Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Arizona Aquaponics

Helping each other to learn and grow big nutritious plants and fish to help feed the world.

Location: Phoenix
Members: 230
Latest Activity: Oct 7, 2019


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Comment by Bob Campbell on September 1, 2012 at 4:16pm

@Larry - I think it's a great idea to add media to the bottom of the DWC.  The more nitrogen you can convert the more your plants will enjoy.  Since my fish are still growing I have been adding ammonia to the water.  I know is sounds awful, but the large amount of bio-filtration I have is converting it to Nitrate and the Ammonia levels have remained low to non existent. I keep a very close eye on this.

By providing more bio-filtration the system will maintain stability when you harvest the plants.

Comment by John Malone on September 1, 2012 at 3:38pm

@Larry.   I'm assuming that you are adding the DWC bed to your existing system.   If your current filtering capacity is coping with your fish load then adding another grow bed shouldn't require adding more filtering.  You only need to add more filter if you are carrying more/larger fish.  From what I've read, DWC needs lots of air/O2 and having bacteria in there using up the O2 mightn't be a good idea.  My opinions only.  I'm thinking about adding a DWC to my system in a very similar way to you, so I am watching your progress with great interest, particularly the construction ideas, which I think are conceptually intriguing.

@Nathanael : I'm currently working on a ratio of a maximum of 1 fish per cubic foot of lava rock media.  Seeing as my grow beds are 1 foot deep that makes for an easy conversion of 1 fish per square foot of grow bed.   I've got 48 square feet of grow bed space and chose to be somewhat conservative, so stocked with 40 fish. My calculations are based on the Aquaponic Gardening Rules of Thumb that I reference regularly. 

From what I've read you've got 36 sq feet of grow bed space, so, using my rough formula as a guide, I suggest that 30 fish would be a good place to start.

I'm sure other people will have other suggestions.  

Comment by Larry in Casa Grande on September 1, 2012 at 3:10pm

Today I plumbed the water to the new DWC grow bed. All my others are LECA solid media based beds, so it sounds like Nathanael and I are thinking alike here.

I filled the tank to the top of the overflow tube, and plan to let the water set for 2 days, to out gas chlorine prior to letting  it drop into the fish tank.

I would like to get the groups idea on something though. I understand that volcanic cinders have more surface area that just about anything else out there. So do you guys think it might be a good idea to place an inch or two of it in the bottom of this tank, so that it may add to the filter as opposed to just passing water? I know the sides of the tank also grow the bacteria, but just think it might pump it up a little more. Any thoughts on this guys?

Comment by Nathanael on September 1, 2012 at 3:04pm

@Larry, I have about 450gl or so in my system at this time. Fish tank is 400gl and my grow bed has a constant 50gl +/- in it at all times. I will be adding a second grow bed monday which will be the same size 3'x6'x16" and then about 100gl floating raft.

That should put me at about 600gl +/- 

You and I have cycled our systems almost completely the same. Huge dose of Sea Weed on day one and then a cap full a day since. My readings are still really strong... all shot high and now have settled pretty well accept for PH has gone up again to 7.2/7.4. Ammo 0.25, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40.

My plan is to start with about 50 fish. Do you feel that is a good number?

How much are you selling your Nile for? are they mix male and Female?

I'm in the North Valley Near 67th and Happy Valley So we may not be too far off from each other.

Comment by Larry on September 1, 2012 at 2:19pm

@ Nathanael OK i understand you have about 400 gal in your system sound like mine. How big is your fish tank (in gal) and how many fish are your wanting to put in? I also have fish for sale I live in NW phoenix. I have the same breed as Shire--Nile is the breed. As the other discussions could not tell you  if 100% pure breed or not but has been doing well in Phoenix.

As for when to add fish John seems to have a good ideal. as for my experience I add 1 cap of sea weed until it seemed like everything shot through the roof (all my readings) at about 5 weeks. When readings dropped back into normal ranges (below 1) (about 2-3 days to drop) i added the fish. So far no hiccups or lose of fish.  

Comment by John Malone on September 1, 2012 at 11:48am

Beans : Germinating

For seeds that are used as 2nd grade "can't fail" experiments, I'm having more than my fair share of trouble getting beans to germinate consistently.

The last set of seeds I put in the zip-lock bag failed to germinate and smelled horribly of going moldy.  Hmmm - I've had that problem before.   I am coming to the conclusion that beans do not like to be too wet when germinating.  That last set I deliberately didn't wring the paper towel out too much and I think they were far too wet.  

So I'm trying again.  This time I gave the paper towel a good squeeze so that it was barely damp.   I'll know in three days.   An advantage to experimenting with beans is that you don't have to wait long to see progress, and they're cheap.  A $3 packet of seeds has hundreds to play with.

I was chatting with my Dad and he said "Yeah, when you plant beans you water them only once and don't water them again until they're above ground."   I'm listening more to my Dad than I have in the past...

Comment by John Malone on September 1, 2012 at 11:38am

Transplanting Beans

I just did some reading on the web and the general consensus is that you don't/can't transplant bush beans.  I should have read that before I thinned out my beans and transplanted them!  Oh well.  It'll be interesting to see how they go.  I heard say that transplant shock isn't anywhere near as severe in an aquaponics system.  This will be a good test.

Some plant photos for interest and comment:

Beans - Thinned and transplanted

Beans - Transplant Shock

Bell Pepper : Nutrient Deficiency?

Basil : Loving Life

Bell Pepper : Coming good after shade added

Thai Basil : Glad to be out from under the squash vines

Comment by Nathanael on August 31, 2012 at 10:24pm

DWC... has anyone been successful with it in a smaller backyard system and is it worth the go? 

This monday I will be finishing my 2nd 3'x6'x16" gravel growbed and I'm trying to decide if its worth adding a small DWC to complete my system for the time being. 

The order for the DWC would be as follows: Pond - Swirl filter (completed) - Bio filter (completed) - Floating Raft - back to pond via overflow. 

DWC system would be about 100gls. 

Any thoughts about this? Is it worth the go? 

If so, what should I focus growing? We love fast varieties of lettuce, strawberries, spinach, chard. to name a few.

Thanks for the wisdom

Comment by Scott Bloom on August 31, 2012 at 9:08pm

It is the missing www. that is the problem in the link.

Comment by Nathanael on August 31, 2012 at 8:29pm

@Dr. George B. Brooks, Jr. you were right that when copied and pasted the link worked perfectly. Not sure why it wouldn't allow being clicked.


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