Vlad Jovanovic




Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, combination
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
4,850 litre
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Hepatic portal vein
Please tell us something else about yourself.
2131 sq.foot AP Greenhouse completed fall of 2011. Have 8 IBC media beds for growing as well as pre-filtering the DWC troughs. 4,850 litre fish tank, 2000+ litre sump buried in the ground. 546 sq. feet of DWC rafts. Using Carp as it is very tolerable to conditions here, and is also the single most bought/sold/eaten fish in these parts.

Comment Wall:

  • Sahib Punjabi

    Welcome Vlad :-)


    Boy! you live in a cold part of the world. Well, I hope that this Fantastic Aquaponic Community provides you with lots of warmth and gives you all the knowledge you need to grow your own food naturally ;-)

  • Jake Schneider

    Thanks for the comment Vlad!  and thanks for the info!
  • Carey Ma

    You seem to have a decent knowledge of what you want.

    Suggestion: Since you are remodeling, don't forget to add extra of everything (wiring), just in case, ie if you later want to use 1000 watt lights or more lights. One can never use too much lighting, only too much electricity. Please let me know how I can help you further.


  • Carey Ma

    Hello Vlad, I was wondering if you can get access to any heirloom (AKA open pollinated) seeds in your area or is everything commercial hybrids? I would like to expand my seedbank and require your help if there are any heirloom seed around.

  • Carey Ma

    Hey man, Thanks for your quick reply. It saddens me greatly to learn that even former eastern block countries are being/ have been contaminated and converted to hybrids. I hope there is enough of us around the world to preserve the old way of farming.

    At present I have around one hundred and fifty different vegetable cultivar in my seedbank so don't need any per se, but am always interested in expanding my options, especially cold tolerant varieties. In the next few years, I am hoping that I can grow-out most cultivars as seed stock with my new farm. My present garden just isn't big enough to grow more than a one or two of each for food and replenish seed stock for the following year.

    Another reason I want so much variety is to conduct an experiment to develop my own strains that would be unique to the local climate, (which may take up to twenty years to develop).

    I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    Cheers my friend

  • Bill Moore

    NTF working great so far.  Only concern has been the mold growing on the peat cups.  Won't do that again.  Will just resort to Hydroton.  Transplanted some plant remove peat.  This is an experimental system for me to learn on, and having a great time at it.

  • Carey Ma

    Thank you my friend, I need both dormant and non dormant Alfalfa most desperately followed by Ladino Clover and Birdsfoot Broadleaf Trefoil. Timothy Grass, Milk Vetch, Lucerne and other high protein, open pollinated grasses would also be most welcome. (I need a total of around one hundred pounds of grass seeds but think it may be unreasonable to ship such quantities without hassle from customs). I have had seeds shipped here in five gallon buckets with no problem but anything bigger may be considered commercial and may need testing/ certification etc. Please send only as much as you are comfortable with. 

    In fact I would be glad to receive any and all open pollinated seeds. I have plenty of Basil varieties but non in bulk so a pound of Basil seeds would be wonderful. Fruit, berries and wild flowers would also make excellent additions. One can never have too many seed varieties/ cultivars.

    Of course I would gladly pay for the seeds and shipping but donations in any form would be much appreciated. I appreciate any help but don't want to put anyone out of their comfort zone.


  • Carey Ma


    That is a kewl looking system and looks like it is easier to resolve after each grow cycle than the old colossuem which took a lot of hydrogen peroxide to clean out the dead roots. The price of this contraption is simply way too expensive for any but those that grow pharmaceutics.

  • Carey Ma

    Anything, any type of open pollinated seeds would be welcome. Clovers fit the bill nicely. Any luck with Alfalfa?

  • Carey Ma

    Yes Vlad, that appears to be alfalfa. How much can you get/ send me? I am interested in the clover seeds you mentioned as well. I think we can try one pound of each first to test Chinese Customs before we try sending larger volumes.

  • Jon Parr

    Thanks Vlad, big 39. Hoping nobody would notice:-) 
  • Eric Warwick

     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWM2joNb9NE In response to your search for a profile picture for business: "So I thought rainbows and unicorns are also good in the business world".

  • Gina Cavaliero

    Thanks for the friend request Vlad!  I didn't realize we weren't already friends.  :)

  • tilly the tilapia

    Hi Vlad

    Have been running low ph for a long time and find that the bio filter changes and will still work plus plants like

    this low ph was done over a long period

    this is using tilapia

    also there is a government greenhouse operation in Canada that has done the same as I have

    Have been able to breed tilapia at very low ph with good success

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Vlad.  As a sign of appreciation for the substantial contributions you make to this community you are now being "Featured" on the Members page.  It's just a small gesture of thanks...thanks! 

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    LMAO!  I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation with your wife. 

  • Paul Trudeau

    Hi Vlad, honored to have you join the Sacramento Aquaponics Group.  Your home is definitely the most distant part of the Sacramento region of anyone in the group!

