continue
A great pic (used with permission) from Jay Burgher his his take (and a good one I might add) on the tilapia egg incubator/tumbler detailed in the paper below. If you have also given it a try, please send pictures ;-)
Here is the link to the paper: http://bit.ly/ZESh8I
P.S. For detailed photos see the discussion above "a way to hatch tilapia eggs"
Wow Hydroponics Curacao sorry, you sure never know what will happen messing with these scenarios.
Selia I think I remember that the cooler the water the longer the hatch time.
How long does it take for tilapia to hatch? I watched my tilapia breed almost 6 days ago. Two days ago I transferred two females with eggs in their mouth to another tank because the male kept harassing them. I transferred them when they both got in a plastic coffee can that was supposed to be a nest for the male and it floated to the top with them in it. The move should not have been stressful to the females because I just picked up the coffee can and set it into my other tank and they swam out. I did not see them spit out any eggs.
Also the temp was around 74 because my small heater quit working- I do not know if that will effect the time it takes to hatch or not, but I bought a heater today and put it in the tank. I thought I should see fry swimming by today, but I do not see anything...
Hey Hydroponics Curacao that is a good problem 5 at one time with eggs. I had trouble getting the females out without them spitting out the eggs. I found a bucket that would fit into the aquarium they are in, and when she goes in the bucket I ease it out with her in it and ease it down into one for hatching. Then after 7 days I flush them from her and remove her and let them go on their own without having to mess with a tumbler. But I think I remember info somewhere on here about a tumbler.
At 8 inches should it be fairly easy to determine the sex of blue tilapia? Today I separated and placed 3 fish in an aquarium - I thought they were females; however, in just a few hours after I placed them in the aquarium with tubes and plants for breeding habitat they have turned a pretty bright blue green hue with almost a purple pinkish tint on their tales and fins.
Randall I have see this too(smaller fish). I have put some into a small aquarium to see what sex they are when they are big enough..
I don't think the Indian and "normal" almond are that closely related, yes both are nuts but that is about it. Could be wrong and may be worth looking into.
I will also add that I'm looking into guyaba (guava) leaves to wash and seal cement tanks.(it may be a local wives tail but it has good oils and is an natural antibacterial).??
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