A place to exchange information on breeding tilapia. How to set up tilapia breeding colonies. How to sex fish for breeding colonies. What foods are best for breeding pairs and fingerlings.
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Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2021
Started by Jennifer Pankey. Last reply by Zalinda Farms Inc Oct 10, 2015. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Hello I am wondering if anyone knows of someone who sells large amounts of tilapia fingerlings in southern California. They must be Mossambica due to state regulations. I would appreciate any help.…Continue
Started by Phil Slaton Jun 3, 2015. 0 Replies 0 Likes
The barrels in the back of the 6-IBC grow out tanks are 2-media filters, 1 lava rock filter and on the extreme left, the sump. Aeration is provided to each individual IBC. Since my heart surgery…Continue
Started by john mark. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 3 Replies 0 Likes
hi , i live in farmington michigan and am looking to buy some blue tilapia does any one have any 2-3 inch ones for sale.thanksjohn markContinue
Started by Kevin R.. Last reply by Jeff Fultz Apr 13, 2015. 4 Replies 0 Likes
can someone give advice on a tilapia breeding/hatching question.my tilapia breed about once every couple months but fail to get thru the entire process.they lay the eggs, they are fertilized, they…Continue
@Shelia - Do you have a radial or spin filter off of the fish tank? I can't help but find a lot of fry in mine. This is what I would suggest. Or you could make a shallow area about 1" deep for the fry to go. You will still have to save them to a separate tank.
Hi Dave,
I am not sure why someone would want to purchase from a breeder if they want a lot of Tilapia instead of a few it looks like the reverse would be true order from a breeder if you want just a few, but if you want a lot, cost wise it would work better to grow them yourself. I definitely would not want to purchase fingerlings and bake them just to make chicken feed....
Anyway I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to encourage this male to dig a pit. He is much more docile which I like and several inches bigger but he does not show interest in breeding... If he does not show interest soon I will just get the more aggressive male, because he at least knows what to do- if I can find him - he is with the other Tilapia or put a different male in the tank.-
Whole heartedly, I agree with Bob. How many fish will you eat in a year. Now if you want a bunch of fish, order them from a professional breeder. I only use Kellen Weissenbach on here.
None of my fish bred until I separated them and put them in a separate tank. I am beginning to think it is the male's fault because he has not cleaned out a spot yet and the other male that was too aggressive cleaned out a nest with in two days and had bred both females with-in two or three days after that.... I only have about 30 fry because I was gone when they hatched I assume the other female must have swallowed her eggs and then started eating fry and the momma tilapia killed her in the process. If anything bad is going to happen it always happens if I take a trip for a day or two. :-P
yeah I picked out three fish that appeared to me to be two females and one male. I placed them alone to breed. The male almost killed one of the females, so after a couple months I took her out.
From then on it was pretty peaceful but 8 months later there were still no fry. All along the male kept cleaning a breeding spot, but there were no fry. While I was waiting for these fish to mate I scooped up several hundred more from the over crowded community tank
My point is you don't have to try to breed tilapia. Just save the fry you want to keep from being eaten. I had so many fry that I would just leave them to be eaten, but some still survived. Now I have catfish in the tank to control the population because I no longer wish to raise tilapia. The catfish don't let anything get by them.
Thanks Bob, but I only have 3 tilapia in the breeder tank now and they are 9-11" and they still are not producing my plan was to have several extra fingerlings and dehydrate them and use some of them for chicken feed, but my fish are not cooperating also I have a friend that wants some tilapia by Feb or March.
Shelia - When tilapia are crowded they tend to become more docile. For a while I had 50 11" tilapia in a 100 gallon tank. They continued to produce a lot of fry which I salvaged from the radial filter. There were so many fry that I had to give them away or place them back in the tank as feeder fish. I think many people go far too much trouble to breed tilapia. The trick is to let them get sucked out of the main tank.
I have a question. After my first tilapia bred I obtained some more mature tilapia to breed, because I thought the male I had was too aggressive- he slammed the females against the tank and I removed both of them because of his aggression after they bred. One of my females was killed by another female and then I only had one female left so I obtained three females and another male tilapia that is more docile. My other male is in a pond with other male tilapia. I was told that it is better to raise the tilapia together and they are less likely to kill each other What can I do to make fish want to breed. At first the ammonia was a little high while the biofilter was catching up because the fish were anywhere from two inches two four inches longer than my first breeders plus I had put two extra fish in there, so I was doing water changes and disturbing them at first so I understand that might have stressed them. Now my ammonia is 0, Ph is over 8 because of the water changes, and nitrites 0, nitrates 10. I think the females are interested -they swim next to him a lot, but he will not dig a pit... p.s. water temp is 82. thanks
I just returned from a 4 day trip and found one of my females that was bred dead. One of my females had fry and for some reason she killed the other one I am speculating the other female swallowed her eggs and when the fry hatched she started eating them and the momma female tried to protect them- in the process she killed the other female. Anyway I only have 30 fry or so if I counted right. I guess this is part of the learning process. :-/
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