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Sacramento Aquaponics


Sacramento Aquaponics

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Location: Sacramento & surrounding area, California, USA
Members: 173
Latest Activity: Aug 30, 2018

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Discussion Forum

Free fish

Started by Janet Little Aug 31, 2017. 0 Replies

I have some large goldfish 4 or 5, they are at least 6 or 7 inches. Also 20 small goldfish who need a new home.Call me if you have some room for them, free.Janet 275-8402I need to get rid of them…Continue

Channel Catfish Fingerling SALE November 5th

Started by Ryan Hansen Oct 27, 2016. 0 Replies

Currently I have 4-10" channel catfish for sale. Great for pond stocking or aquaponics.* Prices 3-4" fish10-20 ---------- $2.7521-50 ---------- $2.2551-100 -------- $2.00100-400 ------ $1.50*Prices…Continue

*Channel Catfish for sale

Started by Ryan Hansen. Last reply by Craig Mullins Oct 8, 2016. 3 Replies


FOR SALE: aquaponics system 120 square feet - in Sac

Started by Paul Trudeau. Last reply by Paul Trudeau Mar 21, 2016. 1 Reply


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Comment by Bob Campbell on June 29, 2012 at 8:51pm

There has been rumor that Hydroton has gone out of business, and pending orders are being filled with a product called "Plant-It".   A couple months ago I did some research, and found a product made by TXI Texas Industries Inc.  They make Expanded Shale as well as a clay product similar to Hydroton.

Expanded Shale is sold by the yard in Stockton.   My take on Expanded Shale is that it is better than Hydroton.  I have been meaning to make the 250 mile trip from Chico, but have not been able to pick up a load yet.

I'm hoping to spark the interest of someone closer to Stockton so that it can be evaluated for use in aquaponincs.  It's only $89/Yard !


Comment by Justin on June 18, 2012 at 1:43am

I noticed they're different sizes too, I just figured it was the greedy guys that were growing more and/or the smaller were female. I might feel differently about this when they're grown but I can't imagine putting them outside- they're so cute! but yeah they do poop a lot.

"Hawaiian Golds"- good to know, I'm so glad you brought them out. We're very happy with them. Hopefully the other fish are being nice when nobody is watching because we're going to leave them in there and see what happens.

Comment by Janet Little on June 17, 2012 at 3:22pm

I just transferred my Tilapia to the large 275 gal. tank today.  They grew so fast the pump could not keep up with them.  They are about 3 weeks now and they are 1.5 to 2 inches and they all grew at different rates.  When I first got them they were so small I had to cover the filter so it wouldn't suck them up.  I have fed them baby meal worms, and duck weed which they ate with relish. I hope all goes well but I am glad to have them out of the house.  Less work. I don't know if this helps but just more info.  I have heard that tilapia are really hardy and so far it is true.

Comment by Jon Parr on June 17, 2012 at 10:51am
You're welcome, JP. The young tilapia are carnivores, but they become more vegetarian as they get older. By the time they get big enough to eat your tetras, they will likely not crave meat anymore. All that changes if they get hungry, as in skipping a day of feed. If tilapia are hungry, they eat anything they can wrap their lips around. BTW, those are Hawaiian golds, not Saltons. Enjoy
Comment by Justin on June 17, 2012 at 9:05am

Ok, so I spent most of yesterday in/under the sun- I think it was 107 most of the day. what I was mainly wanting to know is are my Tetra's, Danio's, and sucker fish going to become feeder fish if I leave them in with the Salton Sea Talapia? We wouldn't want that. Open to any other comment's/suggestions as well. Thanks all!


Comment by Justin on June 17, 2012 at 12:03am

Alright so we took the beta fish out and put them into vases. I plan on dropping net pots with some type of plant in and then donating them to some of the local elderly folks in assisted living. I'm going to have to find cheap pumps/airstones before  I do that but anyhow- my son agreed to compromise and do that in order to make room for our new fingerlings! Thanks Jon.

I was curious to see if they would eat after such a exciting day. After acclimating and releasing the little guys I dropped a pinch of flake food in to see if they would eat and they didn't even hessitate- food gone immediately! So I dropped a tiny bit of everything in there- chichlid crumbles, daphnia, blood worms, mysis- all gone fast! So I dropped a couple algea thins in and they didn't waste any time starting in on those either! So yeah that was fun.

What I'm wondering is how aggressive will they get? will the neons, danios and plecostomus be ok or is it just a matter of time before they're all on the menu too? Any comments, suggestions/advice? thanks in advance.


Comment by Jon Parr on June 15, 2012 at 10:57pm
Oh yeah. Phone number would be nice, eh? 831-251-9211
Comment by Jon Parr on June 15, 2012 at 10:56pm
Hey everybody, I know it's late and very last minute, bit I'm headed to Sacramento for a grad party tomorrow morning. And I am bringing fingerlings with me to deliver along the way. I've got 1-3" bluegill, 5-8" channel catfish, 2-5" salton sea tilapia. For simplicity, all are $2.50 each delivered, as long as it's near my route between Santa Cruz and Sac. If interested, text me before 8 am mañana, and I'll try and fit you in. Good night.
Comment by Bradley C Taylor on June 13, 2012 at 4:59pm

Hey everyone! Great seeing you all on the tour. Thank you to Jane, Darcy, Paul, Orion, and Joe for sharing your systems and experience with us and to you attendees that provided helpful info, as well.


Comment by Rochelle Hopkins on June 13, 2012 at 12:23am

Hello everyone and special thanks for welcome from Mr. Trudeau. I am happy that there is alot of exchange of information. I am really just getting started. Wish I could have went on the june 10th tour. well be around.


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