Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 231
Latest Activity: Aug 7


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Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 29, 2012 at 8:59am

Monday I kind of unexpectedly showed up at home with some Tilapia Fry. I was completely unprepared for fry as far as food and housing goes. So I placed them in my 300 gallon sump tank as a make shift nursery, and have been meaning to get some food for them for the last two days.

 I awoke early this morning with an idea to get them some food with a high protein content to them right away. I remembered that I have an Omaha Steak brand frozen burger in the freezer. (No I’m not rich. My kids got me some for Fathers Day).

So anyway, I got a cheese grader out,  and while the patty was frozen, graded up some fresh fish food flakes.

Well, I got no complaints from the fish. I mean they were all over it!  It began to look like it was going to escalate into a bar fight, or even worse maybe a Hockey Game before it was over.

So just for fun I went back inside and graded some for the regular fish tank where the adult Tilapia reside. As expected no complaints there either.

I am thinking of doing this more often. Maybe not with my Omaha Steak products so much, but with 97% lean hamburger or Steaks that are on sale at Fry’s. Or better yet maybe some fish.

It may sound expensive, but hey the food I was buying for fry last time I had some was costing in the 15.00 to 20.00 dollars a pound range.

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 29, 2012 at 7:01am

I use diatomaceous earth to keep my hens free of mites and other little beasties. Does anyone know if it is safe to dust  the plants in my grow bed with it? I Googled it, and so far all I have come up with is a bunch of anecdotal opinions.

Comment by John Malone on August 28, 2012 at 9:19pm

Just a couple of progress shots.

Notice the second grow bed and the shade cover.   The pepper plant seem to appreciate the shade and the beans are very happy.  The squash plants are all gone and the watermelon isn't far behind.   The beetles won the war, unfortunately.

Comment by Chris George on August 28, 2012 at 6:13pm

Free downloadable Desert Planting Calendar for use in Maricopa County, AZ can be located at

@Bob, thanks for posting the regional planting guides, but the AZ link isn't really what we need and the 'desert garden' link isn't valid anymore.  The above planting calendar might be useful for you too....take a look at it, it was developed by the Master Gardeners and some others.

Comment by Bob Campbell on August 28, 2012 at 5:45pm

Time to start thinking about Fall

Fall Planting Guides by Region

Comment by Bob Campbell on August 28, 2012 at 10:43am

@Rick Large - I found your board

Seems that the best search is aquaponic not aquaponics.  Yeah there are quite a few aquaponic boards.  I'll have to change my board's name.

What going on, just one pin? 

Comment by Rick Large on August 28, 2012 at 9:59am

Hey Bob, I've had an "Aquaponic Community" pin board for some time. I don't have many pins there (I think only one). I agree it is a great place to gather ideas and keep information about projects. I use a board for recipes then my wife and I can go through and see what looks good for dinner :)

Comment by Bob Campbell on August 28, 2012 at 9:38am

A while back I told you about PearTrees.  This has become an integral part of my knowledge database.  It allows you to link into information others have gathered as well.  This can help you get right to the good stuff you are looking for.

But yesterday I discovered something called Printerest.  It's fun!  Sort of a visual database of things you find on the internet.  Check it out at

So far I'm the only one with an Aquaponics category.  Hope you find it interesting and start your own Aquaponics collection.

I have not figured out how it's done, but it also appears that pictures can link back to a source.  That seems like a really useful feature I will have to learn about.  Who knows, maybe it will be possible to link PearlTree Pearls with Printerest boards!

Here is a link to my boards.  I just threw a few things up real quick to see how it all worked, so it's not that great, but over time I can see how this could be useful for gathering information on various projects.  Some people have used it to collect ideas for wedding, gardens, and home designs.

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 27, 2012 at 11:36pm

Yikes!! I just tested my water. Ammonia is very high at 2 to 4 ppm. Nitrites are near zero, but Nitrates are pushing 160 ppm.

I will not be feeding tomorrow at all. I have been pushing a little extra food for the last three days. I did not expect this reaction though. I did check for floaters, just to be safe.

I wonder how long those poor Tilapia can take this kind of ammonia level, with a water temperature of 85.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is anyone else seeing readings like this?

Comment by David Schwinghamer on August 27, 2012 at 2:49pm

Just want to share you all that I am currently in Sask, Canada and boy its wet and beautiful here! Im in the heart of farmland with no fish in sight. Im wondering how a farmer could use the power of fish to water his land. I also met an old farmer named Persy Schmeiser, he is the man that is still fighting Monsanto. They want to take over the seed world by patenting seed so farmers cant use organic seed. Look it up on youtube its very interesting reading.


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