Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2024


Thank you all for joining my group, I hope to do a lot with all anyone interested. Please
tell me any event suggestions you would like us to do.

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Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on February 22, 2012 at 1:56pm

Click on the Member Map tab, then select Add Me. I entered cross streets.

But, I don't thing that's going to help with the tour because we're not going to Yemen and not every system on the map in Phx will be shown.

We need a list, at least of cross streets to start, of the systems to be shown. Then we can create a route, and send specific addresses out before the tour. 

John, you mean you cheated?? Jacques, thanks for keeping him honest.
What I didn't tell you is we live on pasture land. No rocks. Just coliche. So while Bob dug a foot deeper than you, he didn't break his pick.

Comment by David Schwinghamer on February 22, 2012 at 1:48pm


Click on member map link above, then click add or edit my location, type your address and you will be on the map.

Comment by Holly Curtis on February 22, 2012 at 1:41pm

I would like detailed directions on how to find and use the map. (probably obvious, but I am missing it.)

Comment by Jacques L. on February 22, 2012 at 1:01pm

Actually, I believe John has only dug one and a 'half' holes.. he was fortunate enough to snag some young college kid to help go to town on his first hole, so that one doesn't really count ;)

Chris.. thanks for the kudos on the coop! Just jotted down an idea on scrap paper and went to town.Those chooks are gonna be nice and pampered, got that sucker put up on the north side of our house, so benefits from the shade there, plus cross ventilation on all 4 walls, tin roof, and easy egg access.. even used the steel mesh under the roost portion inside the house to help alleviate cleaning duties sort of went all geek on the design.

Comment by John Malone on February 22, 2012 at 12:30pm

Having dug two holes (one in my last place and now this new one), I'm not real keen to do another.  But if there's cash involved...  

Why did I build a frame for the fish tank?  Good question.   I built that frame months ago when I was first looking at an AP system.  It was only going to be sunk 18" into the ground so that my levels would be good for the grow-beds to be at comfortable working height.  

Then Sheri came along and said that burying the fish tank was a good idea, and she had data to prove it.   *Grrrr*    So I thought to myself that digging an extra 18" can't be that hard, right.  Right!

So now I've got a great big hole AND a framed tank.   I thought about not using the tank, but have decided to use it in the hopes that the liner will last longer on a smoother wall rather than the very rough rock/gravel/sand wall.   It also makes for a cleaner area to maintain and swish a net around.   But if I didn't already have the tank, I'd probably seriously consider just lining the hole.


Comment by David Schwinghamer on February 22, 2012 at 12:29pm

Food is king in my book so because we are all so spread out we should limit the amount of drive time. Double yummies is a good idea only all at the same time after the tour. There is a member map link above that would help us plan things, so please mark yourself so we know where you are.

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on February 22, 2012 at 11:49am

Bury the pool. You can hire John to do the digging. :)

I think I missed the mapping too. We're at Baseline/Greenfield in Gilbert. Others?

Comment by Chris George on February 22, 2012 at 11:36am

Sherri - enjoyed your class the other night, and I especially liked the 'extra' bonus of meeting John Malone and Jacques L.  Count me in for the chicken slaughter...I like the 'IRS' idea very much!! ;-)

John Malone - Kudos to you and your relentless digging efforts, your lot apparently was the dumping ground for river rock at some point in the past...I had a similar 'find' under my Aleppo Pine tree, but I found loads of agate rock, it was like finding buried treasure!  Wondering why you build the frame instead of just laying pond liner into the ground...what was your thought process?

Jacques L. - Nice Coop!!  My dozen hens are still in temporary housing (a 16x12ish pen...building the permanent enclosure in the next few weeks (been saying that for, but w/ summer coming on I am more motivated.  I'm installing a 12x12 gazebo where their nest boxes and roosts will be located w/rain shelter roofs all enclosed with hardware cloth, with an 8' welded wire yard around it as their 'run'.  Sun shades over it all, I've got red-tailed hawks in the neighborhood and coyotes nearby too!

The group has already done some sort of mapping exercise...but I missed it totally!  I am at Pima Rd. and Lincoln Drive (basically) in Scottsdale, wondering where everyone else is located.  I have a large lot butting up to the canal, '3rdAcreFarm' is the official name for my place.  I only have a shelfponics set up running at the moment, but bought a 12'x36" steel framed above ground pool for the next go.  Still kicking around whether to sink it into the ground (that's a big hole though).  I have two 13x20 pond liners, thinking I might just dig a rectangular hole off the patio and put my grow beds up onto the cool deck.  Point here....still 'thinking' and 'kicking around' ideas!  Need to just 'jump in' like I did with the chickens and never look back!!

Enjoying the group very John and Jacques so aptly noted, I am a lurker, but a very 'interested' member!  I am probably going to end up with multiple systems, floating raft, chift-pist, flood & drain, expanded shelf-ponics.. since I can't make up my mind which is my fav....;-), will be an aquaponics 'showcase' and 'learning center' at some future date! 

Comment by Holly Curtis on February 22, 2012 at 9:02am

Sheri - Thank you for the rabbit food ideal.  What a great idea!  I look forward to what you think after additional research.  I for one, have wondered about giving the fish chicken food, since I have that already.  That said, I am pretty fixed for a long while with my 20 #s of Aquamax 600. 

Maynhia - thank you for the CL tips.  I will have to considered those IBC's. 

Fish Crises, hopefully resolved.  My BF got up this morning to a water filled patio and an water empty fish container.  The poor fishies were on their sides and not completely covered with water.  He had a pump crises and the water got pumped out all over the patio. The fish were still alive so he gave them warm tap water, not wanting to further stress them with cold water.  So far all are still alive.  I told him a couple of stories I had seen...maybe on here somewhere, about fish living for awhile out of water.  He is counting his blessing that the fish are still alive.

On Tap Water/Chlorine: Usually he and I both let water air out for at least 24 hours before adding them to our fish tanks to let the chlorine dissipate.  I haven't seen you guys talked about that.  Is that generally a good idea or is our city water [we are in Mesa] usually ok for the Tilapia directly? 

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on February 22, 2012 at 8:46am

That's a good price, Maynhia. The guy selling the tilapia has IBCs for $100., which isn't bad, but $75 is even better!

His tilapia are all male, and appear to be mixed breed; they're varied in color. If you're not wanting to breed, it's a good deal. Splitting is a good idea.

Let's gather addresses for the tour and see how they lay out on a map. It's probably easier to start at the home farthest from David and work our way back, rather than doing a loop, simply because of the added drive for those who live a long way from your neck of the woods. But we need to see it on the map. I like the double yummies, though.  :)


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