This last freezzzee in the north just killed my tomatoes that were still having blossoms’. So I cut them out and getting ready to clean the tanks for the next batch. The fish have gotten big and I want to keep them for breed stock. I will try to upload some pics soon. Hang in there were all in this together!!
Added by Terry Clark on November 24, 2014 at 3:28pm — 5 Comments
A few weeks have gone by since my last post. I checked my ammonia and nitrate levels a week ago, and the results were dismal. I had 0ppm nitrate, and 6ppm ammonia. I resolved that my second fish was going to die, because dependent on the pH of my water (which I neglected to check) as low as .1 ppm can be lethal. I suppose I must have around 6ph water, because fish survived the hard week of high ammonia, and is now super healthy! This week, my levels were up to 30ppm nitrate, and 0ppm…
ContinueAdded by Devin Solkov on November 17, 2014 at 7:33pm — No Comments
i found a easier way to wash rocks now that i have this new gorilla cart. its angled back and ability to dump makes it easy to "slurry" nasty rocks into clean ones , i have a stiff wand on hose and i just rake them out and then slowly rock them back and forth and dump the trash off and they are clean. works great! plus i have help from aquaponics tolling pitbull terrier number 25 lol. rock washing will always be work but this is easiest i ever had
Added by Johnny Hall on November 8, 2014 at 8:52am — No Comments
I soon began a series of modifications to new Aquaponic garden. Shortly after constructing the initial build, I moved, and had a much bigger window. So, I offset the fish tank, and built four more columns for the WindowFarm following the DIY instructions found on the WindowFarm website. After numerous trial and error attempts, I got the system working with only the occasional leak.
Eventually, it became clear that the sun penetrating my window would not be sufficient to grow plants to…
Added by Devin Solkov on November 5, 2014 at 6:24pm — No Comments
I started this about 6 months ago, because I stumbled across DIY aquaponics You Tubes, while looking for a way to stop having to buy filter media for my 2 fish tanks and Koi pond in my Living room. This started an obsession that has led me down a path of learning and applying all sorts of methods and ideas to use on my 1st aquaponics system. I use a host of recycled materials including a shampoo bottle, empty fishfood bottles, rolled up monster can( used as a pipe for a bell syphon) the box…
ContinueAdded by Chris " Wild Dog " S. on November 3, 2014 at 3:31pm — 6 Comments
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