Carey Ma



China, mainland

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
fish feed
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, NFT, vertical
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Koi, Tilapia, Catfish, Other
How big is your fish tank?
one 50 gal, one 500 gal and one 2500 in a ciuculating system
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I am an American, currently living in Beijing. My name is Carey Ma. I am an Ecolonomists with over twenty years experience in off-grid/ automated living. The word ecolonomics was coined by a personal hero of mine; Denis Weaver. Ecolonomics is the promotion of sustainable alternatives that are economically profitable. Simply put, ecolonomics means maintaining natural resources in ways that are economically sound. I consult in all phases of Green living and explore the principles of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, to provide practical examples of how to apply them. I consult for: Architects, designers, city and community planners, land owners, factory owners, and greenhouse/ orchard/ farm owners.

I have a plan to establish a facility which will reduce the impact of agriculture on ecosystem functions and services by providing nature inspired, zero emissions, sustainable Agri-technology using integrated bio systems (IBS) in an urban/ peri-urban environment for the production of food & lifestyle enhancement amenities. My ultimate dream is to build a Hi-Rise Farm, each Farm feeding 10-30,000 of their neighbors while producing energy and clean water.

My nursery/ garden /farm is less than two acres yet both economically and ecologically sustainable and manages to feed a family of four with surplus to sell. I have been experimenting with Aquaponics, on and off since the late seventies and finally have a balanced schedule of nutrient flow.

Aquaponics is the first step in an integrated bio system. An integrated biosystem contains at least two biological activities or subsystems where nutrients in the form of by-products (waste from one sub-system) serve as resources or the input for another.

I make my own feed using algae, vitamin rich veggie leaves, earthworm & dry grub protein.

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  • Alex Ng

    hi carey!  good to know some people doing aquaponics in China.  Would like to learn more on a DIY basis. interested to know how you got started in China. WHere do you find materials? (there isn't much Home Depot or similar in SHanghai) 

  • Ryder Wooten

    Carey, I am a master's student in Global Sustainability at USF Tampa. I am trying to implement closed-loop aquaponic systems in schools as a way to teach kids how to build the systems and plant, harvest, and troubleshoot them. As part of the grants that my team is looking at we must be able to quantify the amount of food produced in pounds and the amount of people that can be fed per square foot of space used for growing. I am coming to Shanghai and Beijing this summer 5/10-6/21/13. We are studying Chinese architecture and I am trying to develop an aquaponic greenhouse that harvest its own water. I finish my degree after the Fall semester 2013 and I am hoping to develop these systems through our grant team and make my career in aquaponics. I do not have a system myself but I grow at my apartment in pots. I do work on a system with my team at one of our team member's backyard and I am helping a local farmer in New Port Richey area to change from organic soil growing to aquaponics systems. Ok well I think thats enough for now but feel free to ask me any questions that you have. Thanks again for all your help! 

  • Amy Lu

    Hi Carey. Are you still doing aquaponics in Beijing? I have a couple of friends who are interested in investing aquaponics project in China. I will go to China for a business trip this summer and would like to visit your farm if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!