Aquaponic Gardening

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Rick Stillwagon's Comments

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At 10:09pm on September 17, 2015, Nancy Grinstead said…
Can you add this newby to the group please
At 10:13am on August 28, 2012, George said…

Rick:  Could you direct me to some info on this subject?  I'd really like to distill essential oils from my own plants and then use it to make Christmas gifts.  Thanks.

We did a distillation demo of essential oils using citrus and mint.

At 10:30am on April 13, 2012, Lloyd Booth said…

Good morning, my local farm store has pond fishing supplies, including catfish. Because they were purchased, by them, as ORNAMENTALS they are $4.00 a 4 inch fingerling. And they are not interested in fleet sales even if I buy 100 of them. I was referred to a place in rural Pierce county as a listed hatchery of catfish, but there was no address, and the phone wouldn't take a message or accept a fax (though it did end in a fax tone). The nearest place that was willing to ship was in Missouri though their shipping costs were EXPENSIVE.   ** An additional note **  I have twice called my regional WA Fish & Wildlife Office and also sent emails asking questions, without one reply. I am afraid to ship in from out of state without discussing it with them and getting permits, etc. But they do not reply to me by phone or email.

At 9:14pm on February 24, 2012, Anne Phillip said…

Hi Rick- just wanted to say that I am enjoying your blog. Thanks for writing it.

At 9:28am on February 17, 2012, Anne Phillip said…

Thanks Rick- I will contact her, that is a great idea. I appreciate the invite, it would be excellent to see different systems.

At 9:34am on December 26, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Hey buddy, Merry X-Mass!

I haven't seen you on here for a while. Been busy making money? Anyway just dropped by to say hi.


At 6:08pm on December 15, 2011, Eric Warwick said…

Hey Rick, my bio/chem teacher was looking for an aquaponics expert for our project, making a family self-sufficient for a month with aquaponics. You were the first person who popped into my mind, so I'm wondering if you could help us out with your expertise. Her e-mail is Hope we can work something out.

At 5:19pm on December 4, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Wink ;)

Thanks buddy.

At 7:54pm on November 8, 2011, Oma Richmond said…

I'm in Portland Ore. and I am so impressed with the greenhouse system you are putting together together. Wow!

I have been playing at this and altho I have just the gutters and what looks like a NFT system, I have been using 3" coco cups (with coco) I do a flood and drain in the gutters every 3 to 4 hours. (depending on the season). Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the full grown food I had all last winter and the system is down now, as I am replacing the two 25 gal reservoirs (under the table with the cloth cover) with a 50 gal aquarium.  I would like to use one of the reservoirs as some sort of bio filter. . . Using the clay and earthworms?  I'm not sure and I was hoping to have someone take a look at what I've got and help me get it set up in the best possible way.  Looks like you have a lot on your plate, to actually come to Portland and help me get this set up.  Any suggestions or interest?

At 4:29pm on October 23, 2011, Eric Warwick said…
Hi Rick. Yes I think we should meet sometime about our possibilities area, however since I'm 14 I'll go with my parents. Hope we can work something out. --Eric.
At 9:16am on October 23, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Thanks, Rick!
At 8:42pm on October 21, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Hi Rick, I'm back in China now. It was such a pleasure to meet you last week. I managed to bring (hand carry) all my books for now so no need to worry about that for a bit. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Oh BTW, can you please collect some more seeds for me please. Mine got lost in the packing and tossed out by mistake. I'll try to write something about collecting and storing seeds if you need.



At 3:16pm on October 3, 2011, Dave & Yvonne Story said…


thank you. I am lazy and old, but I will do it to protect my fish.


At 3:15pm on September 16, 2011, David Bang said…
Hi Rick, I will try to answer best I can, the unit is up running?
At 4:58pm on July 28, 2011, Nate Storey said…
that's a nice looking greenhouse!
At 8:39am on November 9, 2010, Ricky Flickenger said…
no restrictions that I know of, but my current tank and the next one will be just ornamental. I don't think a 55 gallon tank is big enough to breed any substantial size fish for food - not to mention it might be cruel for me to confine them. If I learn anything I'll let you know
At 7:16pm on November 6, 2010, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Hi Rick,

Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to join in. Always thrilled to have experienced growers join us – please post some photos of your system!

A great place to start is to read the How to Use This Site link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.

Please add a photo of yourself and participate!

Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.

At 7:00pm on November 6, 2010, TCLynx said…
Flood and drain media, definitely add worms they are great.

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