Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Its Magic. Closing in the Greenhouse

Today the Magician team of Tonya and Gina come to help me close in the greenhouse. I was anticipating getting to work with carpenters again and it was all that I was hoping for. I bought a vinyl door at that hardware crack house Lowes. All went great. The dynamic duo installed the door in the greenhouse. You can see for yourself that it I now have a building. When there is a door it is called a building.
After the door install they had a quick salad and then installed the rest of the Polycarb roofing. That was really tricking as it is a curved. So it took a levitating roofer.

So with great thanks I highly recommend these two if you should have need to hire a contracting team to get your project on the right track.

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Comment by Kim Dunn on June 5, 2011 at 7:35am

Hi cosmo.  I am a new member.  My husband and I have been looking into get a setup started for a while now, and we are buying our first home in hernando, about 20 min north of Inverness, and we can finally make it happen.  There has been a lot of conflicting info about wether or not we should use a greenhouse.  You live so close I thought you might have some insight.  Thanks.

Comment by Green Acre Aquaponics on November 7, 2010 at 7:05am
Thanks ya'll!! We had fun! :)
Comment by TCLynx on November 6, 2010 at 6:18pm
I have witnessed their work, I would recommend them. :D
A levitating roofer has to be worth more than their weight in gold seeing as it must be difficult to get them to register on a scale. :P


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