Aquaponic Gardening

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I'm trying to write a business plan for a commercial aquaponics "farm", but writing such a document is not really within my skill set, and I'm having trouble finding a good template to start from. Does anybody have such a business plan or template? Don't worry, I'm in Texas, so I won't be competition for you if you're elsewhere. :-)

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I've written several high-tech type business plans and to the best of my recollection, started with a template off the Word or Word Perfect web-based templates. Hopefully that will give you a starting point. Would like to get to know you as you are only a short drive from us out here in Ben Wheeler. You might even find it interesting that our "Ben Wheeler Community Garden" is in the building stage of launching a Aqua-Culture test on the community gardening level. Jim has never done it before; but has been in the nursery and community garden arena for the past 20 or so years. He' a real interesting guy to talk to. Give me a call some time and we'll kick around different ideas. My cell # is 512.587.0328; call anytime, except 9:30 pm to 5:30 am. Look forward to meeting you.

Bill & Rosie Sherman
Hi Troy,

I was exploring this briefly last summer and ran across a couple resources. I'm attaching a Guide to Developing Business Plans for Farms that came from the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Ag. Also Crop King has out a sample plan that you can purchase for a hydroponic business that was moderately helpful. Nelson and Pade go through some of what you need in their workshops, and they also offer a package deal on a customized plan, or at least they did a year ago when I was exploring all this. Hope this helps!
I believe that community-supported agriculture (CSA's) are an important tool in developing any small commercial aquaponics business plan :

another helpful link:
I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.
I've found The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Association to be very helpful in starting a small business. Check them out at
Aloha Troy This is Tim from Friendly Aquaponics in Hawaii. I'd be happy to send you an electronic copy of the current (very simple) spreadsheet we're using to track consumables costs against income from our farm if you send me your email address. We're developing a much more sophisticated SS that will track employee costs, overhead, depreciation, cost of money, and ROI, as soon as we have time. We cover this and a bunch more stuff about the business side of aquaponics in our twice-yearly trainings (NOT an ad, just a statement); and we will do anything we can to help people get started and be successful in commercial aquaponics without having to go through the same learning curve we went through. There's also a bunch of free aquaponics how-to stuff on our website at (, and we give away our $995 DIY commercial package AND our $1,500 Commercial Aquaponics Group Training to NGO's, churches, and bonafide non-profits for $100 for printing and mailing costs on this page (
I too am trying to write a business plan for a new medium scale Commercial Aquaponics business...I have support from the local Co-Op and really need some helpwith the plan!

FriendlyAquaponics said:
I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.
David, we haven't seen the Friendly folks in here much the past few months. There is some sharing of info on business plans going on over in the Commercial Systems discussion thread. Did you check that out?

Could you send that plan to me as well??

FriendlyAquaponics said:

I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.

I think you need to contact Friendly Aquaponics directly.

David jones said:

Could you send that plan to me as well??

FriendlyAquaponics said:

I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.

Good Afternoon Tim,

I am in similar spot as Troy and was wondering if I could also take a look at your plan.  Please let me know when you have time.  Thanks!!!!  Also, I have family that live a the big island and I was wondering if it is possible for them to visit you?  Thanks again!



FriendlyAquaponics said:

I am happy to send you our business plan, written in 2007, which got us a $100k loan from our local credit union...I'm not sure how applicable it will be, but you're welcome to it.

Coastview Aquaponics has posted our business plan for a small commercial farm in our group. We hope that it helps others in the process, and we ask to see yours when you get it done. We spent MANY hour researching and writing this plan to customize it for our farm. We are in he process of updating the plan as it has been nearly a year since writing it. Our current focus has changed a little and needs to be reflected in the plan.

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