  • Carey Ma

    Hey buddy, long time. Hows life? Hope all is well, I've been crazy busy. Too much work but still hardly any income...still. But the future looks crazy bright too. Hope to hear from ya.


  • David Schwinghamer

    I just got some fry and small fingerlings, do you think it will be ok if I put them with some 2" mosquito fish?

  • Jon Parr

    Ha. CMH for camera. Deal.  I posted the pic here:


    Can you join us this weekend?

    Yes, that was my first steelhead, on my first attempt at fly fishing on the Klamath river last year. Hope to return this year. I'm a fairly regular ocean fisherman, and I love to freedive and shoot big fricken fish, but lakes and streams are new territory. BTW, I'm going out for albacore next week, hope to spear a few. My buddy went out on Saturday and saw a school of 50 plus albacore just lounging under the boat.  Woohoo, can't wait.

  • Tiffany Taylor

    Lol well thanks for accepting the request!!!! Yes of course I can tell you anything you wanna know about our program. We have a website www.belovedcommunitychicago.org which is currently being updated so the new website will be www.thebelovedcommunitychicago.org. Our urban farm project went from a small summer project to a year round thing lol so we are trying to put up all of the info/pics of the work that the kids have done throughout the summer and fall. I can gladly email some photos of the urban farm if you'd like. The kids are really excited about the aquaponics system they are anxious to start lol.


  • Alex Veidel

    My tilapia are coming in a half hour. 10:30am Central Time. Yeah, I wasn't sure if the website actually hosted the videos like it does the pictures, or if it just linked to them, so I tried to upload straight from my computer. Anyway, it won't let me delete the video, at least, not that I can tell. Kinda embarrassing :) I'll load it up to youtube, its just the video version of my pictures.

  • Izzy

    Hey buddy, thanks for the add!  Talk to you soon.  :-)

  • Ilija Aralica

    Hvala Vlado !

  • Bob Campbell

    This is a section of an essay I'm writing about soil.  The very last sentence describes how the pH is kept in check during the nitrification process. 

    I'd like to
       1.  more accurately describe both the nitrification chemistry math of NH4+ conversion to NO2- and NO3-
    as well as the
        2. denitrification math involving the hydrogen and oxygen from the NO2 and NO3- in which the N2 is returned to the atmosphere through denitrifying bacteria.

        3. It also seems that the plant exchange of H+ for nitrogen would help the soil retain a higher pH.  Can you help me verify that, and the correct symbol for the form of nitrogen being exchaged?

    Maybe a new discussion would be best, but I wanted to specifically ask for your help so I posted my question here.

    Bacteria come in two basic types.  Anaerobic which lives without oxygen and produces offensive odors, and aerobic which lives with oxygen and produces pleasant fresh odors.  Bacteria are responsible for recycling carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen.  CO2 is a by product of aerobic bacteria, and sulfur is recycled by anaerobic bacteria.  Nitrogen found in the atmosphere can not be used directly by plants. It must be 'fixed' through a process called nitrification where aerobic bacteria combine nitrogen with either oxygen or hydrogen
    to form  nitrite (NO2-), and eventually nitrate (NO3-) ions from the ammonium (NH4+) waste of protozoa and nematodes which consume other bacteria and fungi.  Nitrification produces an acidic pH when oxidation occurs. This process is called reduction because there is a loss of electrons, and it releases energy that is used by the bacteria.   Nitrifying bacteria do not generally like low pH, but fortunately other bacteria called denitrifying bacteria convert nitrogen salts created by the nitrification process back into nitrogen N2 which returns to the atmosphere.
    The plants exchange hydrogen (H+) for nitrogen (N?) which also helps to return the pH to a higher level.

  • Ivan Djurickovic


    bolje vas nasao!

    Ja sam totalni pocetnik u akvaponici, trenutno gradim svoj prvi sistem i ucim ucim ucim o svemu ovome :D


  • Alex Veidel

    You know, there's an entire side of your face that I never knew existed....until this weekend O_o

  • Alex Veidel

    Whoa, is that activity??? Welcome back Vlad!! Thanks, I hope to have a good time :)
  • Carey Ma

    Hi Vlad, long time no talk. How and what are you doing these days? How is your operation going? I have had a pretty busy and exciting year building a new farm. One thing I'd like to share is my use of charcoal as media in my fishless system and in raised beds. What do you think about this, off the top of your head? I'm interested in your opinion.

    Hope everything is well and you enjoyed a warm holiday season surrounded by friends and family.


  • uri sitnik

    hi Vlad

    i have read all your posts',and it is as reading my own Thoughts.

    six mounth ago i left my job trying to do things that i like (carpentry, pottry, etc)

    creating for my soul,

    and AP system to fead me.feelig that small comertial AP can provide some small income to make me go around .

    and today i have come across your post ,and your picters and i can see you are doing AP comertial (corect me if iam mistaken)  i would like to ask you for some of your Know how if you are willing to shere

    thank you  uri

  • Ivy

    Hi Vlad, thank you for text me. Let me know which microbiological fertilizers  you are registering now