Aquaponic Gardening

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Portable Farms just announced a "Salmon Aquaponics System" - (portablefarm dot com slash farm2011 slash salmon-aquaponics).  I'm pretty surprised by this as I thought salmon were salt-water fish.  The entire web page just talks about dealing with temperature differentials.  Anyone have any idea what is going on here?  Why wouldn't you just call that a Trout System?

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Not sure there Sylvia.  And spending so much effort to cool and heat water just seems a bit crazy to me.  But then again there are people trying to build a ski resort in Dhubi so there are crazy people out there.

salmon start off in freshwater streams and live there for the first couple years of their life.  you'd basically be raising trout-sized fish.

i don't think their passive heat-exchange idea is that crazy actually, just unnecessary and ineffective!  if someone really wanted to raise cold-water fish during warm summers, they should consider running the return lines underground for cooling.

that said, i think there's potential for salt-water systems growing kelp and salmon!  you'd have to cultivate an entirely different ecosystem of microorganisms to break down waste into fertilizer.

LMAO!  Pretty damn good comparison, TC.

TCLynx said:

Not sure there Sylvia.  And spending so much effort to cool and heat water just seems a bit crazy to me.  But then again there are people trying to build a ski resort in Dhubi so there are crazy people out there.

I haven't got a good word to say about these guys and their systems...


Neither does anyone else apparantly...

Seems funny that he'd be researching Salmon systems... now that he's hiding ... living in Panama...

I'd like to see his research facilities attached to his "aquaponics university"....

It looked like a shady website (e.g. training to be a certified(!) 'aquaponist'). 

RupertofOZ said:

Seems funny that he'd be researching Salmon systems... now that he's hiding ... living in Panama...

I'd like to see his research facilities attached to his "aquaponics university".... Is this the link?--it didn't lead to anywhere.

put a slash between 'farm' and '2011', and end it with /#more-2092

Wow.. I am doing this in my micro aquaponics system now...

I put stones in the bottom of the tank to replicate a stream and I use a swim-gym style jet (sold separately) to exercise the little fry.  I keep the air conditioning on so that the plants still get heat.  Then when the fry get to a half decent size I turn the jet off and add salt to my system so they think they are in the sea (will this hurt the plants at all?).  

  • I sometimes play whale music to help them acclimatise (CD is available to buy.. but sold separately)
  • I also add my patented "portable mini fishing boat system" (made from zinc) to mimic sea fishermen. (sold separately)

Once they have grown a little more, I completely dump the water and add fresh water again - bring the jet back in and this really successfully allows them to feel like they are swimming back up to their spawning site.  I also sell tank-side fishing rights (this is really the greatest money-making part of the system) to people who want the authentic feel of salmon fishing in the Scottish Highlands (add some cheap whiskey and it is like you are really there!).

If you are interested in visting this amazing set-up, then please do hurry to reserve your place for an introductory fee of just $199, plus for a limited time we will throw in a pooper-scooper.  Please visit one of my extensive network of affiliated sites today.

Thank you... I will now take my tongue back out of my cheek. Found this--it seemed like what ya'll were talking about. Doesn't seem crazy, just a tad insane.
Sylvia Bernstein said:

put a slash between 'farm' and '2011', and end it with /#more-2092

And extremely costly, probably unworkable,and  porbably unprofitable...

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