Thank you all for joining my group, I hope to do a lot with all anyone interested. Please
tell me any event suggestions you would like us to do.
Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Mar 21, 2019. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Jan 4, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. Jan 4, 2018. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Someone asked abt IBC water tank in the Wed. class. I found this on craigslist, that's the cheapest price I've ever found.
There's someone on craigslist selling tilapia frys in big quantity I think around 500 a batch. Just wanted to let you know in case some of you need some and might want to get in together to buy them cause... that's a lot for one person! here's the link
Dave Story, I've had problem with leaks in the grow beds but it's all fixed... I hope today will be my last testing day. Plumbing seems to be working well except for one section where the water flow gets slower from one grow bed to another. I believe it's because of gravity since it flows from underneath one table to the top of the other. I might have an idea of how to fix it so i'll try today. If anyone have any suggestions, all are welcome.
Dave Sch, I have been putting off my microgreens but seems that the weather is getting nicer so I think I'll start this week or next. I'll use the technique that local root is using.
Dave this is what I'm thinking for your birthday. we all meet at your place to have some yummy food then we carpool for the tour and meet at your place again for some yummy dessert. what do you think?
Jon Parr posted this about tilapia food in another group:
"I feed my tilapia rabbit pellets; very cheap, sustainable, locally available everywhere at every feed store, and seems to be a whole food for tilapia. Once they get used to it, they prefer it over aquamax 4000. I recently graduated a batch of fry and fed them a mix of rabbit feed and AM4000. At first, they went for the AM4000, maybe because of the protein, or maybe because it floats and fry prefer to hang out up top. Within a few days, 1" fry actually began to go for the sinking rabbit feed first. Now at 4" long, they are my fastest growing batch I've ever raised, and the ratio is 90/10 rabbit pellets to AM4000. Be warned, rabbit feed produces a lot of mulm, and a good pump is needed to keep it cleaned. Worms in the growbed go ape over the mulm and any uneaten food, so all good. It's very rich in nitrogen, so make sure your biofilter can handle it, and you have plenty of heavy drinking plants to pull nitrates."
I thought it was an interesting idea, given the conversations we've had about food. I haven't done any research yet, but I thought I'd share & get others' thoughts.
No, I haven't. Maybe someone else might have ideas. They don't need the nutrients and I don't know how you'd separate them from the media. That said, remember that "Portaponics" system I brought to class with Virgil the fish in it? If it had clean water and a lid, no media in the top and no Virgil in the bottom, it could be set to automatically rinse 2-3 times/day. :)
Anyone out there grow any type of sprouts aquaponically, Im on a real juicing kick these days and want to know how to grow sprouts better.
Vials. I will test the Mesa water.
Dave, you're on for the poultry class. Given the weekend, we're thinking about painting the letters, "IRS" on each bird. It might be therapeutic.
Holly, are you using test strips or the vials? Test strips are not so hot. If numbers were higher after changing, you might want to test your source water. You don't want to add problems. :)
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