Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Advanced aquaponics

Members: 103
Latest Activity: Sep 13, 2018

This is an open group started for the tinkerers in this community.  I picked the Wright Flyer as the icon because, as we all know, the first sustained power flight for heavier than air flying machines was achieved by...................two bicycle mechanics.  I lift my hat to people like these, who have a great idea and stick to it.  I think there are many more such breakthroughs waiting in aquaponics, and for those that like to scratch under the surface, make their own components or critically evaluate aspects of aquaponic theory and practice, this open group may well be a great place to share ideas and discuss concepts without fear of ridicule or repremand.

Discussion Forum

Sand as a medium in a flood and drain bed?

Started by Kobus Jooste. Last reply by TCLynx Nov 10, 2012. 31 Replies

I have taken an interest in using sand as a media in one of my grow beds again.  Only thing is that my beds cycle permanently on flood and drain auto siphons.  I am worried that the sand will pose a…Continue

Tags: siphon, beds, drain, and, media

Pumping Head !! What it means

Started by Dan Ponton. Last reply by TCLynx Apr 20, 2012. 5 Replies

When I think of head pressure I think of pumping up.. so when the pump data says it has 21 ft of head pressure does that mean horizontal or vertical or both?I will only be going vertically 6 or 7 ft…Continue

Tags: pump

Criticism of Fish Care

Started by Rob Torcellini. Last reply by TCLynx Jan 14, 2012. 31 Replies

I'm curious to know how people deal with criticism of the welfare of their fish.  I have an indoor and outdoor system and I make sure my fish are well cared for and I really keep a low stocking…Continue

Remember the simplicity......

Started by Kobus Jooste. Last reply by Jane Sep 24, 2011. 2 Replies

It has been a while since I added something here.  The mixed aquaponics page got dibs on the sand bed experiment (which is going great!!) and I have been immersed in fisheries and aquaculture…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Sahib Punjabi on February 22, 2011 at 11:12am
Brilliant :-)
Comment by Alfred Luckerbauer on February 22, 2011 at 10:35am
Happy to share our future research with the world, its an idea its time has come and will spread worldwide very fast. Lets build a TEAM and help the hungry !
Comment by Kobus Jooste on February 21, 2011 at 11:24pm

Greetings fellow tinkerers.


As you may have seen in a previous post, I have been thinking about how best to set about building up the content of this group.  I'd like to get to a point where we have a streamlined but detailed MindMap style content stored under headings and sub headings that can be collapsed down to a single heading: Aquaponics.  The reason for this is two-fold.  First, there is a growing trend for discussions to be replicated, and apart from having to redirect people to old threads all the time, some posts in the original discussion may not get repeated in the next episode and thus little gems become mothballed.


Second, I am a big picture person.  I believe that in having all the details is only useful if you know where every bit goes and how they are related to each other.  You want to push yor stocking densities to 120% max advised?  These are all the issues that will pop up - and then you can run through the big picture and highlight it all in a logical manner.  Also, often good ideas are born from staring at the whole picture rather than individual aspects. 


Inbetween my normal routine, I am going to start fleshing out a map of aquaponic knowledge and stick it here for comment every now and then.  Anyone that want to start their own discussion in the mean time are welcome to do that - any pointers if you think I'm nuts will be considered.





Comment by Kobus Jooste on February 21, 2011 at 10:29pm

Sylvia - thanks for the complement.  Great to have a pic there in the winners!  

I think there will still be a little bit of back-and-forth regarding how the pages can be set up.  I do not want to overload your site.  What I would like to achieve, is a logical flow of information from a core of content out to its periphery in a logical pattern - very much like the MindMap software that I use.  In the core pages, text or concepts will be clickable, and linked to other content pages with short summaries that eventually link back to the original post, if there was one.  Links will build up in a logical network, thus pH will have links to pH balancing chemicals, but also to ideal pH for bacteria, ideal pH to plants, and then nutrient management issues related to pH until the single thought page of "pH" has flows to all we know regarding the knock-on effects of pH in aquaponics.  It will take time to logically build this, and it will be best to have the concept all figured out before the first steps are taken in order to avoid having to restart or change anything. 

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on February 21, 2011 at 9:57pm
Hey Kobus, there might be a way I can set you up to create "pages" like the one I just made for the photo contest (congrats on 3rd place, BTW) and in the intro box on the home page.  Would that help?  I think you can also just search any word in the forums...I just searched the word "carbon" and came up with a ton of hits.
Comment by Kobus Jooste on February 21, 2011 at 9:54pm
Thanks Dave - all related expert input will be very important.  As I've said many times before, I do not think there has been enough time for any one person to have become the sage of all things aquaponic.  I'd like to push the technology forward through a robust database of knowledge and advice.  Energy efficiency and therefore correct plumbing and pump sizing advice is a important part of that. 
Comment by David Waite on February 21, 2011 at 9:38pm
Kobus I am a rookie at aquaponics. But I have 20 years building ponds, plumbing Irrigation systems from ball fields to cemetaries. I can contribute on piping pump size and help with flow and pipe friction for those who need that. Hope I can contribute.........Dave P.S I am a tinkerer at heart haha.
Comment by Kobus Jooste on February 21, 2011 at 9:08pm

Thanks for joining all.  Perhaps people that understand how Ning set-ups work can give me some pointers here.  What I would like to do is build some concise summaries of all aspects of AP, such as buffering chemicals.  There, I'd scour the site for what people have said, and combine with other sources to end up with something down the line of: "If you want to go organic, the Friendly aquaponics team advises you switch to XXXXX, while our experiences with rain water indicates the potential need for regular small doses of YYYYY added to the system.  This should not be an issue, as Rupert reported the product in use in Australia as a fungicide already, which can make it doubly useful."


What is the best way to search discussions here that were not posted with key words?  will the text be searched automatically, or will it become a manual search?  The idea is to end up lissting the people and the advice in order to prevent anyone feeling "robbed" of their contributions :)

Comment by TCLynx on February 21, 2011 at 8:32pm
Ah yes good idea Kobus
Comment by M Cosmo on February 21, 2011 at 9:47am

Good call Kobus

I like this definition of Tinker 

a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts

a skilled worker who mends or repairs things

I always subscribe to the Apple "Crazy Ones"  Let us tinker on!



Members (103)


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