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Latest Activity: Feb 2, 2019
Started by Linda Logan. Last reply by Linda Logan Feb 2, 2019. 1 Reply 0 Likes
I need to shut down my indoor system for a few months. I have 2 mature Shubunkin, 1 albino Hypostomus to clean the aquarium. There is another small fish living in the sump.I live in SE Portland and…Continue
Started by John Wilson. Last reply by Wade J Rochelle Jan 25, 2019. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Hi all, we've just purchased a property with a large indoor swimming pool. Around 80,000L with a greenhouse roof and plenty of room around it for grow beds. However, this is far too big for us to…Continue
Started by Nichelle Hubley. Last reply by Nichelle Hubley Jun 30, 2015. 7 Replies 1 Like
Well, I think I messed up big time. I've been feeding my precious tilapia koi food (I like in a small place and it was all I could get... :( ) for about 2 months and last night I read on the back of…Continue
Started by Henrique Miguel. Last reply by Wayne Mcbryde May 14, 2015. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Hi,I have a set up of 2 55 gal blue barrel with Tilapia and guppies separate. I have young ones and they are growing well. Issue of overcrowding and feeding. 1. I would like to use a water…Continue
Hi Holly, here is a link to some diagrams I've done over the years, some of them might help give you some ideas. diagrams
I will caution against using gutter filled with media as your grow bed since I fear it will be too small/shallow and you will experience too much trouble with clogging and overflows as roots fill up the space between the media.
Here is another link that might help you get your mind around some of the other basic physical elements of an aquaponics system.
Hi Randy - That is exactly what is up with my system! LOL I just went through this morning and tried to get more plants in system - they are at the stage where they are stalled..ugh timing is everything - so I will have to be patient and hope the fish make it - I feel sorry I am putting them through this which is why I went for the 15 cent each to start. My net pots seedlings are doing well but the roots haven't reached the water flow yet - most are still keeping moist from the wicks - fingers x all will right itself in a few days or so... thanks for the help everyone!
Figured out my own problem. Hydroton had gotten into the siphon itself and was impeding the water flow. Whew!
Heidi do you have much of a root system in your bed, if you do not have enough established plants with good roots you would not have enough filtration to take care of the nitrates/nitrites. It could be one of your problems. Good bacteria etc takes time to establish. Ours was all over the place the first 4-6 weeks. Drove us crazy. We kept doing water changes and backed off of the amount of food for fish per day, At first we stopped feeding like you did for 2-3 days and then changes of 1/3 water and very little food and put in more roots established plants in grow medium. All our sysems are bell and siphon systems.
Hi Randy - Thanks I have stopped feeding for about 3 days now and the water has always been clear which is why I was surprised the level had spiked so much... which is a good reason for other Newbies to remember to keep testing water as it can change in an instant - set up good habits early before you have problems. So if I already did the water change with no results - should I do another???
Trouble. I pulled out the bell siphon to clean it and now it won't restart again. The water drains slowly but I don't get that big rush of water. As a result the grow bed water gets too high and I'm going to have to turn the water on and off manually until I can get the siphon to restart. What should I do???
back off of feeding your fish for a couple of days (2) and then cut back on the amount you are feeding them. If your water is real cloudy etc do a 1/3 water change as well. This is what has helped us in the past. Good luck
I am hoping someone can offer advice... My system is 2 months old I have a 2x4x12" ebb and flo along with two 5ft length NFT tubes running off a 29 gallon tank with goldfish. All has been going well - cycling I thought was complete - now in last few days my water test has seen a spike in nitrites. Amm is 0ppm, PH is 7.5, Nitrites are 5.0 ppm (PURPLE - OMG!) it has always been 0 and Nitrates have been between 6-8ppm. The Amm was a 2.0 ppm for the last 3 water tests but then dropped to 0 the other day. Big problem is fish are starting to die - I did a 15 % water change with no change in the spike. I did read a bit about adding salt and posted earlier on AG but had no responses as to whether I should do this or something else - or let the bio system run its coarse. I am just a very nervous mother hen at the moment as I do not want to mess around and find out I caused more harm then good. Please if anyone has advice I could really use it. Thanks!
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