Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2019


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Comment by Bob Campbell on August 30, 2012 at 8:24am

I've only been using Pinterest for one day, and already love it. I think it's great for collecting information about new ideas.  The visual aspect makes it easy to find things again, and I like they way the pictures automatically link back to the web site they came from.  It's a visual database!

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 30, 2012 at 7:40am

Hey how come they love all my favorite things around the house? First they eat my Omaha Steak products, now they want my Watermellon?? Just like my dog, Sheez!

Thanks Jim.

Comment by Jim Troyer on August 30, 2012 at 4:03am

Larry: Dr. Brooks says tilapia love watermelon too, lol! 

God Bless the Isaac victims!  over 3" more rain today than during Katrina in some areas of Louisiana

Comment by Chris George on August 30, 2012 at 12:33am

@Larry - you might want to check out the group here on this website called "Making your own feed" I imagine they will have lots of ideas.

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 30, 2012 at 12:11am

I suspect I will need to find some veggies to put in there to. I don't have any Duck Weed yet, so what do you guys think of spinach, or dandelion greens? Has anyone tried seeing if they will eat either of those?

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 30, 2012 at 12:07am


Just part of my Father’s Day gift. They haven't got the stakes or roast yet. And they better not even look at my Italian Sausages!!

You know what? This whole thing got me so fired up about making my own high quality fish food, that I spent my lunch shopping at Fry's Food Store to see if I could find a more natural all around food, from the sea or at least from the worlds waterways.

Here is what I came up with:

I have been paying $6.50 a pound for the large bag of TopFin Pond Feed from Pet Smart. It has 32 or 34% crude protein.

So today at lunch, I found this at $4.00 a pound:

I think it probably is off the charts for protein content, don’t you? And it should be much closer to their natural diet, possibly even solving the not so serious Omega3 conflict.

Here is how I prepared it:

Yep, the old Cuisinart with the cheese grader blade. Then I divied it up into Snack size zip lock bags. Spread it as flat as possible in the bags, then carefully laid the bags flat in the freezer, so that it would be easy to break off the right size pieces at feeding time.


I plan to feed this mixture full time from now on. I will just use my TopFin food, for when I run out of this stuff, and need to get more.

I am hoping that the high protein helps the fry grow fast in the little bit of warm weather we have left.

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on August 29, 2012 at 4:42pm

I've been gone for nearly a week & have a LOT of catch up to do. But not tonight because I'm teaching a Red Wiggler class for the VPA at the Tempe Transportation Center; 6:30pm. If anyone's free, please join us! Cost is $15 at the door.

Chris, see you in a few!

Comment by Sheri Schmeckpeper on August 29, 2012 at 4:39pm

Larry, you fed your fish your father's day gift? LOL! Anyway, I've asked the same question about DE, and I learned that DE is fine in AP, per a couple of very knowledgeable and experienced people in the Aquaponic Gardening forums.

Comment by Robert Rowe on August 29, 2012 at 10:52am

Are any of you folks overstocked on goldfish? I am ready to seriously generate Nitrates. I have decided to do the 1st winter with goldfish. I would like to have fingerlings and up. I would like to stock my tank by the 2nd week in September.

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on August 29, 2012 at 8:59am

Monday I kind of unexpectedly showed up at home with some Tilapia Fry. I was completely unprepared for fry as far as food and housing goes. So I placed them in my 300 gallon sump tank as a make shift nursery, and have been meaning to get some food for them for the last two days.

 I awoke early this morning with an idea to get them some food with a high protein content to them right away. I remembered that I have an Omaha Steak brand frozen burger in the freezer. (No I’m not rich. My kids got me some for Fathers Day).

So anyway, I got a cheese grader out,  and while the patty was frozen, graded up some fresh fish food flakes.

Well, I got no complaints from the fish. I mean they were all over it!  It began to look like it was going to escalate into a bar fight, or even worse maybe a Hockey Game before it was over.

So just for fun I went back inside and graded some for the regular fish tank where the adult Tilapia reside. As expected no complaints there either.

I am thinking of doing this more often. Maybe not with my Omaha Steak products so much, but with 97% lean hamburger or Steaks that are on sale at Fry’s. Or better yet maybe some fish.

It may sound expensive, but hey the food I was buying for fry last time I had some was costing in the 15.00 to 20.00 dollars a pound range.


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