Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2024


Thank you all for joining my group, I hope to do a lot with all anyone interested. Please
tell me any event suggestions you would like us to do.

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Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on January 7, 2012 at 9:00pm

Sounds like it was a great day! I'm glad you learned a lot. The vermiculture idea is interesting.

Hey, I was just invited by the Valley Permaculture Alliance to do a class on aquaponics. How fun is that?

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 7, 2012 at 7:08pm

Yes. it was a fun morning.

Meeting people with a like mind is fantastic

Comment by David Schwinghamer on January 7, 2012 at 7:03pm

Dave and I went to see Local Roots Aquaponics, large backyard focusing mostly on gardening. Steph told me he does his aquaponics on a full time basis which I thought was cool because that is my goal too. They had a number of different systems running with the main one being without fish because of buying a bad batch of catfish, fortunately the source is standing behind his product. I learned a few things that stuck in my head, the first being because they have no fish in the system they are using a burlap bag full of vermicompost sitting in the pond. I guess they thought if you dont have fish use worms, very smart. Steph said that its a good idea to put koi or goldfish in my case in the sump tank to eat all the algae and other yucky stuff and arent bothered by water tempature. He said they are also good in your raft bed for some reason. Lastly the way they are growing their microgreens was clever. I want to thank Steph at Local Roots and especially Dave Story, his operation is impressive too. Im glad to be part of all you good people!

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 6, 2012 at 5:56pm



Comment by David Schwinghamer on January 6, 2012 at 5:24pm

I found the address, I will see you there at 9am.

Comment by David Schwinghamer on January 6, 2012 at 4:29pm

Hey Dave, what was the address of Local Roots? I think it would be best if I just meet you there in the morning.

Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 5, 2012 at 9:26pm

When you add a comment. at the top you see "Link"

next to it is insert a picture

Comment by Mark on January 5, 2012 at 9:19pm
David, an official aquarium vacuum uses the Same approach as the bell siphon. It has a smaller diameter piece of tubing attached to a larger bell that has a lower suction due To the larger diameter so it will draw up the lighter waste product, only very small pieces of aquarium gravel. You probably have what you need at home to make one... My 10 gallon tank with my two fish in it gets a quick cleaning each morning with a turkey baster. Due to the water flow, the waste and uneaten food collect in one small spot!

What is the easiest way to post pictures on here? The email method did not work for me. Take it easy!
Comment by Dave & Yvonne Story on January 5, 2012 at 9:04pm

yes. I have a lot of plants in containers. Two grow-beds, and three fish tanks inside the greenhouse. I use a thermal blanket with heaters on cold nights.

Comment by David Schwinghamer on January 5, 2012 at 8:51pm

Thanks Dave, show me how to suck it up! Are you using some sort of greenhouse enclosure?


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