Nate Storey


Laramie, WY

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Sylvia's newsletter
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
vertical, I develop hydroponic and phytoremediation equipment. I've done NFT, various gravel bed hydroponic techniques and vertical aero and vertical hydroponic production. Right now I'm using vertical tubes of my own design. They contain a polyester matrix material medium and the plants grow out of one face of the tubes. They work wonderfully for high-density production. I'd be happy to send pictures to anyone interested. I'm currently culturing common carp and several types of tilapia. I'm running two 2000 gallon+ systems .
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
How big is your fish tank?
4,000 gallons
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I'm a University of Wyoming researcher. I did my masters degree on aquaponic component comparisons and I'm currently working on a PhD looking at high density production, marketing systems, cost reductions and impacting local markets. I also own Bright Agrotech, LLC, and equipment development and manufacturing company specializing in aquaponic equipment. My goal is to make commercial aquaponics as sustainable, profitable and accessible as possible.

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  • David Hart

    Thanks Nate !
  • Raychel A Watkins

    Hi Nate
    I used to do research at the UofW's research station in Grand Teton National Park when I was at U of Neb at Omaha. I went 2x a summer for almost 10 years. What a beautiful place. I was doing research on parasites in Microtus montanus in the park.
    I have only gotten into the aquaponics lately. I was delayed by an eye problem but it is full steam ahead at the moment. I am awed by your towers. Just when you think you have all the answers and plans something new crops up. When you take a class the teachers believe they have all the answers. This website has shown me that is not true.
    I want to understand more about the towers. Do you have blueprints, drawings, videos or anything. I need to understand how you get water to them and how does it recirculate to the fish. Maybe even pictures of the whole system. I learned a lot from the pictures but I don't get it all
  • Rob Torcellini

    Hi Nate.

    I've had very good luck with my verticals. I mainly grow strawberries in them and am using 3/8" crushed granite. There's a quarry nearby so I can get it really cheap. I have had just one plant get root bound and the water has overflowed a bit. I'm currently designing a modified tower to accommodate a slightly larger root mass and different growing medium.

    This year I started experimenting with the same material that you have. It's the fiber matrix made (or resold) by GAF that is used in the building industry for roof ridge vents. It's only 3/4" thick, but it allows me to roll it into a cylinder and slide it into the round no waste cutting corners off the squares. I'm not using a lot of it since I don't know how it has been treated for fire suppression and don't want to hurt the fish. The MSDS sheets show it is polyester with less than 1% aluminum oxide and carbon black. No deaths yet!

  • Rob Torcellini

    I am wondering if you could tell me your source of your material. I'm in the process of building a new greenhouse that's around 1000 sqft and will need a lot of it for the new towers....I'm also thinking it may work well in a standard growbed. Far lighter than stone, and possibly cheaper than expanded clay? I'm also working on getting some erosion control blankets that is the similar material, but less dense. (I think it's not dense enough)

    As for the remote monitoring. This has been another big part of my design processes. Everything is custom built! I've been designing it for about 2 years in my spare time. The general system flow works like this. Individual sensors tie into an interface card that has a microprocessor in it. The interface cards currently support replays, on/off switch inputs, light sensors, digital temperature, and humidity (prototype just about done with the programming). Each interface card has a USB interface that can connect to a laptop. I chose to use a computer since they are cheap (for used low end used models) and can handle more of the logic features. The laptop is able to communicate over the Internet to a main web server where all the data is compiled for historical graphing. Also, the user can make changes to the settings of the controller computer. The controller computer can continue to operate if the internet connection is down, and will cache the data, but it is not possible to make changes to the programming without the web interface. Once nice feature with the laptop. If it dies, it can be replaced quickly and download the software and settings from the master web site.

    And yes, we've chatted on the BYAP website. I'm Web4Deb.

