Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

David E Harnish
  • Male
  • Hayward, CA
  • United States
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David E Harnish's Discussions

Lowering pH

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sylvia Bernstein Nov 28, 2013. 2 Replies

My City water is "off theChart". I have usedpH down to bring it within reason, but just noticed the pH down uses citric acid among other things. I have read somewhere not to use citric acid as it…Continue

Timing for drain and fill

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer W Martin May 30, 2014. 30 Replies

I have seen numerous recommendations for how long to take to drain the beds, and then for refilling them. Is it appropriate to have the pump running all the time, and control the flow into the grow…Continue


David E Harnish's Page

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What to feed fish in aquaponic gardening
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, none of the above
How old is your system?
Just started
How big is your fish tank?
3 IBC totes cut roughly 1/3 x 2/3
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
dorsal fin
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Had a soil garden taken over by city ROW, but like my own fresh vegetables.

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At 4:47pm on October 15, 2013, Robert J said…

David,  Its generally best to thoroghly rince your media before putting it into your growbed.  If you've already contaminated your main fish tanks, then you might be ok if you run your system for a while--but you may find a water change in order.  Btw Coir is coconut fibre.  As for hydroton floating, it will generally float 24-48 hours.  I rince mine, soak it and then drain it and add to the media bed.  If you're just starting, you have plenty of time.  If you're fishless cycling, the ammonia may well clean up your water for you, if not, then a water change is your best bet.  Any bacteria you've grown should be fine through the water change.


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