Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hey everybody. I wanted to start a thread about Aquaponics in Oakland, CA specifically.

If there are folks that are willing to trade fish, or seeds, or used equipment that would be great.

Anyone interested in rotating aquaponics work parties

I'd also love to map out a tour of sorts-- if there are more than a couple of us with systems it would be amazing to meet up and visit each other's systems, either all on one weekend day or over the course of a few months we could meet up at one place every two weeks or so. 

I realize this may be harder to do with less people and more distance between folks, but we were doing this in Honolulu and it was great!

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Sounds interesting --Let see how much interest there is ....

Wow. It's been over a month and no other aquaponic gardener in Oakland has jumped into the conversation?!

...there simply has to me more than me (who is just planning out a new system) and Eric who runs his system a ton of technology. 

Rick, are you in Oakland? Are you currently running a system?

p.s. I have quite a bit of kale and turnip seeds to trade if anyone is interested.

I know a few in your area, I'll pass it on to them. I can say for myself that summer is busy for some folks, and site frequency goes up in the winter.

I've organized a few tours here in Santa Cruz, and have gone on the Sac tour. Have you checked the member map and sent out some PM's?


I'm new to the group and live in Oakland.  I'd love to chat sometime and talk about how your system is progressing.  I have a nice backyard that is screaming for an aquaponic system.  I've only begun the research process and would love to hear what you've discovered on your path. 



johnstanec at gmail

Hello!   i'd love to have you come down to visit my system in Half Moon Bay, and talk about it.    

Its a micro-commercial setup, at Pastorino Farms on Rt 92 in HMB.   We're there pretty much all the time.  In the front of the facility is Ouroboros Farms, a larger Aquaponics farm -- great people there, too -- and we are in the back, a tiny system. 

Two birds with one stone, and then a trip up to HMB Brew Company? 

We're open to discussion, a tour, or more even (i'm seeking partners).

Looking forward to meeting you! 

Jonathan Trease
DunMor   Specialty Aquaponic Produce


New to the group and first year with an AP system in our backyard.  Loving it, but now reworking a lot of original designs after attending the AP festival in Colorado.  I loved the community they had out in Boulder and would love to see what people in CA have going on.  



Hey Emily, I was at the festival in Colorado too. 

So, couple of things for you all. Rik, we are exchanging emails through Gary, right? Jonathan, I haven't met you yet, but we are about to be neighbors. I rented Ken's third bay at Ouroboros to be the first "base of operations" for a non-profit project I just started called SchoolGrown. We are starting to build there next week, and I would love to have the help of all who are near and interested. The address is 12511 San Mateo Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

We will post work party times shortly at , and I have posted new class schedules at

If any of you reading want to have your place on the farm tour for the AA Conference on September 12th, please let me know and I'll get it listed. So far, we have a triangular route planned from SJ to SC to HMB and then back to SJ. 


I'm in El Cerrito with a 500gal tank, nft pipe and flow-through wicking bed. Raising koi. I have some pond goldfish and assorted koi that I'd be happy to give away. I also regularly have an excess of water lettuce and hyacinth.

Hey Jon, too bad I didn't get to talk to you in Colorado!

I just checked out the website for SchoolGrown and it made me all kinds of excited.  I am finishing up my teaching credential and plan to incorporate aquaponics into my classroom.  I also have been working in nonprofits for years (currently at lunch in a grant training workshop right now) and would love to get to talk more with you about possible volunteer needs?  I am a little ways away from Monterey but a lot closer than Boulder =)


Jon Parr said:

Hey Emily, I was at the festival in Colorado too. 

So, couple of things for you all. Rik, we are exchanging emails through Gary, right? Jonathan, I haven't met you yet, but we are about to be neighbors. I rented Ken's third bay at Ouroboros to be the first "base of operations" for a non-profit project I just started called SchoolGrown. We are starting to build there next week, and I would love to have the help of all who are near and interested. The address is 12511 San Mateo Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

We will post work party times shortly at , and I have posted new class schedules at

If any of you reading want to have your place on the farm tour for the AA Conference on September 12th, please let me know and I'll get it listed. So far, we have a triangular route planned from SJ to SC to HMB and then back to SJ. 


Hi Jon!   i'm looking forward to meeting you!     I think its a great coincidence that we're all in the same facility, and think that we should actively capitalize on that.   Make some synergy, leverage, all the Biz-Speak.  :0    Let's make it happen. 

Absolute! Kenji may be coming in to run some AP a few doors down too, for the guy who grows all his own tomatoes for his restaurant. It's shaping into an all out AP mecca there. Too bad I live in Monterey at the moment. We will probably be moving back to Santa Cruz in a month, this commute is killing me. 

Emily, we will meet I'm sure, and great to hear we have similar interests and goals. The bay area is about to blow up with AP school greenhouses, which will no doubt influence the future of food and sustainability. 

Averan, I'll be headed your way within the next month, will try to plan ahead for a visit. 

Jonathan Trease said:

Hi Jon!   i'm looking forward to meeting you!     I think its a great coincidence that we're all in the same facility, and think that we should actively capitalize on that.   Make some synergy, leverage, all the Biz-Speak.  :0    Let's make it happen. 


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