Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Lets put together a spreadsheet that every one can add data to and submit monthly.


I think that we should make a standard spreadsheet available. My suggestion is, it should include. Name. Location. Type/s of System/s.


The columns should be date, time, water temperature, ambient temperature,  PH, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, DO, Yield in Lbs, Comments(includes what and when plants are introduced  and harvested, problems, any additions to systems) 


We could expand this to include other data sets. What do you recommend?


I will compile a a spreadsheet in a later post once we hash out some details, and challenges of this project. It is more than likely that most people will have incomplete data, but this is better than no data. 


We should be able to extrapolate all kinds of information over time, and spreadsheets will be archived here for the scientists amongst us. 



Views: 848

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Hi Miguel,

I can think of several elements to add:

Crop variety

Seed or seedling - Stage of plant when entering the system (height, age)

Number of plants

Greenhouse or Exposed system

System size in gallons (or liters)

Type of fish

Number of fish

Fish feed used (this could be mutliple)

Frequency of feeding

Lighting - natural, artificial (type)

Daily light exposure (hours)


The list could be rather extensive if you want to gather useful scientific data for comparative evaluation.


I believe your Idea is a really good one. I would also suggest you add into this a cost savings and or cost benefit. I seen some where on this site someone was looking for this type of information. It would be beneficial also to know if the seeds are Genetically Modified or if there Not. I always plant NON-GM seeds

I have some spreadsheets to plug data sets into but no data. will share soon. I guess I have to be the first to put his foot forward here. so here goes. Let me know if you have any questions about the spreadsheet. It is based upon a DWC return on investment calculator I worked on for a client.


Thanks. I will look into this and see how and when I can start to use :-)


God bless,

Miguel Afonso said:

I have some spreadsheets to plug data sets into but no data. will share soon. I guess I have to be the first to put his foot forward here. so here goes. Let me know if you have any questions about the spreadsheet. It is based upon a DWC return on investment calculator I worked on for a client.

Water quality data for low density commercial systems is one area I would like to see added. Most of the scientific research has been performed on high density systems. The parameters I'm most interested in aren't generally performed by a commercial operator and may need to be studied as a research project.


A profile of the system would be great (before and after each component)







Biological Oxygen Demand / Chemical Oxygen Demand

Total Suspended Solids

Volatile Suspended Solids

Flow rates through components

I have created a document earlier for plants in an aquaponics system with a friend that needs to be populated but fields can be added as needed.

Google Doc Spreadsheet Here!!!

Hello Miguel, Your spreadsheet is very helpful. However, what would be the infrastructure cost to realize the 1024 sqft of growing space. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.



Miguel Afonso said:

I have some spreadsheets to plug data sets into but no data. will share soon. I guess I have to be the first to put his foot forward here. so here goes. Let me know if you have any questions about the spreadsheet. It is based upon a DWC return on investment calculator I worked on for a client.

Hi there Miguel.


This looks like a good start can you insert pop up note windows explaining what you are looking for in each entry?

And then maybe a blank one for everyone to download and mark up.

Miguel Afonso said:

I have some spreadsheets to plug data sets into but no data. will share soon. I guess I have to be the first to put his foot forward here. so here goes. Let me know if you have any questions about the spreadsheet. It is based upon a DWC return on investment calculator I worked on for a client.

I just joined this discussion.  Is there a standard data sheet to download, or are the details still being worked out?

Bob, see "Reply by JagaContest on January 5, 2012 at 1:38pm" above and follow the link to the Google Doc Spreadsheet all of us can use, even at the same time!!


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