    Feel free to contact me at my work email address:
  • Susan Moriarity

    Hi Nate: Thanks for reaching out. You know, I was just talking with my team yesterday about finding somebody who made towers --and then you appeared! (I have to give a nod here to Rob Torcellini, as it was his strawberry towers that got me thinking along these lines.) We would want to try to use a more sustainable medium, and I would love to hear your thoughts on that issue. In fact, I'd really like to speak with you about potential collaboration.
  • Jesse Hull

    Hi Nate,
    I'm currently looking at the Verti-Gro towers (quite popular here, I've noticed...) or a similar product made right here in Wisconsin. We'll be purchasing one or the other this week.
    Pictures of Sweet Water's indoor systems are available on the SWO website.
    I'm digging your vertical tube planters, & looking forward to exchanging ideas in the future.
  • TCLynx

    Thought you might like to see the picture of a tower with flowers in it.
  • Andrea

    Wow. I started looking at your pictures and my jaw dropped. Amazing!
  • Andrea

    Right now I'm just doing ornamental fish (mollies and such) while I learn the ropes. But I'm hoping to build a "real" system next year and raise tilapia and kitchen veggies. Just enough to feed the two of us from my rather small back yard. We're still studying, reading, and discussing potential layouts. Since our yard *is* so small, those towers are really calling to me as a better use of the space we have.

    We were discussing using an IBC for our tank, and burying it to help insulate it (it snows a little here in winter, and gets over 100 in the summer) and we figured that would get us about 200 gallons of actual fish space. Then with another 200 gallons of growbeds, each a foot deep, it's turning into a much larger footprint than I'd expected - even with some overlap of the FT. And while we do have a small yard, I wasn't intending to cover the *whole* thing with a greenhouse!

    I'd really only thought of the towers for strawberries, but you've shown me that it's not nearly that limited. So now I'm tentatively thinking perhaps 100 gallons of traditional GB and then have towers. That would really solve my space concerns.

    Can you point me to a thread where I could study more about it? For example, I know that 1:1 is a good ratio for GB:FT volume, but how do I convert that to tower thinking?

    LOL. I didn't mean to bombard you all at once. I'm just so excited by your beautiful results! :-) Forgive me, please!
  • TCLynx

    Going well here Nate, I'll have to take some Flower tower pictures for you.
  • Andrea

    Excellent, that's exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Thank you!
  • Michael S Uhl

    Hi Nate,
    What's the easiest way to talk/communicate for you? I'm a grad student interested in using the work you and this great group of folks has done into another realm. I could use your thoughts before I get too far along though. Could you send me a brief email at
  • Lori Platt

    I'm with you on the leeks! But I planted these by accident... have not grown them before, only cooked with them once or twice years ago...was just ignorant about I get this amazing crop of leeks from the AP setup, lookup some recipes online and try them in a soup (FANTASTIC!!) then sautee'd with my green beans and squash (OMG!! These are so GOOD!!) and now am planning a whole bed just for leeks.. hoping I can rotate them through year round!! LOL :-)
  • M Cosmo

    It is the new LINK tab at the top of the form page. Go there and choose the tab network flinks and search for vertical. The tax is you have to put up some of your links.
  • Tawnya Sawyer

    Hi Nate-
    Do you have a source for the tower media that can be readily purchased. Do you have suggestions for other types of media that could be purchased locally?
  • L F

    Nate: I recently read an older post where you stated one greenhouse should be orenated NS and 2 would be EW. I'm not sure I understand the reasoning. I plan on building one soon but will build more if things work out. Space is no problem.Thanks for all the info even that posted earlier. L F
  • L F

    Thanks Nate I just couldnt get my brain in that mode. I also wanted to ask you about the tower planters. They look like a way to grow a lot of plants in a small space.How many of these could I put in a 15 X 60 space which is about half of the green house that I'm building first to see if this idea is going to work. I'm hoping vine plants along with strawberries [if I can find some that produce year around] will grow good in thes towers.
  • Xavier Johnston

    No problem man, thanks for the feedback. I actually purchased three of your towers yesterday to be shipped to Miami and then here to me in Jamaica. I noticed that when you harvest you seem to harvest the entire plant and then right off at the base of the stem... Is that for any particular reason?
  • David Waite

    Nate I can only aspire to get to your level. I am located 60 miles east of Reno  in Fallon Nv. We are at 4500 elevation. I see you are using modine heaters but how are you heating the water.
  • David Waite

    Nate thanks for the heating info. The greenhouse is 30x60. I am making a solar collector to heat the water in the tank. I realized this wont solve all my problems but it cant hurt. Ill take pics and send them . Take er easy Tower king. haha.
  • David Owens

