Claudio J Tracchia


Douglas, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, NFT
How old is your system?
6 mos - 1 yr
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Goldfish, Koi, Tilapia
How big is your fish tank?
300 and 2000 gallons pond
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Am a industrial maintenance technician or service tech, and also a part time "mad scientist" according to the wife. I hear the call for acuaponics and Am hook to it with a passion. I build a back deck at the house especial for a raft system have a pond with koe and goldfish for a flow and drain system and we are building a 24x48 greenhouse .Hope to help in anything we can.

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  • TCLynx

    I only got my first Aquaponic Bluegill this past spring so I don't have experience with breeding them in an aquaponics system yet (Haven't even eaten one from the system yet as they are still a bit small.)  I do know some one who was raising Bluegill in a swimming pool and he said they did breed and I don't think he bothered with sand or gravel in the bottom of the pool.
  • Averan

    I wouldn't use Sure To Grow in a vertical pipe with indented pockets.  You'll never get the stuff to stay in will all eventually sag down into the bottom of the pipe.  Also, in a vertical arrangement I think you will have trouble with solids building up too quickly and plugging up the pipe at one of the first indentations.  Sure To Grow is almost like peat moss or is VERY absorbent/wicking like a sponge!  Maybe the 'cubes' are different though?  I've only tried the loose fill; I'm not sure if the 'cubes' hold their shape and stay cubic once they are fully soaked.
  • Leon Roughton

    Claudio this Leon In Hahira let try to meet some time