Michael S Uhl


Baltimore, MD

United States

Profile Information:

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Nathan Storey
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
Not yet
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
I am working on a graduate research effort with JHU to integrate vertical farming with aquaculture in a building downtown. I'd like insight, recommendations, and more!
Please tell us something else about yourself.
My car runs on WVO that I also hope to use in powering my "green" house of vertical aquaponic gardens! You are welcome to see photos at my Facebook account: Michael S Uhl. Just tell me what you're interested in.

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  • Elena Sherman

    Do you have iChat or Skype? If you'd feel up to it, I'm putting together a video for my final piece and it would be great if I could get your input "on film." If not, I totally understand and would be able to do a phone conversation.
  • Elena Sherman

    My class/work schedule is pretty hectic at the moment, but if you are available tomorrow at around 6:30-7pm your time I can pencil in a phone convo
  • ericjf7

    Lo Michael, I suppose our common interest is aquaponics, and thereby producing food, for somewhat similar reasons. There is a self- interest part in my direction, in that I am dealing with my own property (1/2 acre) in Nicaragua, where all my neighbors are very poor, and the land has not been used productively, all this is being turned around on my land, as well as the neighbors, as they see what can be done. Your mention of the moringa for water purification likely applies most directly to me, as I am going through medical tests to see what is going on in my (explosive) digestive tract - likely from well water on my property. We have five moringa trees on the property, and I'm especially interested to see if this could be a food supplement for the tilapia

    While I am not exactly clear on your direction, it seems in some way similar to the work of 'Growing Power' in Milwaukee http://www.byapmagazine.com/ They have many videos - you tube etc., which describe their mandate, inception, and current community based operations. If you need links, I may be able to find them. -Eric