    Thanks Nate. I am currently buried under a few inches of snow and am eagerly awaiting spring. I have been running around gathering DIY materials for a hoophouse and AP system as well as researching info on my new hobby. I hope to set up a few gravel ebb and flow tables, a few raft tables and some vertical systems. So far I love your Zip towers and Sahib's babylon towers. This community is a great info tool and everyone seems very friendly and knowledgeable! As soon as I get some things going I plan on sharing a lot of photos and stories of my journey
  • Scott lemonds

    whats up nate , the reason i made the statement was because of the unique influx of nutrients that occur during shedding ,The volume of phosphates and valent calcium and magnesium  are incredible.We are trying to create a transmission for that system right now.Love those towers  Would like to buy some wholesale,talked to sylvia she said to contact you.Deveveloping a nonprofit  educational  program,  like your towers better than  the round pvc ,just cant make it work anywhere near the retail level.I I was really trying to bait some one on a discussion.not downplay anyones accomplishments.My expertise lies in hatchery technologyof this animal not in system development.How about i change that to "redclaw, nitro for your aquaponic system."


    Im involved with the only farm left in the usa that can  ship stickfins in florida.

    Hope to hear from you soon.




  • David Waite

    Nate I am unable to drop the PH in my system. Hit a wall at 7.6 . I check my GH general hardness and KH Kinetic hardness and found that my GH is off the charts hard. So looking for a way to lower that without having to import soft water. I am on a well. Lots of Manganese and calcium are keeping my PH high. Take care ...........D
  • Growitright Aquaponics

    Hi Nate,
    It's been going good, thanks for asking. Love the zip grow photos! Can't wait to hear about your latest project. Hope all is well. :)
  • AJ Grottke

    Thats awsome that your wee able to see some Chinese mushrooms ops.  They have really pioneered the mushrooms growing industry.  Great story; all we have is crap, but were still gonna make it!

     We started the company last fall, and are just really getting things underway this year.  We sold our products at farmers markets and coops last year.  I have put mushroom production on halt while i rebuild and upgrade the fruiting and inoculation area.  I should be done here on Monday, and inoculating the first batch of the new growing area this Tuesday.  I love oyster mushrooms! 

    You really seem to have things going on in the aquaponic department :)  Your zip grow towers look like an amazing product.  How long is it taking you to get your basil in them to harvest?

  • AJ Grottke

    Thats a nice quick basil harvest.  What size is your greenhouse, and what kind of covering you got on there?  Do you heat, or add supplemental light during winter months?  Im experimenting with different lighting techniques for indoor vertical gardening.  Using artificial light makes growing vertical a little more challenging.  Right now ive got vertical HID bulbs on light rails, ill let you know how that goes.  Enjoy your Sunday :)    Did you have a good view of the moon last night?  It was a "supermoon"
  • Nigel Clement

    Nate, thanks ever so much, I'll be checking.
  • Elyse Schmitt

    That sounds great! I hope things are going well for you - I am currently looking into marketing of the product.  Are you conducting your research on campus? Are your products associated with the University? How many students are working with you?  Does your University integrate aquaponics into the classroom? What kind of software development are you producing? What has been your greatest challenge?  Sorry for all the questions but I am very much interested in what different Universities are doing.
  • matthew ferrell

    We'd be happy to try out your towers, and send people in the right direction to get them.  The project i started is just getting underway.  Funding is so tight these days, so any help goes a long way. 

    I am also trying to get some high school kids to do there science projects here.  Hopefully we will have our first round of students in the fall.


  • Adrena lee

    Yes I need help, lol. I am wondering if this Meramec Gravel C will work for
    my grow beds?
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hi Nate.  Thanks for all your great contributions in here lately!  I've just added you to the Featured members bar at the top of the Members page as a small appreciation.  Keep it up, buddy!
  • Brad Howard

    I am in the process of building a 350 sq ft perpetual harvest solar greenhouse using aquaponics to grow vegetables year round  for my family.  If I am successful with this I may consider expanding it and doing it commercially.  In some of the remarks between you and Kobus you mention other markets besides grocery stores, restaurants, farmers markets, and selling at fruit stands.  I am not familiar with these other markets.  Maybe I am overlooking other markets for organic vegetables.  What has been the most successful marketing strategy for you?  Thanks, Brad
  • Carey Ma

    Hi Nate, it seems we have a bit in common. I too view vertical growing as a major benefit and have developed several systems of my own.

    I have a few questions for you. I was wondering what you do with the root systems after you sell/ harvest the veggies? The second question is what kind of pump do you use and how many columns does each pump supply?


