Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

That was what Kirsten and I told the participants in our class at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply on the 28th of April.  We told them that Earth Day was the 22 of April but we felt we all should honor the earth every day.  We had given a class on Economical Aquaponics for World Water day.  We were so well received that they had a spill over crowd and we gave another class on the 28th. Mostly the participants are an over 40 group who are very excited about aquaponics.  Some have started systems but many want to find a way that doesn't cost so much.  This time Kirsten put together a barell system even putting the hole for the uniseal in.  We wanted them to know they could do this.  I brought back the previous system I had built and put it together.  We had them both up and running so they could see how it should work.

It is so amazing when we get to the question and answer period we were swamped.  They just wanted to know more. Many stayed fpr a long time after the class to get some answers.  It was very rewarding to be able to help these people that want to be involved with aquaponics.  Now we are going to be given a booth at their annual plant show in Aug I think.  We will be able to show a system and answer all the questions that people have.  We also have a gig of 4 more classes through the next year, one a quarter.  It is a great way to promote aquaponics and the association. 

Now we get word that the lady in charge has recommended us to person at a community college and he wants to talk with us.  Apparently he wants to set up a system at the college.  I feel like I am a very small wheel on this train called Aquaponics but things just keep falling into our laps.  There is a niche for each of us out there and our passion carries us on.  Everyday when I drop in on the web site I see how people have advanced.  It is like a very strong wind is blowing us along this road just at the right time when food has become so expensive and so contaminated. 

I had a small group of home schoolers come by for a tour the other day and what exciting children they were.  They had so many questions and seemed trully interested.  Not like we see in our public schools around here.  Some of these kids have little systems at their home.  Their mothers expressed how much easier it made for them to teach the kids biology when they had a living system in their house.

I sure am looking forward to the convention this fall to be able to see all the people I met last year and to make new friends.  There will be so much to share.  Aquaponics is trully sweeping the country and the world.  I am proud that I was able to participate in this adventure even though it comes late in my life.  Every time I go out to feed the fish or to pick some fresh lettuce it gives me reason to keep on living longer.  I can't stick around for the end of the story because I don't think it will ever end but I certainly can enjoy it for awhile.  I am very thankful to God and to all the members of this community for making my life so much richer.  By sharing aquaponics with everyone I meet I have made the earth a little better

Aloha Raychel  Just remember EVERY DAY IS A DAY TO BE GOOD TO THE EARTH








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Comment by Kirsten Udd on May 19, 2012 at 3:22am

Coke bottles! :)

Comment by Chris Smith on May 8, 2012 at 10:29am

Way to go Raychel!! Keep up the good work!

Comment by Carey Ma on May 6, 2012 at 11:39pm

Hey sista;  Each day is indeed Earth day. May the god and goddess continue to bless you. Mote shall it be.

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on May 5, 2012 at 2:50pm

You are such an inspiration, my friend.  Thank you for sharing this with our community and thank you for all you do for aquaponics!  Mahalo Nui Loa. 

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