best way's to heat fish tank water, different types of heaters,diy heaters, correct water temp
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Started by Phil Slaton. Last reply by Jeff S Jan 9, 2016. 7 Replies 0 Likes
A photo of oneof my heaters hanging outside a 1,200 tank awaiting the winter. I am working to bring fry of pure strain T. Hornorum improved body male (nicknamed Wami) Tilapia and pure strain African…Continue
Started by Randy Turner. Last reply by Paul Trudeau Aug 20, 2014. 22 Replies 0 Likes
Has anyone utilized solar hot water systems to heat or ground source heat pumps to cool aquaponics systems? I considering alternatives to lighten electricity/ natural gas load as much as possible in…Continue
Started by randy proctor. Last reply by Christopher Willis Jun 25, 2014. 4 Replies 0 Likes
would a waterbed heater heat a 125 gal ibc tank for tilapiaContinue
Started by Randy Moss. Last reply by Timothy McMaster Jan 24, 2014. 12 Replies 1 Like
I have been working on a tank heater for a long time , i made it out of a hot water heater element, and it works great, check it out on youtube aquaponics/hydroponics (fish tank heater) made simple.…Continue
I should have set this up as a new topic. I currently am using 3 aquarium heaters, perhaps as a temporary fix.
My 700 gallon stock tank type FT is covered by a 10 Ft geodasic dome. I have removed the skin and am in the process of recovering it with "The Planket" a frost cover. The FT is covered now with a blue plastic pool cover, to retain heat, but still allows infrared to penetrate to the water. My experience last year covering my smaller FT with frost cloth about a Ft above the water was productive so I am scaling up the process. So far, before the temperature gets to low, I am recording my results and will share my findings.
Yes on the pool mat heater the small tubes clog up, that is why we put a back flush valve to blow them out.
Now again it works like new.
Robert, research heat exchangers since sending system water through a pool heater is likely to clog up the fine tubes and most domestic hot water systems for solar heating have copper tubing which would be bad for fish.
Cheapest methods I've seen entail getting the coils of the black poly drinking water pipe (1/2" or 3/4" or 1") and making a big flat coil in a black box with a glass covering. Only send the water through it when sun is shining on it or it may act more like a chiller. This is one of the few system types that doesn't require doing heat exchange.
Folks, I've built an electric heater for my system, and looking to make a solar barrel heater--but when I search solar I find probably 200+ pages. When it comes to flow through heaters, is it more economical to buy an above ground solar pool heater or build your own. I live in northern Virginia, just outside DC and my tanks are in a greenhouse. I'm looking to cut back on electricity by using solar. Any suggestions?
I am using a 12 x 4 pool heater solar mat, supplied by a Ben and Glen Aquazen air lift water pump. The draw back now that Fall is here and the shadow of the house interferes. So I get only 3 hours of heat.
Right now I have 3 400w heaters in my tank, I took one off line as the temps are keeping pretty constant. Luckily in AZ we don't have to deal with intense cold so the two heaters are working fine. I also covered my FT and ST as algae was starting to accumulate in the fish tank, Since I'm fishless cycling right now, I dont want algae giving me false readings in my water testing. I also added two air stones as I was finding mosquitoes starting to breed, I figured if I have the water moving around more those mosquitoes will go away, and what the hell fish like air bubbles anyway. It's a learning experience for sure!
Goldfish will survive just about anything. Keeping it cooler is probably a good idea as they will eat less and take longer to foul the water. This will give you more time to get your system going. I would raise the temp slowly as you begin the system, giving time for the bacteria to establish itself to to help keep the water suitable for the fish. The fish can tolerate a good amount of nitrogen, but high levels of ammonia will kill your fish.
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