  • Carey Ma

    Hi again, I'm also curios about your logistics and how you transport these columns and flow rate?
  • A. Simon

    Wow, really!
  • Claudio J Tracchia

    Hi Nate got one question for you, Have you grow any bulb plants in your vertical  system like tulips, onions and so on..?
  • Jon Parr

    Thanks, Nate. I'm new to the you-tube thing, but I'll make some more. Kind of fun. 
  • Zalinda Farms Inc

    Nate....I was curious as to where these towers are manufactured?  The cost? Sizes etc? Replacement of growing media? Lighting?

    Questions: One growing side only? Spacing for light and how many per square foot.

    Saw your Strawberry video...what were the production results and do they warrant commercial application...income / profit etc? I have spoken to Strawberry suppliers / Researchers and all have said "Hydroponic" berries are NOT profitable. They have beautiful photos but NO $$$$$. No one I have found does a profitable AP system. I wish as I have a customer one mile away that will take 80 to 100 cs a week.

    Thank You Nate.....Victor   Zalinda  Farms

  • Damon Polta

    thanks for the friend request. i do try to keep my head in the right place, but screwed on straight is a matter of perception. lol. have a good one.

  • rnbowarrior

    Just purchased green house 20x50, looking into trenching for the pond. The plot i have is about 2 acres total. Gonna do bio diverse/permacuture farming on the majority of it. I'll get photo's as I move through.
    My friends have deemed me a rainbow warrior, or maybe it's part of the prophecy, my ancestors dreamed and were told of?

    Thanks for the post
  • rnbowarrior

    i am very interested in using walls or vertical towers,  i was planning on experimenting with some tubes, and channels, maybe use some coconut coir wrapped in bird netting etc? do you sell your towers?

  • Ernest Fields


    If those are your fish in the photo, they are sick. Do you test your ammonia levels daily, weekly? The blowout problem reminds me of some BlueGill left in a tank with an auto feeder system that put out too much feed and the ammonia spiked on a hot period. Some of the fish had similiar anus.

  • Ernest Fields


    How is the oxygen content of you tank, losing fish could mean low oxygen or not enough ammonia conversion area. You would need at least 65 Cu.Ft. to provide sufficient surface area for 485 gallons. about 6500 sq. ft. S and S Aqua Farms had more fish than you do per gallon of water, they also used 1200 gallon tanks they maintained 5-6 ppm oxygen also.


  • Ernest Fields


    What type fish do you have for your system. I thought I saw photo's of common Carp yesterday. If so 3-5 lbs. is not large for this fish, I have caught them in streams up to 50 lbs.

    .5-.75 lb. per gallon would allow you to have more than 200 lb. in a 485 gallon tank. You should be able to handle 243-364 lbs.for that tank size without loss. 3-5 lb. would be large for Tilapia of any variety, extremely large for Blue Gill, even the Georgia Giants. I have seen a common Gold fish top 70 lb. and Koi top 30 lb., Have you checked for gill parasites.

    Your system photos show a very large grow area with very large tanks below, it seems that many of the plants are distorted with a twist as they try to correct to vertical growth. What is you system type called? I have never seen this same type before.



  • Michelle LaVery

    Thanks so much Nate!  I really appreciate the basil seed information, it is of great help!  :)  We will surely keep you in mind when we are ready to buy a system!

  • Myles Harston

    Hi Nate

    You are welcome to call me sometime. ,   309-208-5230.   BTW  My Dad grew up in Wyoming and went to school at U of W,  a long time ago.   ;o)

  • Michael A. White

    Thanks Nate, if I may call you Nate, I appreciate that. I wouldn't mind conversing more with you on the economic variables concerned with aquaponics. I've seen several of your videos, your vertical growing towers are fantastic. It sounds to me like your doing some very interesting graduate work. Have you been working with any photovoltaic technologies? 

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,

    Michael A. White

  • Irvin Carrero

    Congratulations on having a kid this coming March!

  • Irvin Carrero

    I like the ergonomics of your tower system and I want to reap some of the benefits of such a design; especially easy access to the plants and maximizing growing space with the towers is very appealing to me.  Nevertheless I understand that your system is well suited for colder climates and since I’m in the Caribbean with powerful-year-around-sunlight; my question to you is: What would you change in your system to take advantage of the increased light conditions while keeping the practicality of your design? And what sustainable alternatives would you consider to regulate rising temperatures?

  • Bob Campbell

    Kudos for all the great videos you have been making!