Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Sounds like a strange name doesn't it?  Actually it was a really big food thing combined with a sustainability event.  We were given the honor of having a booth at this event.  I t cost us $30.00 but that is because we were friends of the people who put it on.  We took 4 of our small systems and a solar generator.  We almost couldn't go because we had no source of electricity.  God at the last minute reminded me that my friend had a solar generator with a battery.  I knew she didn't like to lend things out but I asked anyway and she let us use it.  What a blessing.  Everyone was impressed with the solar and the small systems.  There were over 8000 people at the event.  The little kids loved our aquarium systems.  I have this new WWOOFer and he fell in love with aquaponics.  He has been here about 6 weeks and has designed 5 systems and built them for me. 

He helped me out with the class we had a little while back where we help 15 teachers with their student build a system to take back to their school.  So that means 15 new class rooms have systems .  One of the teachers turned out to be the Director 0f Sustainability at the new West Oahu University campus.  I believe I do digress but  we have so many exciting things going on.  My friend at the Board of Water Suply says you know you are on the right road when the way just keeps opening up.  We just took the 2 aquarium systems up to the BOW and left them as we had to go for a TV interview that will show on the morning show the week we do the BOW plant sell. 

Back to Eat the street and our systems we ran on solar.  I hope to be able to get some pictures up on this blog.  I am not real good at pulling the pictures out of my computer but I will try.  I even was able to sell 2 of Sylvia's books and one chemical kit.  We plan to take these to the plant sale.  We also passed out lots of Association pamphlets.  All in all it was a wonderful day.  It lasted from 3pm to 8 pm.  This is one of the systems  we made at the class of teachers This is a picture taken from the 2600 ft ridge above and near my house.  No I didn't go hiking.  Kelii made this for my deck

Kelii's Watermelon system

This is Kelii's joy.  Everything from these systems is recycled.  This cost $25 because we spent that on them paint.

This is our security officer

This is the cart I used to teach the Bord of Water class how to make a small system  I will add some more photos later.  As I said we try to teach recycled materials.  The folks in my area can't afford to spend big money on systems.  It sure is a lot of fun for an older lady like myself.

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Comment by Jim Hall on July 26, 2012 at 5:46am
Nice! Sounds pretty exciting. Saw a campaign commercial (I think) that had some kids at an Oahu school standing next to their small Aquaponics system. Will be coming from Maui to help get my grandkids in school this weekend. Hope to do some visits during the week or so I am there.
Comment by Sahib Punjabi on July 24, 2012 at 6:20am

You are such a good person.

God bless

Comment by Carey Ma on July 23, 2012 at 10:52pm

You go girl!

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on July 23, 2012 at 7:58pm

How wonderful, Raychel!  I'm always so impressed when I see all that you are up to!  Keep up the great work!

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