Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2024


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Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 2, 2012 at 12:23pm

At first read.. I thought Kellen was talking about adult humans.

But after thinking about it.. he is talking about adult tilapia. Kellen has a big operation for breeding as well as other supplies in Missouri(a).

Comment by Kellen Weissenbach on January 2, 2012 at 11:38am

It can also cause liver problems in adults, which could lead to higher rates of pre-harvest mortality.

Comment by Lynn Engel on January 2, 2012 at 11:00am

Too high of a fat content will definetely affect tthe quality, color, texture and taste of of your fillets if you are going to eat your tilapia or any other fish.

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on January 2, 2012 at 7:55am

11% is a little high on the fat for tilapia, but I don't know if it will harm them. Your fish poop will float at that level. :)

Dave, your fingerlings will grow fast-about an inch/month. You have 20 fingerlings, so I'd stay with that with your 55 gal.

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 1, 2012 at 7:37pm

Do you plan to eat your fish?

Comment by David Schwinghamer on January 1, 2012 at 7:22pm

What do you guys think, I need to use my 55 gallon tank if I want to grow indoors so should I get some more fingerlings or should I find some medium sized fish?

Comment by Mark on January 1, 2012 at 6:11pm
11% fat minimum. Protein was also a minimum at 31%. No rating for carbs only 4% max fiber.
Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on January 1, 2012 at 5:11pm

I've heard of using cat food for tilapia, but not necessarily other fish. Any scavenger fish should be able to handle it; I'd proceed with caution. What's the fat & carb content of your catfood, Mark?

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 1, 2012 at 4:52pm

Great start.

Cat food should contain animal protein. Tilapia will eat anything, but they grow best with the best food.

Comment by Mark on January 1, 2012 at 4:01pm
Happy New Year, APers! I have noticed that the protein content of general purpose pond fish food runs at 35% and my cats' food is 31%. I am curious as I remember reading about someone acquiring seconds from a Phoenix area cat food plant. Anyone know which plant it is/was?

I am still in design and testing, but am putting my previous aquarium experience to work in parallel...Started a 10 gallon aquarium with two vegetarian fish to test the fish food on and build some bacteria on a foam and air filter I am using in combination with the regular filter.

I finally completed my bell siphon design and successfully ran my first test flood and drain yesterday with a garden hose and a 15 gallon storage tote. Next is a physical test of the pump of have to check it's range with the given lift...

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