Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Post tour comments, pictures, questions whatever.  Here is a place to post those things since the events here on Ning seem to vanish shortly after the date passes.


I must tank Cosmo for organizing yet another wonderful tour!    We had a great turn out.  I is beautiful to see so many new people getting into aquaponics.  Thank you all, attendees and hosts.

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Thanks to all the hosts who took the time to share their knowledge. I learned so much I have forgotten some already.

I had a great time today meeting so many of my fellow aquaponic enthusiast!  I really do appreciate Cosmo putting it together and to all the great host for taking their time to share with us! Sorry I couldn't make the last leg of the trip but I am looking forward to making a west coast trip soon.


I feel like it was a great first day in a long term friendship with so many of you!


I really hated missing it this time. I guarantee it was more fun than what I was doing (putting together a powerpoint presentation on education reform for my college class..  )


I had hoped to get to Cosmo's for lunch but that just didn't work out.


I really enjoyed seeing some of the Zip Grow Towers in action today at TCLynx's place.



Here's another interesting set-up taken a few minutes later.


And here's one from Green Acres later in the day.


Thanks, first of all to Cosmo for organizing the tour and hosting what I hear was a great lunch for everyone.  And secondly, thanks to everyone that came out to see our farm.  We love any opprortunity to share what we do and it is even better to get to share with fellow aquapoinic enthusiasts.  Until next time!

Here's a slideshow of the pictures I took yesterday on the aquaponics tour including a close-up of the duckponics grow bed at TCLynx's place.


Very nice, good slide show!
I had a fantastic time yesterday!!! Thanks so much to Cosmo and all of our hosts I learned more than I thought I would, and met some amazing people!

Sincere Thank You Cosmo Sir for all your hard work :-)


I also thank all other hosts, TCLynx, yourself plus Gina & Tonya of Green Acre Organics as well as everyone who attended. We all tried to share all our Aquaponic Gardening knowledge so that we can hopefully encourage many more people to enjoy this wonderful way of life. You are welcome back anytime :-)


God bless

Here is a slide show of some pictures taken by one of the participants of the 2011 Florida Aquapons Spring Tour held on March 5th. 2011 - location Sahib Punjabi's Aquaponic Research Farm - Enjoy :-)


Thank you for joining us. Please share any photos / videos that you may have taken during the 2011 Florida Aquaponics Tour. Thanks Mr. B. Pearcy for sharing yours :-)


God bless

My wife and I had a great time and learned much more than we could ever use, or remember.  Thank you to all of the hosts on the tour and to Cosmo (and his wife) for the wonderful lunch and pulling it all together.  We took way too few photos but were really just in awe.  I am looking forward to Cosmo releasing what must be the most informative AP video ever created.


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